98.今帰仁城~Nakijin Castle

Elegant castle ruins in the northern Okinawa

立地と歴史~Location and History

北山王国の首都~Capital of Hokuzan Kingdom

Around the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa Islands) prospered thanks to trading. As a result, many powerful clans in Ryukyu called “Aji” traded with China and other countries, and had great power. They built over 300 large-scale fortresses called “Gusuku” around the Ryukyu Islands. They eventually gathered three large groups called the Kingdoms of “Hokuzan”, “Chuzan”, and “Nanzan”. Nakijin Castle was the capital of the Hokuzan Kingdom.

今帰仁城Nakijin Castle
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
城の位置~The location of the castle

According to the excavation, the castle was first built on a 100m high hill in Motobu peninsula of the northern Okinawa Island around the beginning of the 14th century, but it was just plane area on the hill which was surrounded by fences. After that, the castle was developed with the main palace and long, high stone walls being built until the 15th century, while the power of the Hokuzan Kingdom grew. An old Chinese book records the castle and the kingdom bringing a tribute to China. Peaces of Chinese potteries at that time are also unearthed from the ruins now.

現地にある城跡の模型~The miniature model of the castle ruins at the site

2度の落城~Castle fell twice

At its peak time, the castle became as large as Shuri Castle, the capital of the Chuzan Kingdom, the later Ryukyu Kingdom. However, the castle fell twice after the peak. In 1416, a retainer of Chuzan Kingdom, Gosamaru attacked the castle. The last lord of the castle, Han-annchi fought with Gosamaru outside the castle, but his retainer, Teihara Motobu betrayed him, and he was lastly beaten. Since then, Ryukyu Kingdom owned and stationed an administrator called “Kanshu” in the castle to govern the northern part of the island.

監守の業績を記した記念碑~The monument for the achievements of Kanshu

In 1609, when the Satsuma warriors invaded Ryukyu Kingdom, they first captured and burned the castle. The kingdom was under the control of Satsuma after the invasion, but the castle had no lord. Instead, the people of Okinawa maintained the castle as a spiritual center.

祈りの場所の一つ、城内下之御嶽(うたき)~Jonai Shitano-Utaki, one of the places for praying


城跡に入る~Entaring the castle ruins

Now, the ruins of Nakijin Castle are located in wonderful views and nature. There are also useful facilities near the ruins. One of them is the Gusuku Exchange Center where you can buy a ticket to the ruins and rest. The other is the History & Culture Center where you can learn more about the castle and the area surrounding it.

大隅の城壁Ushimi Stone Walls
城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castl

When you walk to the entrance of the ruins, you will see finely curved high stone walls. They are called Ushimi Stone Walls and 8m high, the highest ones in this castle. The defenders of the castle could counterattack enemies from the top of the curve. The Guides of the ruins say that the walls were inspired by the Great Wall of China. Visitors will now enter the ruins through the arch gate beside the stone walls which was restored in 1962.

大隅(ウーシミ)の城壁~Ushimi Stone Walls
遺跡入口のアーチ門~The arch gate at the entrance

The stone steps go straight to the center of the castle, but they were built recently for tourism. The Old Pathway goes along on the right side of the steps. It is a narrow, steep and rocky path for defense against attacks in the past.

石段~The stone steps
旧道~The Old Pathway

城の中心部~Center of Castle

The center of the castle has three parts. “Umya” Court is the first part from the entrance, which is was used as the square for ceremonies. There were the Main, North, and South Palaces for the ceremonies. The next part is called “Uchibaru” Ground where the women who served the castle lived. It is also a very religious place for the castle. You can now have a great view of the sea in the northern direction. The last part is the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru” where the lord of the castle probably lived. The excavation found that several buildings had been built.

