59.姫路城その1~Himeji Castle Part1

The best castle that miraculously survived difficulties


Himeji Castle is known around the world for its beautiful group of white Main Towers and is often nicknamed White Heron Castle or “Shirasagi-jo”. The Large Main Tower is the largest one out of the 12 remaining main towers in Japanese castles, which is 31.5m high (45.35m including the stone wall base). The Large Main Tower, the three Small Main Towers, and the other structures on the property have been designated as National Treasures of Japan.

姫路城の天守群~The group of the Main Towers of Himeji Castle

In addition, the current structure of the castle mostly consists of a lot of enclosures, stone walls, and water moats surrounding the Main Tower. The main portion of the castle is designated as a National Special Historic Site. The remaining buildings on the structure include as many as 27 turrets, 15 gates and 32 walls. They have all become Important Cultural Properties.

天守を囲む櫓と石垣~One of the turrets and stone walls surrounding the Main Tower

Moreover, the castle had an important role in Japanese history, which I will describe later.
Even after that role ended, the people of Japan continued to maintain the castle, although some people might say it survived by good luck. Now, people consider the castle as the greatest, most respected symbol in Himeji City. It has been a cultural site on the World Heritage List since 1993, which was the first case in Japan.

天守(正面)~The Main Tower (the front)

For those reasons, if I am asked from someone which castle is the best in Japan generally, I can clearly answer it is Himeji Castle, though each has his/her own preference.

立地と歴史~Location and History

Himeji Castle is located on 45.6m high Himeyama mountain in the Banshu Plain, the western part of Hyogo Prefecture. It is said that the castle was first built by Akamatsu Clan in the 14th century, but the details are uncertain. The area around the castle was fertile and important for transportation where the Sanyo Road passed through, but the castle was among the many castles around. The situation changed in the late 16th century during the Sengoku Period when Kanbe Kuroda owned the castle. With the Oda Clan on the east and the Mori Clan on the west, aiming to invade the area around the Himeji castle, Kanbe decided to support the Oda Clan. He offered his Himeji Castle to Oda’s retainer, Hideyoshi Hashiba, who later became the ruler of Japan and subsequently changed his name to Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

城の位置~The location of the castle

黒田官兵衛肖像画、崇福寺蔵~The portrait of Kanbe Kuroda, owned by Sofukuji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hideyoshi was based at the castle to invade Mori’s territory, and developed the castle. The castle of Hideyoshi’s period had a three-layer Main Tower; the details of which are uncertain because its ruins are under the present Main Tower. It is said that the basic structure of the castle was established at that time. In 1582, Hideyoshi with Kanbe attacked Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle, nearly 100km away from Himeji Castle on the west. The Honnoji Incident happened where Hideyoshi’s and Kanbe’s boss, Nobunaga Oda was killed by Mitsuhide Akechi. Hideyoshi quickly made peace with the Mori Clan. This allowed Hideyoshi to quickly return to Himeji Castle within 3 days with pre-modern large troops travelling mainly by foot and transporting heavy items. He prepared and left the castle to beat Mitsuhide and was successful in taking over control of Japan.

豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
備中高松城跡~The ruins of Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle

After Hideyoshi died, Ieyasu Tokugawa got the power instead of the Toyotomi Clan in 1600. Ieyasu transferred his son-in law, Terumasa Ikeda, from Yoshida Castle to Himeji Castle. Terumasa later became the founder of the Himeji Domain. Terumasa’s role was to monitor the lords in western Japan, who might still support the Toyotomi Clan at Osaka Castle. He did major renovations to the castle between 1601 and 1609. The Main Tower was replaced with the five-layer Large Main Tower and three Small Main Towers. They are connected by the Roofed Passage Turrets, which are called Connected Type or “Renritsu-shiki”. Terumasa followed Hideyoshi’s structure of the castle on Himeyama mountain, but he added lots of turrets, gates, plaster walls, and stone walls. As a result, the center of the castle became very complex with combined small enclosures. For example, visitors must pass through as many as over 10 gates to reach the Main Tower.

