21.江戸城その1~Edo Castle Part1

Edo Castke was definitely the largest castle in Japan, because it became Tokyo itself. Some foreign tourists ask that where famous Japanese castles and ruins are. They may be standing among castles if they are in the center of Tokyo.

皇居正門石橋と伏見櫓~The Imperial Palace Main Entrance Bridge and Fushimi Turret

立地と歴史~Location and History

東京を含む関東平野には、中世までは大きな湿地帯がありました。この理由から、はるか昔の東海道は西日本から伸びてきて、 海を越えて房総半島に至っていました。利根、渡良瀬、隅田といった大河が直接江戸湾に注いでいたのです
The Kanto Plain including Tokyo had large waterlogged area until the Middle Ages. For this reason, the Tokaido road went from eastern Japan to Boso peninsula over the sea hundreds years ago. Large rivers like Tone, Watarase, and Sumida directly flow into what is now Tokyo Bay.

古代の関東平野の海岸線~The coastline of Kanto Plain in ancient times(licensed by Llhoi2013 via Wikimedia Commons

Edo Castle was first built by Dokan Ota in 1457. He needed to build the castle near the border with his enemy, Tone River. After that, the castle had been one of the branch castles of the Hojo clan who were the ruler of Kanto region during the Warring States Period. But the castle still didn’t deserve warrior’s capital because of its geographical features.

太田道灌肖像画、大慈寺蔵~The portrait of Dokan Ota, owned by Daijiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hideyoshi Toyotomi defeated Hojo clan in 1590, and ordered Ieyasu Tokugawa to move to Kanto region instead of Hojo. It is said that he also designated Edo as Ieyasu’s capital because he feared Ieyasu would settle at Hojo’s capital Odawara which could withstand Toyotomi’s attack for three months.

豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Immediately after Ieyasu arrived at Edo, he started an incredible renovation of Edo Castle. It is said that it was the first attempt for Japanese people to build a city on a waterfront area.

徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵~The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The first Edo Castle was in the present uptown area. The present down town area was below the Sea or waterlogged. There was a sand bank called Edo-Maeto. There was also the Hibiya arm of the sea between the land and the bank.

赤い線は現在の地図に残された江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡~The red line shows the remaining trace of Edo-Maetou and Hibiya Arm of the Sea on the present map

Tokugawa team created a canal across Edo-Maeto and change the route of rivers for water transportation. They also had to build a system for water supply and sewerage on such a waterfront city. As a result, Edo became a city of waterways.

戦前の東京の航空写真、まだ水路がたくさん残っていました~A aerial photo of Tokyo before the World War II, a lot of wateways still remained.

After Ieyasu got the power in 1600, he ordered lords of the whole country to improve the castle called Tenka-Bushin. They reclaimed Hibiya arm of the sea to spread the ground for the castle as well as the need for defense. Many buildings including Tenshu keep were built, many moats were dug, and high stone walls were built by the large scale construction.

「江戸図屏風」左隻部分、17世紀、国立歴史民俗博物館蔵~Part of “View of Edo” left screen. pair of six-panel folding screens, in the 17th century, owned by National Museum of Japanese History(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

These lords had to carry at least 60,000 four ton stones called Hyakunin-Ishi from Izu Peninsula to Edo over the sea. Tenka-Bushin between 1603 and 1660 resulted in Edo Castle being the largest castle in Japan.

伊豆半島に残されている江戸築城石~A quarry stone for building Edo Castle left in Izu Peninsula(licensed by GuchuanYanyi via Wikimedia Commons)

Edo castle was divided into Naikaku and Gaikaku. Naikaku was the inside of the inner moat, and consisted of the center portion of the castle including main enclosures Honmaru, Ninomaru, and Nishinomaru. Its perimeter was nearly 8 km. It had the Tenshu keep, halls for each main enclosure, many turrets and gates for security.

今に残る内郭部分の航空写真~The aerial photo of the remaining Naikaku portion

Gaikaku was the surrounding area by outer moat whose perimeter was about 16 km, even including the city area. About 50 sets of a large gate and bridge called Mitsuke were placed at the intersections of the moat and major roads to check people and transportation.

江戸古地図上での外郭範囲~The range of Gaikaku on the old Edo map(licensed by Tateita via Wikimedia Commons)

Despite the perfect structure, the castle suffered not from enemies, but from fires. The most famous one was the great fire of Meireki in 1657. It burned out most of Edo City, Edo Castle, and the third Tenshu keep. After the fire, the rebuilding of a fourth Tenshu was launched, but canceled. We can now see the prepared Tenshu base for it.

4代目天守台~The base of the forth Tenshu keep(taken by 松波庄九郎 from photoAC)

Shogun lived and governed in Honmaru hall, but the hall was also burned down and restored several times. At the end of the Edo Period, Shogun had to move from the burned Honmaru hall to Nishinomaru hall where retired Shogun usually lived, because of the lack of money.