大庭(ウーミャ)~“Umya” Court
御内原(ウーチバル)~“Uchibaru” Ground
御内原からの眺め~A view from “Uchibaru” Ground
もう一枚~Another view
本丸~The Main Enclosure

背後にある郭~Enclosure in Back

You can see and go to the back of the castle from the center. This is called “Shigema-jokaku” Enclosure which is also surrounded by high, long stone walls. It is thought that the closest subjects who served the lord lived at the enclosure. You can also see the walls made of Paleozoic lime stones closely when you go down to the enclosure.

本丸から見た城の背後部分~The back of the castle from the Main Enclosure
志慶真門郭(しげまじょうかく)~“Shigema-jokaku” Enclosure
石垣~The stone walls

その後~Later History

The ruins of Nakijin Castle remained though many other ruins were destroyed during World War II, as they were far away from the battlefields of Okinawa. After the war, they were designated as a National Historic Site in 1972. Lastly, they have also been on the World Heritage List as Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu since 2000.

今帰仁城跡の正面~The front side of Nakijin Castle Ruins

私の感想~My Impression

When I saw the stone walls of Nakijin Castle for the first time, they looked like the stones are just piled simply. This is because stone walls in the Mainland of Japan are were usually built covering their core of soil or small pieces of stone. One of the reasons for it this is that the Mainland often suffers from earthquakes, so stone walls needs a strong core. On the other hand, Okinawa has few earthquakes, but has a lot of rain. The stone walls of Okinawa’s castles like Nakijin can make rain slip through. I learned the reason for the difference later. Anyway, I think the ruins with elegant stone walls match the nature of Okinawa.

今帰仁城の石垣~The stone walls of Nakijin Castle

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you to visit it by car.
From the Naha Airport:
By car, enter Naha Airport Expressway at the Nakachi IC, join Okinawa Expressway at the Nishihara JCT, and get off the expressway at Kyoda IC. The ruins are about 30 minutes away from the IC. There are parking lots around the ruins.
By bus, you can take the Yanbaru Express Bus bound for Unten Port. It takes about 2.5 hours from the airport to the Nakijin-joshi-iriguchi bus stop near the ruins.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

世界遺産 今帰仁城跡(Officisl Website)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)
・「琉球王国、東アジアのコーナーストーン/赤嶺守著」講談社(Japanese Book)

151.吉田城~Yoshida Castle

Is it really uncompleted?

立地と歴史~Location and History

戦国大名が城を巡り争う~Warlords battled over the castle

Yoshida Castle is located beside the meeting point of Toyokawa and Asakura-gawa Rivers in what is now Toyohashi City, Aichi Pref. Its location was also strategic for transportation in ground and water, so Warlords such as the Imagawa and Tokugawa clans battled each other over this castle during the Sengoku or Warring States Period. It was finally conquered and owned by Tokugawa for many years. Though the structure of the castle in the Tokugawa’s Era was not clear, historians speculate the foundation of the caste was all made of earth.

吉田城Yoshida Castle
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
城の位置~The location of the castle

城から見た豊川~A view of Toyokawa River from the castle

池田輝政が城を拡張~Terumasa Ikeda improved the castle

In 1590, the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered Tokugawa to move to the Kanto Region, and placed Terumasa Ikeda as the lord of the castle. Terumasa improved the castle, building turrets and stone walls over a period of ten years. After that, hereditary feudal lords under the Tokugawa Shogunate governed and maintained the castle in the Edo Period. At its peak, with the back of the rivers, it had the Honmaru, Ninomaru, Sannnomaru enclosures towards the outside, divided by deep moats. It also had earthen walls as the outline whose perimeter was about 4 km.

池田輝政肖像画、鳥取県立美術館蔵~The Portrait of Terumasa Ikeda, owned by Tottori prefectural art museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
吉田藩士屋敷図~The map of Yoshida feudal domain houses(現地説明板より)


未完成の城?~Incomplete castle?