池田輝政肖像画、鳥取県立美術館蔵~The Portrait of Terumasa Ikeda, owned by Tottori prefectural art museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
連立式天守:大天守(A)、小天守(B,C,D)、渡櫓(E)、櫓門(F)~Connected Type :Large Main Tower(A), Small Main Tower(B,C,D), Roofed Passage Turrets(E), Turret Gate(F) (licensed by Mukai via Wikimedia Commons)

In addition, the castle was extended to take in the Sagiyama mountain, the west of Himeyama. The Nishinomaru or the Western Enclosure was built on the Sayima mountain. The Sannomaru or the Third Enclosure was built on the plain area to the south of Himeyama. The water moats of the castle started from the back and spread like swirling. The first turn surrounded the center of the castle on Himeyama, Nishinomaru, and Sannnomaru, which was called the Inner Moat. The second turn called the Middle Moat surrounded the area including warriors’ houses. The Outer Moat separated from the halfway of the Middle Moat and even surrounded the castle town on the south and east directions. Terumasa built the castle nearly like what we see now.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

赤線:内堀、緑線:中堀、青線:外堀~The red line: the Inner Moat, the green line: the Middle Moat, the blue line: the Outer Moat (Copyright © Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism via Wikimedia Commons)

After Terumasa unfortunately died in 1613, the Tokugawa Shogunate changed the lord of the castle to Tadamasa Honda, a senior vassal of the Shogunate. Tadamasa continued work on the castle such as improving the Nishinomaru and developing a canal. Nishinomaru became more spacious which could accommodate large troops, so it looks different from other central enclosures. Though the Toyotomi Clan had been defeated by the Shogunate in 1615, it still made the lord of Himeji Castle stay to monitor the lords in western Japan. For this reason, the lord of the castle was replaced by a capable person several times by the Shogunate. From the middle 18th century, the Sakai Clan continued to govern the castle until the end of the Edo Period. Perhaps it could be because the society became stable. No battles have occurred at the castle since it was built, so it is sometimes called “an anti-war castle”.

本多忠政肖像画~The portrait of Tadamasa Honda (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
明治初期の姫路城の外観~The appearance of Himeji Castle in the first Meiji Era (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

However, at the end of the Edo Period, the castle faced its first crisis. The New Government Army including other domains, such as Okayama, surrounded the castle in 1868. This is because the Sakai Clan was in charge of an important position for the Shogunate. The warriors in the castle had sworn allegiance, but the attackers didn’t accept it and opened fire. Some tiles of a gate called Bizen-mon were destroyed, but that was all. It may have been like a performance. The warriors in the castle later surrendered and handed over control of the castle to the New Government.

備前門~The Bizen-mon Gate (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, part of Himeji Castle was used for the Japanese Army. Some buildings around Sannomaru were demolished. It is said that other buildings including the Main Tower were also sold, but the buyer waived the right, because it was too expensive for him to demolish them. This story is unclear. If true, it was the second crisis of the castle.

1936年時点の姫路城の写真~The photo of Himeji Castle in 1936 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1878, a military officer, Shigeto Nakamura suggested the need to preserve Himeji and Nagoya Castles to the Japanese Army. It was allowed by the government who created a budget to maintain the castles. This is the epoch-making event that castles were considered as cultural properties for the first time. The Meiji Great Repairs was done in 1910. In fact, the Main Tower was leaning little by little due to its own weight, before it was repaired.

城内にある中村重遠の顕彰碑~The monument of Shigeto Nakamura in the castle (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)

The last crisis came to the castle when the Himeji Air Raid happened in 1945 during World War II. The town area of Himeji City was mostly burned, but the castle wasn’t affected. A firebomb was dropped into the Main Tower, luckily it didn’t explode. Unfortunately, the Nagoya Castle, which was also being maintained by the government was burned down by bombs. People in Himeji were very encouraged by the fact that Himeji Castle was still intact just after the war. Today, after two more great repairs (Showa and Heisei), Himeji Castle gets the brilliance back like its peak time. I think we have to be thankful for the great effort of the people at the castle and for good fortune.

空襲に備え黒い網をかけられた大天守~The Large Main Tower covered by the black screen to prevent from an air raid (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

「姫路城その2」に続きます。To be continued in “Himeji Castle Part2”

35.金沢城~Kanazawa Castle

The castle for the Maeda Clan, the lord of the Kaga Domain with one million koku of rice

立地と歴史~Location and History

寺院から城へ~Changing from Temple to Castle

Kanazawa Castle is still one of the most famous symbols of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The castle is located on the edge of the Kodachino Plateau sticking out to the Kanazawa Plain between Saigawa River and Asano-gawa River. This site was first used as the grounds for Oyama-Gobo Temple where the followers of the Ikko Sect lived like the former Osaka Castle in the 16th Century of Sengoku Period. Kaga Province (what is now Ishikawa Prefecture) was called “a country owned by peasants” at that time, and the temple was designed to look like a castle.

