Warriors protected this “Sky” Castle till the end.

立地と歴史~Location and History
Oka Castle has a legend about its origin of a famous ancient general, Yoshitsune Minamoto. However it is uncertain. It is said that in the period of Northern and Southern Courts, the Shiga clan under Otomo clan first built the castle. The castle was located on a rocky mountain called “Tenjin-Yama” in now Oita Prefcture, sandwiched by two rivers, “Ono-Gawa” and “Inaba-Gawa” making it impregnable. Actually, the castle repelled the Simadu clan’s attacks three times in the late Warring States Period.
城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle
Under the Toyotomi clan’s governance, Hideshige Nakagawa was sent as the lord of the castle. The range of the castle was spread to the entire mountain. He also built the Tenshu keep, high stone walls and three entrance gates – Ote-Mon, Chikado-Mon, and Shimobaru-Mon”. He created the new castle town called “Taketa” in the west.

His descendants continued to govern the castle and the town all through the Edo Period. They kept their strict rules to prepare for a battle. For example, they were living in inconvenient residences on the mountain. Visitors were checked very strictly at the gates, even if permitted to enter, clansmen always attended to them. Tatami mats were made from sweet-potato vines for food in case of a siege. Because Oka Castle was on the mountain it needed frequent maintenance. It often suffered from disasters like fires and earthquakes. Because of this taxes were high. The farmers rioted in an incident known as “Yoharu Ikki”

Presently, the ruins of Oka Castle have no buildings, but have a unique atmosphere. Visitors usually enter from the ruins of the main gate “Otemon”. A zigzagged slope made of stones leads you to the gate ruins.

Its stone fences are round-shaped and called semicylindrical stone “Kamaboko-Ishi”. They are also mossy and look very beautiful.

Passing through the gate, there is a relatively wide place called “Nishi-no-Maru” where the main hall for the lord was in the late Edo Period.

In the center, you can see the main part of the ruins on a narrow hill surrounded by high stone walls. In particular, the ones in “San-no-Maru” are very popular among tourists. However, watch your step when taking pictures.

You can also enjoy the surrounding landscape such as Mt.Aso.

The back of the ruins are the gate “Shimobaru-Mon”. The gate was used as the main entrance in the Shiga clan’s Era.

Going back to the opposite, why not come out of the ruins of the gate “Chikado-Mon” which was used for the side gate, but its stone base has been elaborated. The outside winding road called “Nana-Magari” is good looking with stone walls and stone pavement.

Later Life
After the Meiji Restoration, there was no need for keeping the castle. Former warriors all moved to town from this inconvenient residence. The castle ran to ruin. All the buildings in it were sold at a low price. A young composer, Rentaro Taki created a famous song called “Moon over the Ruined Castle” “Kojo-no-Tsuki” after looking at the ruins. You can see his statue at Ni-no-Maru.

地元の人たちは、1886年に最初に記念碑をこの地に建てました。1936年には、城跡は国の史跡に指定されます。現在、ここは桜の名所としても有名です。 Local people built the first monument in the ruins in 1886. They were designated as a National Historic Site in 1936. Now, they are known for cherry blossoms as well.

私の感想~My Impression
I was surprised to know that warriors had been living in Oka Castle for nearly 300 years, even in the peaceful Edo Period. They were prepared for an unexpected war for a long time. I wish I was able to know how they felt when they had to leave the castle.

ここに行くには~How to get There
It takes nearly 30 minutes From JR Bungo-Taketa station to get there on foot.
From Oita Airport to Bungo-Taketa st.:
Take the Airpor Eepress Airliner bus to Oita station, and transfer at the station for JR Houhi line.
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 60 minutes from the Oita-Mitsuyoshi IC on Oita Expressway, or about 90minutes from the Kumamoto IC on Kyushu Expressway. The ruins offers a large parking lot.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・竹田市岡城跡(Only Japanese)
・「豊後岡城物語 義経、秀吉から「荒城の月」まで」吉田健二著(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城20」学習研究社(Japanese Magazine)
・「歴史群像2015年12月号/戦国の城・豊前岡城」学研プラス(Japanese Magazine)