Yoshida Castle is sometimes called an incomplete castle, and one reason is because it had no Main Tower or Tenshu, and was just partly covered with stone walls, compared to other major castles in Tokai Region like Nagoya, Okazaki, Hamamatsu, Kakegawa, and Sunpu. Another reason is due to Terumasa. He completed Himeji Castle, a World Heritage Site, after he moved from Yoshida. Some people guess he might have completed Yoshida Castle like Himeji if he had spent more time in Yoshida.

本丸の周辺、部分的に石垣が使われている~The around Honmaru , partly covered by stone walls
世界遺産、姫路城~Himeji Castle, a World Heritage Site

鉄櫓が天守か?~Was Kurogane Turret the Main Tower?

Some historians argue that the castle must have had a Tenshu despite no records remaining. Others say that a three-story turret in the castle, called “Kurogane” Turret, was the Tenshu, as the turret was larger than other Tenshu in some castles and the gate using iron (called Kurogane) was usually used for Tenshu. In the matter of stone walls, local historians explain that the castle had basically been made of earth. Because of it, Terumasa built his stone walls on where he needed them. There were many places which were not suitable for building stone walls. Actually, the lords of the castle following Terumasa all put great efforts to repair the stone walls after floods and earthquakes

吉田城の古写真~An old picture of Yoshida Castle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
多くの石垣が修復されています~A lot of stone wall were repaired

城跡は豊橋公園に~Ruins become Toyohashi Park

鉄櫓Kurogane Turret
城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

Now, the ruins of the castle, almost the inside of Sannnomaru, are used as Toyohashi Park. You can mainly enjoy the Honmaru area and the riverside as historical spots. There is the reconstructed Kurogane Turret built in 1954 on the original stone walls base by Terumasa. The original turret was said to be larger than the current one.

本丸の入口~The entrance of Honmaru area
再建された鉄櫓~The reconstructed Kurogane Turret

Other stone walls inside Honmaru were built when the main hall for Shogun was built after Terumasa. You can also see lots of stone walls along the riverside which were replaced much later. There are also the ruins of the water gate there. The rest of the park is used for cultural and athletic facilities. You may even find the ruin such as earthen walls, stone walls, and dry moats there.

本丸の内側~The inside of Honmaru
川沿いの遊歩道~The promenade along the riverside
水門跡~The ruins of the water gate

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Yoshida Castle was abolished and all of the buildings were demolished. The ruins were used by the Japanese Army until World War II.

歩兵第118連隊の記念碑~The monument of the The 118th infantry regiment

私の感想~My Impression

I think all the castles were never completed. They all had been used for battles, governance and authority, not for art. They had to be modified to deal with a different situations. Even now, castles and ruins are always changing, and that is what is attracting us. In addition, even if Terumasa stayed in Yoshida for more years, Yoshida Castle would have been different from Himeji. It would have depended on its location and situation.

本丸の空堀、右側は石垣、左側は土塁~The dry moat at Honmaru, the right side is stone walls, the left side is earthen walls

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 20 minutes from the Toyohashi IC on Tomei Expressway. There is a parking lot in the park.
When using train, take the tram for Akaiwaguchi, Undokoen-mae or Keirinjo-mae at the Eki-mae stop in front of Toyohashi Station, and take off the Shiyakusho-mae or Toyohashikoen-mae stop.
From Tokyo or Osaka to Toyohashi Station: Take the Shinkansen super express.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

吉田城(豊橋公園)、愛知県公式観光サイトYoshida Castle – Kurogane Yagura Tower – Toyohashi Park
・「三河吉田城/岩原剛編」戒光祥出版(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城3」学研(Japanese Book)

8.仙台城(Sendai Castle)

本丸の伊達政宗像(The statue of Masamune Date at Honmaru area)

Location and History

Sendai is the biggest city in Tohoku district of Japan, and the prefectural capital of Miyagi pref. The city started its history with the Sendai castle. The founder of the castle, Masamune Date was a great young warlord, but he had to follow the Tokugawa Shogunate after its unification of the whole country. It is said the Sendai castle was designated for Date to settle from three options by the shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa.