城の位置~The location of the castle

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

Later on, however, the peasants were defeated by a great warlord, Nobunaga Oda, in 1580 and the temple was destroyed. He sent his man, Morimasa Sakuma to build Kanazawa Castle on the ruin of the temple. The castle was last owned by Toshiie Maeda, the founder of the Maeda Clan in 1583. The clan was granted the Kaga Domain, also earning one million koku of rice, by the Tokugawa Shogunate, which was the biggest domain throughout the Edo Period.

前田利家肖像画、個人蔵~The portrait of Toshiie Maeda, private owned (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

前田氏が城を拡張して維持~Maeda Clan develops and maintains Castle

The clan developed the castle building into several enclosures, with the highest enclosure being the the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru”, the second highest being the Second Enclosure or “Ninomaru”, then the Third Enclosure or “Sannnomaru” below, and so on. A large water moat called “Hyakken-Bori” was dug between the castle and the mountain side of the plateau which was one of the weak points of the castle. The outermost earthen walls of the castle called “So-gamae” were built on the plain area surrounding the castle on the plateau.

江戸後期の金沢城絵図、現地説明板より、注記付加~The illustration of Kanazawa Castle in the late Edo Period, from the signboard at the site, adding notes
街中に部分復元された総構え~The partly restored So-gamae earthen walls in the town area

The Main Tower was also built on the Main Enclosure, but it was struck by lightning and burned down in 1602. After that, the castle suffered from fires several times. The Maeda Clan restored the castle each time, but the appearance of the castle changed little by little. For example, after the fire in 1631, the center portion moved from the Main Enclosure to the Ninomaru Main Hall on the Second Enclosure. After the fire in 1759, the Main Gate or “Ote-mon” was not rebuilt. The restored Kahoku-mon Gate became the front gate of the castle instead.

大手門跡~The ruins of the Main Gate
現代に復元された河北門~The recently restored Kahoku-mon Gate

前田氏による城の特色~Maeda Clan also develops Features

As the Maeda Clan continued to live in and repair the castle all through the Edo Period, the castle developed interesting features. One of them is the variety of stone walls. The clan rebuilt the stone walls which were damaged by fires and other accidents using the latest technologies and style of each time period. As a result, the castle has been called “a museum for stone walls”.

江戸後期に築かれた鉄門石垣~The stone walls of Kurogane-mon Gate built in the late Edo Period
江戸中期に築かれた様々な刻印がある数寄屋敷石垣~The stone walls of the Suki houses with various markings built in the middle Edo Period

On the other hand, the many buildings on these stone walls had common design features such as Namako-kabe wall (covered with square tiles joined with raised plaster), white lead roof tiles, and bay window style turrets. These features made the castle buildings very beautiful.

海鼠壁の構造モデル~The structural model of Namako-kabe wall
河北門の櫓台にある出窓~The bay window at the turret base of Kahoku-mon Gate


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

石川門~Ishikawa-mon Gate

Now, Kanazawa Castle is open to the public as Kanazawa Castle Park. Its perimeter is 2,2km, but it looks much larger because of its height (up to about 40m). The park has several gates, and the most popular one is the Ishikawa-mon Gate which is one of the three remaining buildings in the castle. The gate is the back gate of the castle, and eventually became one of the three important gates in the castle. It is located opposite to a famous garden called Kenrokuen which the Maeda Clan also created. You can go across the bridge over the road, where the Hyakken-bori moat once existed, to enter the gate. The structure of the gate is called Masugata-mon style which has a square space surrounded by turrets and walls to provide strong protection against enemies. The gate also has different types of stone walls because some parts of the walls were rebuilt several times. They look very interesting.

