145.Kokokuji Castle Part2

The earthen walls and the dry moats are outstanding.


Going to Main Enclosure from Third Enclosure

Now, the marshland around Kokokuji Castle has been turned into the city area. Only the ruins of the castle remain. The modern Nekata Road goes through the ruins. If you visit the ruins by car, you can park at a parking lot in the Third Enclosure, the lowest one out of the three main enclosures. You can walk up from the parking lot to the top Main Enclosure along a gentle slope. The middle tier is the Second Enclosure which looks flat and empty, but it had a round-shaped moat in the past.

The aerial photo around the castle

The entrance of the castle ruins
The Third Enclosure with a parking lot
The Second Enclosure which had a moat

Main Enclosure and its Earthen Walls

The Main Enclosure is still surrounded by large high horseshoe-shaped earthen walls. It’s a fine sight. Inside of the enclosure, there are the monuments of Soun Hojo and Yasukage Amano, and the Homi Shrine which was founded in the Edo Period. The earthen walls on the back of the enclosure are 6m high, and you can walk up to the top by the steps. You can also see the stone walls partly built under the top. There are also foundation stones on the top which are considered the ruins of the base for the Main Tower, but it is thought that a kind of turret was there. You can see a view of the town area with Izu Pninsula on the south from the top.

The earthen walls surrounded by the horseshoe-shaped earthen walls
The monuments of Soun Hojo and Yasukage Amano
The Homi Shrine
The stone walls under the top
The stone foundation for “the base for the Main Tower” on the top
A view from the top

The Dry Moat of Main Enclosure and Northern Part

The large deep dry moat also remains behind the Main Enclosure. You can walk down from the top to the bottom of the moat by the steps as well. It is 18m deep where you can look up the top. You may wonder about the several earthen holes in the walls which were built as air-raid shelters during World War II. The edge of the moat leads to the side of the ruin of the castle which was part of the marshland in the past.

The dry moat behind the Main Enclosure
The air-raid shelters built during World War II
The western side of the ruins

There is also the North Enclosure over the dry moat on the north. Another round-shaped moat was over there, and it was turned into the railway track of Tokaido Shinkansen Super Express. Historians speculate that the set of the round-shaped moats were built by the Takeda Clan or the Tokugawa Clan who used to build similar systems in other castles.

The Main Enclosure seen from the North Enclosure
The railway track of Tokaido Shinkansen Super Express which was a moat

To be continued in “Kokokuji Castle Part3”
Back to “Kokokuji Castle Part1”

21.江戸城その1~Edo Castle Part1

Edo Castke was definitely the largest castle in Japan, because it became Tokyo itself. Some foreign tourists ask that where famous Japanese castles and ruins are. They may be standing among castles if they are in the center of Tokyo.

皇居正門石橋と伏見櫓~The Imperial Palace Main Entrance Bridge and Fushimi Turret

立地と歴史~Location and History

東京を含む関東平野には、中世までは大きな湿地帯がありました。この理由から、はるか昔の東海道は西日本から伸びてきて、 海を越えて房総半島に至っていました。利根、渡良瀬、隅田といった大河が直接江戸湾に注いでいたのです
The Kanto Plain including Tokyo had large waterlogged area until the Middle Ages. For this reason, the Tokaido road went from eastern Japan to Boso peninsula over the sea hundreds years ago. Large rivers like Tone, Watarase, and Sumida directly flow into what is now Tokyo Bay.

古代の関東平野の海岸線~The coastline of Kanto Plain in ancient times(licensed by Llhoi2013 via Wikimedia Commons

Edo Castle was first built by Dokan Ota in 1457. He needed to build the castle near the border with his enemy, Tone River. After that, the castle had been one of the branch castles of the Hojo clan who were the ruler of Kanto region during the Warring States Period. But the castle still didn’t deserve warrior’s capital because of its geographical features.

太田道灌肖像画、大慈寺蔵~The portrait of Dokan Ota, owned by Daijiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hideyoshi Toyotomi defeated Hojo clan in 1590, and ordered Ieyasu Tokugawa to move to Kanto region instead of Hojo. It is said that he also designated Edo as Ieyasu’s capital because he feared Ieyasu would settle at Hojo’s capital Odawara which could withstand Toyotomi’s attack for three months.

豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Immediately after Ieyasu arrived at Edo, he started an incredible renovation of Edo Castle. It is said that it was the first attempt for Japanese people to build a city on a waterfront area.

徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵~The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The first Edo Castle was in the present uptown area. The present down town area was below the Sea or waterlogged. There was a sand bank called Edo-Maeto. There was also the Hibiya arm of the sea between the land and the bank.

赤い線は現在の地図に残された江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡~The red line shows the remaining trace of Edo-Maetou and Hibiya Arm of the Sea on the present map

Tokugawa team created a canal across Edo-Maeto and change the route of rivers for water transportation. They also had to build a system for water supply and sewerage on such a waterfront city. As a result, Edo became a city of waterways.

戦前の東京の航空写真、まだ水路がたくさん残っていました~A aerial photo of Tokyo before the World War II, a lot of wateways still remained.

After Ieyasu got the power in 1600, he ordered lords of the whole country to improve the castle called Tenka-Bushin. They reclaimed Hibiya arm of the sea to spread the ground for the castle as well as the need for defense. Many buildings including Tenshu keep were built, many moats were dug, and high stone walls were built by the large scale construction.

「江戸図屏風」左隻部分、17世紀、国立歴史民俗博物館蔵~Part of “View of Edo” left screen. pair of six-panel folding screens, in the 17th century, owned by National Museum of Japanese History(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

These lords had to carry at least 60,000 four ton stones called Hyakunin-Ishi from Izu Peninsula to Edo over the sea. Tenka-Bushin between 1603 and 1660 resulted in Edo Castle being the largest castle in Japan.

伊豆半島に残されている江戸築城石~A quarry stone for building Edo Castle left in Izu Peninsula(licensed by GuchuanYanyi via Wikimedia Commons)

Edo castle was divided into Naikaku and Gaikaku. Naikaku was the inside of the inner moat, and consisted of the center portion of the castle including main enclosures Honmaru, Ninomaru, and Nishinomaru. Its perimeter was nearly 8 km. It had the Tenshu keep, halls for each main enclosure, many turrets and gates for security.

今に残る内郭部分の航空写真~The aerial photo of the remaining Naikaku portion

Gaikaku was the surrounding area by outer moat whose perimeter was about 16 km, even including the city area. About 50 sets of a large gate and bridge called Mitsuke were placed at the intersections of the moat and major roads to check people and transportation.

江戸古地図上での外郭範囲~The range of Gaikaku on the old Edo map(licensed by Tateita via Wikimedia Commons)

Despite the perfect structure, the castle suffered not from enemies, but from fires. The most famous one was the great fire of Meireki in 1657. It burned out most of Edo City, Edo Castle, and the third Tenshu keep. After the fire, the rebuilding of a fourth Tenshu was launched, but canceled. We can now see the prepared Tenshu base for it.

4代目天守台~The base of the forth Tenshu keep(taken by 松波庄九郎 from photoAC)

Shogun lived and governed in Honmaru hall, but the hall was also burned down and restored several times. At the end of the Edo Period, Shogun had to move from the burned Honmaru hall to Nishinomaru hall where retired Shogun usually lived, because of the lack of money.

江戸東京博物館にある本丸と二ノ丸御殿の模型~The miniature model of Honmaru and Ninomaru halls at Edo-Tokyo Museum(licensed by Daderot via Wikimedeia Commons)

During the Meiji Restoration, a battle between the New Government and Shogunate was fought in eastern Japan. As a result, Edo Castle was handed over to New Government without war after the meeting between Takamori Saigo and Kaishu Katsu.

西郷・勝会談の記念碑~The monument of the meeting between Saigo and Katsu(licensed by 江戸村のとくぞう via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1869, Edo was renamed Tokyo which became the capital of Japan, before the Emperor Meiji move from old capital Kyoto to Nishinomaru hall of Edo Castle in Tokyo instead of Shogun. That’s why Nishinomaru is now part of the Imperial Palace.

明治天皇の東京到着を描いた錦絵~The picture that shows the arrival of Emperor Meiji to Tokyo(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

「江戸城その2」に続きます。~To be continued in “Edo Castle Part2”