伊達政宗像、仙台市博物館蔵(The picture of Masamune Date owned by Sendai City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Actually, it was very rare for a new castle to be on a mountain area instead of a plain area at that time when the war was over. The main enclosure “Honmaru” area was strong defensively. Its east side had a vertical cliff, south was a river valley, and west was a deep mountain. Only the north side was accessible, but many structures and devices were set on this side to prevent enemies from attacking. No one can clearly explain why Tokugawa let Date build the strong castle.

城周辺の段彩陰影図(The transparent color shaded relief map around the castle)


Because the shogunate usually didn’t want to have lords get labeled based on a strong site, eventually, the second generation of the feudal domain of Sendai moved to the plain area called “Ninomaru”. After the construction of the Ninomaru main hall, they were able to live and govern conveniently.

二の丸の古写真(An old picture of Ninomaru)licensed by katana 213 via Wikimedia Commons


Let’s walk up the north side of the Honmaru area. At first, you can try standing on the ruin of the main entrance “Otemon” where a very large scale gate building was located until it was burned down by the Sendai air raid in 1945. The side turret building of the Otemon we can see now was rebuilt after the war.

大手門跡(The ruin of Otemon)
大手門の古写真、1938年(An old picture of Otemon in 1938)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
再建された大手門脇櫓(The rebuilt side turret of Otemon)

Then, you have to climb up a steep and winding road with passing through the ruin of another gate called “Nakanomon” to head towards Honmaru. After that, you may be surprised to see the tall and wide stone walls of Honmaru stand in your way.

中の門跡(The ruin of Nakanomon)
本丸北石垣(The north stone walls of Honmaru)

In the past, three of three story turrets were on the stone walls that would be tough for attackers. Finally, entering the last gate “Tsumenomon”, you will reach Honmaru.

詰の門跡(The ruin of Tsumenomon)
本丸御殿跡(The ruin of Honmaru main hall)
本丸北石垣から見下ろした眺め(A view looking down from the north stone walls of Honmaru

本丸北側の地図(The map of north side of Honmaru)
(Please click a marker, and check the name of the point.)

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

Later Life

After the Meiji restoration, the headquarters of the Japanese army 2nd division was located in the castle with most of original buildings being demolished. After the World War II, the US army occupied the area then. After the restoration of sovereignty, the Honmaru area is divided by Sendai city and the Gokoku shrine, and the Ninomaru area is used for the Touhoku University. Officials are now considering how they can improve the castle ruins carefully with the achievement of excavations.

二の丸地区にある東北大学(Tohoku University on Ninomaru area)licensed by XIIIfromTOKYO via Wikimedia Commons

My impression

Now, it is very easy for anyone to access the Honmaru area from the Sendai station by bus or car, there you can see the great view and the bronze statue of Date. But I think that is not enough to know about the Sendai town and castle. I recommend walking from the station to the castle ruins of about one hour.

本丸地区からの仙台の街並み(A view of Sendai town from Honmaru area)

Go straight to the Clisroad which starts from the opposite side of the Parco building near north side of the station. The road is an arcade with hundreds of shops, you can also enjoy shopping there.

クリスロード(The Crisroad)

It will lead you to the Ohashi Bridge across the Hirose River. You will reach the ruin of Otemon. In addition, you can also walk from the International Center station on the Tozai subway line near the ruin.

大橋(The Ohashi bridge)
大橋から見た本丸地区(A view of Honmaru area from Ohashi bridge)

赤い線がお勧めルートです(The red line shows the recommended route)

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

How to get There

If you want to go there by bus from Sendai station: Take the Loople-Sendai bus that comes every 15 or 20 minutes at the top of the hour at the west entrance bus pool.
If you wish to walk there from the International Center station: Take the Tozai subway line from the Sendai station.
From Tokyo to Sendai st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.