石川門に向かう~Going to the Ishikawa-mon Gate
元百間堀だった道路~The road which was once the Hyakken-bori moat
石川門の櫓~The turret of the Ishikawa-mon Gate
石川門の石垣~The stone walls of the Ishikawa-mon Gate (taken by オム・ライス from photo AC)

復元された建物群~Group of Restored Buildings

The inside of the gate is the Third Enclosure where you can see Kahoku-mon Gate on the right, and Hashizume-mon Gate with Gojukken-nagaya Row House and Hishi Turret on the left. They have all been restored recently. These gates are two of the rest of the three important gates. What you see of Kahoku-mon Gate from the Third Enclosure is its back side. The front side of the gate faces a lower enclosure called Shinmaru which had the Main Gate. Hashizume-mon Gate, etc., are on the Second Enclosure, and protected its entrance in the past. The inside of the enclosure once had the Ninomaru Main Hall, but is a square now.

河北門(裏側)~Kahoku-mon Gate (Its back side)
五十間長屋と菱櫓~Gojukken-nagaya Row House and Hishi Turret
橋詰門(違う角度から)~Hashizume-mon Gate (from a different angle)

本丸周辺~Around Main Enclosure

You can go to the Main Enclosure from both the Third and Second Enclosures. From the Third Enclosure, you will walk up to the Main Enclosure through the Higashi-maru Enclosure. Here you can see one of the oldest stone walls in the castle and the remaining “Tsurumaru” Warehouse. The Main Enclosure is the highest point of the castle and looks like a forest probably because it was abandoned earlier. You can see a town view from the edge of the enclosure. It once had nearly 30m high stone walls which collapsed in 1907 during the Meiji Era. The terraced stone walls we see now at the same place have been rebuilt by the Japanese Army.

三の丸から本丸へ~Going to the Main Enclosure from the Third Enclosure
東ノ丸北面の古い石垣~The old stone walls at the northern side of Higashinomaru Enclosure
鶴丸倉庫~Tsurumaru Warehouse
本丸~The Main Enclosure
本丸からの眺め~A view from the Main Enclosure
本丸にある階段状の石垣~The terraced stone walls at the Main Enclosure

Between the Second and Main Enclosures, you can go across a bridge called “Gokuraku-bashi” which derived its name from the period of Oyama-Gobo from the Ikko Sect Buddhists. Gokuraku means Buddhists’ Paradise. Near the bridge on the Main Enclosure, there is the other remaining building called Sanjukken Row House. The three remaining buildings in Kanazawa Castle are all designated as Important Cultural Properties.

極楽橋~Gokuraku-bashi Bridge
橋の横から見る~The side view of the bridge
三十間長屋~The Sanjukken Row House

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Kanazawa Castle was used for the Japanese Army. Kanazawa became a military base where about 10% of citizens (20,000) were associated with the military. We can now see the ruins of the military in the castle such as stone walls, tunnels and the building for the Headquarters of the 7th Brigade. However, all the original castle buildings were unfortunately destroyed by the fire in 1881, except for the three remaining buildings.

第7旅団司令部建物~The building for the Headquarters of the 7th Brigade
陸軍によって作られたトンネル~A tunnel built by the Japanese Army

After World War II, the castle was used for Kanazawa University between 1949 and 1995. Since 1996, Ishikawa Prefecture has been developing it as a historical park. While restoring the traditional buildings, the prefecture renamed the park from Kanazawa Castle Ruins Park to Kanazawa Castle Park. One of the castle gates called “Nezumita-mon”, on the opposite side of Ishikawa-mon Gate, near the town area, was restored recently in July 2020. This made it easier for people to visit and enjoy the castle more. Officials are also considering if they should restore the Ninomaru Main Hall now.

1970年代の城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of the area around the castle in the 1970s

復元された鼠多門~The restored Nezumita-mon Gate (taken by ローランの歌 from photo AC)

私の感想~My Impression

The renaming of the park shows the officials’ unusual effort and determination to preserve the history of Japan and increase tourism. Restoring and maintaining traditional buildings requires a huge budget. In addition, the uses for such buildings are strictly limited by law. That means these buildings are mostly for tourism. Counting others’ money is not my business, but I am a little concerned about it. I hope their challenge will be successful in the future.

復元された建物群~The restored buildings

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 20 minutes from the Kanazawa-morimoto IC on Hokuriku Expressway. There are several parking lots around the park.
When using the train, take the Hokuriku-tetsudo bus, Kanazawa Loop bus, or Kenrokuen Shuttle from Kanazawa Station, and get off at the Kenrokuen-shita stop. It takes about 5 minutes from the stop on foot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

金沢城公園Kanazawa Castle Park
・「よみがえる日本の城8」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第5号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)
・「石垣の名城完全ガイド/千田嘉博著」講談社(Japanese Book)
・「列島中央の軍事拠点(地域のなかの軍隊)」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)

165.大和郡山城~Yamamo-Koriyama Castle

Its stone walls use Stone Buddha Statues.

立地と歴史~Location and History

大和国随一の城~Foremost Castle in Yamato Province

Yamato-Koriyama Castle was located in Nara Basin of Nara Prefecture. Nara is known for its history as the ancient capital and a lot of temples. In the Sengoku period (the period of warring states), the temples still had political and military power, so there were no great warlords. In addition, Nara Basin was not suitable for a large castle. Yamato-Koriyama Castle was at first one such smalll castle where its lords changed several times.

城の位置~The location of the castle

The situation changed when Nobunaga Oda ordered to destroy all the castles in Yamato Province (what is now Nara Prefecture) excluding Yamato-Koriyama Castle during his unification of Japan. The reason why only the castle remained may have been its defensive and convenient location, it was on the edge of Nishinokyo hill, and near to both Kyoto and Osaka.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

豊臣秀長が城を拡張~Hidenaga Toyotomi develops castle

After Hidenaga Toyotomi, the younger brother of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (Nobunaga’s successor) lived in Yamato-Koriyama Castle as his home base in 1585, the castle was developed rapidly in mainly where we now call Honmaru or the Main Enclosure. The stone walls were piled up, using not only normal stones, but also tombs, old capital`s materials and Stone Buddha Status because it was difficult to transport stones easily around the area. The Main Tower or “Tenshu” stood on the stone walls, but its details are uncertain.

豊臣秀長肖像画、春岳院蔵~The portrait of Hidenaga Toyotomi, owned by Shungakuin Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was completed adding Ninomaru or the Second Enclosure and Sannomaru or the Third Enclosure until the period of the one after next lord of the castle, Nagamori Masuda. However, Nagamori was fired by the Tokugawa Shogunate due to the defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. As a result, the castle was once abandoned, the Main Tower was moved to Nijo Castle in 1602, the other buildings were moved to another one.

二条城の大和郡山城から移された天守が描かれた洛中洛外図屏風、林原美術館蔵~The Main Tower of Nijo Castle, which was moved from Yamato-Koriyama Castle, in the Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens, owned by Hyashibara Museum of Art (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城と町の繁栄~Prosperity of Castle and Town

In 1615 of the Edo Period, Katsunari Mizuno was given charge of this castle and started to revive it, but he was soon transferred to Fukuyama Castle in 1618. Instead, Tadaaki Matsudaira came to this castle and built the Ninomaru Hall in the Second Enclosure. Since then, the enclosure became the center of the castle from where they governed.

郡山城旧観図、西ヶ谷文庫蔵、二の丸御殿が中心に描かれている~The former appearance illustration of Koriyama Castle, owned by Nishigaya Library, The Ninomaru Hall is drawn at the center (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1724, Yoshisato Yanagisawa was transferred to this castle from Kofu Castle. He promoted people to develop industries such as farming goldfishes which Yamato-Koriyama City is still known for. The Yanagisawa Clan encouraged cultures and military arts and governed this area until the end of the Edo Period.

郡山城絵図、柳沢文庫蔵~The illustration of Koriyama Castle, owned by Yanagisawa Library (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


複雑な縄張り~Complex Layout

Now, the area around the Main Enclosure is open to the public as the ruins of Yamato-Koriyama Castle. The Main Enclosure is actually divided into several much smaller enclosures. Visitors usually go to the entrance of the ruins passing through a long and narrow area. This area is called Jinpo Enclosure which was empty and used for training soldiers. The entrance of the ruins is in Tokiwa Enclosure where the Main Gate or “Ote-mon” and Ote-Mukai Turret have been restored. After entering the Main Gate, you have to turn left to go further.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

復元された追手門~The restored Main Gate
復元された追手向櫓~The restored Ote-Mukai Turret

The next enclosure called Bishamon Enclosure has the Yanagisawa Library which exhibits the history of Yamato-Koriyama Castle and the Yanagisawa Clan`s legacies. You can see the wild stone walls around the enclosure and Tenshu Enclosure( the original Main Enclosure), and the dry moats between them. To reach Tenshu Enclosure, you have to go on a narrow earthen bridge again. I imagine that such complex routes to the center of the castle must have been for defense. There was the front gate bridge called “Gokuraku-bashi” bridge which was newly restored in March 2021.

柳沢文庫~The Yanagisawa Library
石垣と空堀~The stone walls and dry moat
復元前の極楽橋跡~The ruins of Gokuraku-bashi Bridge before the restoration

修復された天守台~Repaired Base for Main Tower

After entering Tenshu Enclosure, you will first see Yanagisawa Shrine which worships the founder of the Yanagisawa Clan, Yoshiyasu Yanagisawa (Yoshisato`s father). The stone wall base for the Main Tower or Tenshu remains behind the shrine. The Main Tower was said to be not so large based on the scale of the base. However, the recent excavation of the base prove that its foundation matches that of Yodo Castle. The Main Tower of Yamato-Koriyama Castle was once moved to Nijo Castle, then moved again to Yodo Castle in 1624. Although the Main Tower was unfortunately burned down by lightning in 1756, the Main Tower at Nijo and Yodo had five layers according to a picture and drawing. Yamato-Koriyama Main Tower might also have had five layers.

柳澤神社~Yanagisawa Shrine
天守台石垣~The stone wall base for the Main Tower
山城国淀天守之図、京都市歴史資料館寄託~The illustration of the Main Tower of Yodo Castle in Yamashiro Province, deposited by Kyoto City Historical Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The base was also improved recently as a lookout, piling its stone walls again. You can see the whole view of the castle and town from the top. There are several enclosures of The Second Enclosure surrounded by water moats, which are mainly used for school grounds on the south and west directions. On the east direction, you can also see the town area over the entrance of the ruins, which was the Third Enclosure.

積みなおされた天守台~The base for the Main Tower which was re-piled recently
天守台上から見た南西方向の景色~A view of the southwest from the top
天守台上から見た東方向の景色~A view of the east from the top

逆さ地蔵~Inverted Stone Buddha Statue

One of the most important topics for the castle is the diverted stones. You can see one of the representatives called the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue or “Sakasa-Jizo” which is used for the stone walls at the northern side of the base.

「逆さ地蔵」が使われている箇所~The part which the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue is used
逆さ地蔵~The Inverted Stone Buddha Statue (taken by あけび from PhotoAC)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Yamato-Koriyama Castle was abandoned again. All the buildings of the castle were sold and demolished by the auction in 1873. The area of the Second Enclosure was turned into the school ground, and the Third Enclosure became the residential area. Only the Main Enclosure could survive as the ground for the Yanagizawa Shrine and the clan’s house (what is now the Yanagisawa Library). After World War II, the area of mainly the Main Enclosure became a Cultural Property designated by Nara Prefecture in 1961. The ruins are also famous for cherry blossoms now. Yamato-Koriyama City has been developing the ruins as a historical park, such as restoring some buildings and expanding the park area.

大和郡山城と桜~Yamato-Koriyama Castle with cherry blossoms (taken by ゼロワークス from PhotoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

When tourists visit Nara, they usually go to temples, shrines, and the old capital’s legacies. But how about visiting Yamato-Koriyama Castle as well? It is the only remaining castle ruins around the area. However, there is the only one thing I was disappointed about the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue. I visited twice there, and I was very moved by the Statue on my first visit. This was because there were a lot of other stone Buddha statues and offerings for praying in front of it. They clearly showed primitive religious thoughts of Japanese people. However, they were taken away from there on my second visit. I guess they were cleaned up when the stone wall base for the Main Tower was improved as a lookout. I strongly wish the officials bring the Japanese good tradition back there again.

私の最初の訪問時の逆さ地蔵周辺~The around the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue on my first visit

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 15 minutes from the Koriyama IC on Nishi-Meihan Expressway. There is a parking lot in the ruins.
When using train, it takes about 10 minutes from Kintetsu-Koriyama Station on Kintetsu-Kashihara Line or it takes about 15 minutes from JR Koriyama Station on Kansai Line on foot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

柳沢文庫(Yanagisawa Library)
・郡山城跡公園基本計画改定案、大和郡山市(Yamato-Koriyama City Official Document)
・「よみがえる日本の城1」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第44号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)