江戸東京博物館にある本丸と二ノ丸御殿の模型~The miniature model of Honmaru and Ninomaru halls at Edo-Tokyo Museum(licensed by Daderot via Wikimedeia Commons)

During the Meiji Restoration, a battle between the New Government and Shogunate was fought in eastern Japan. As a result, Edo Castle was handed over to New Government without war after the meeting between Takamori Saigo and Kaishu Katsu.

西郷・勝会談の記念碑~The monument of the meeting between Saigo and Katsu(licensed by 江戸村のとくぞう via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1869, Edo was renamed Tokyo which became the capital of Japan, before the Emperor Meiji move from old capital Kyoto to Nishinomaru hall of Edo Castle in Tokyo instead of Shogun. That’s why Nishinomaru is now part of the Imperial Palace.

明治天皇の東京到着を描いた錦絵~The picture that shows the arrival of Emperor Meiji to Tokyo(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

「江戸城その2」に続きます。~To be continued in “Edo Castle Part2”

54.大坂城(Osaka Castle)

現在の大坂城天守(The present Tenshu of Osaka Castle)

Location and History

Osaka City, one of the mega cities in Japan, is named after Osaka Castle. The castle is located on the north edge of Uemachi plateau where it had been used as ground for shrines and old tombs from the Ancient Ages. In the Civil War Period, the Ikko-Shu sect Buddhists led by Kennyo built their headquarters as “Ishiyama Honganji” temple on this place.

(A relief map and aerial photo around Uemachi plateau, you can see the castle on the northern edge of it.)

At that time, large religious groups had not only religious power, but also political and military power like other warlords. So it was thought that Ishiyama Honganji was just like a castle. The great warlord Nobunaga Oda was very interested in the place, and asked Kennyo to withdraw from the temple. Kennyo refused to do that, therefore, they battled for 11 years (The Battle of Ishiyama).

石山合戦図、和歌山市立博物館蔵(The image of Battle of Ishiyama, owned by Wakayama City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

After that, Oda got it by the arbitration from the Imperial Court in exchange for the guarantee of the religion. Oda seemed to want to move his home base to the place before his death. Lastly, his successor, Hideyoshi Toyotomi built Osaka castle including the ruin of Ishiyama Honganji.

豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵(part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Hideyoshi constructed the first keep “Tenshu” for the castle which was 39m tall, was five stories high, and decorated it with his preference of gold and black colors. He also organized the castle town and made people move to it, which was the foundation of the modern day Osaka City. However, after Hideyoshi died, the keep with the castle and the Toyotomi clan had died out by Tokugawa Shogunate when it was only 32 years old (The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka in 1615).

豊臣時代の大坂城天守、「大坂夏の陣図屏風」より、大阪城天守閣蔵(Toyotomi’s Tenshu of Osaka Castle, from “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens”, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tokugawa started to govern the castle and town directly. They filled Toyotomi’s castle, raised the ground level, and reconstructed it with the second Tenshu which was even 53m tall to show its authority to people. That’s what we are now looking up at as the main enclosure “Honmaru”.

本丸を見上げる(Looking up Honmaru)

But the Tenshu also had a short life of only 39 years because of the lightning strike in 1665. After Tokugawa kept the castle for over 250 years, when the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa ran away from the castle to Edo, the original history of the castle ended.

幕末期の大坂城の写真(A picture of Osaka Castle at the end of the Edo Period)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Now, we can see the third Tenshu built in 1931 which has become one of the most famous symbols of Osaka. The Tenshu is also used as a museum called “Osaka Castle Museum” which has a wide variety of historical and art exhibitions such as “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka” folding screens.

3代目天守(The third Tenshu)
大坂夏の陣図屏風、大阪城天守閣蔵(The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

All of few remaining buildings were made by Tokugawa Shogunate including the main gate “Otemon”, the Tamon turret “Yagura”, the Sengan Yagura, the Inui Yagura, and so on.

大手門(右)と多門櫓(左)(Otemon on the right, Tamon Yagura on the left)
千貫櫓(中央)と多門櫓(右)(Sengan Yagura on the middle, Tamon Yagura on the right)taken by そらみみ from photo AC
乾櫓(Inui Yagura)taken by acworks from photo AC

You should check out great stone walls surrounding Honmaru and the second enclosure “Ninomaru” made of large stones which were collected by lords under Shogunate from many places in the eastern part of Japan such as Shodoshima island. The highest ones are over 30m high from water surface which are also No.1 for Japanese castles.

南外堀の高石垣(The high stone walls on the South outer moat)taken by kimtoru from photo AC

There are huge ornate stones as well in several points, for example, the largest one named “Tako-ishi” at Sakuramon, the southern entrance of Honmaru.

桜門の内側にある「蛸石」(”Tako-ishi” inside Sakuramon)licensed by Midori Sakurai via Wikimedia Commons

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese Amy used the ruins of the castle. At the beginning of the Showa Era, the mayor of Osaka City, Hajime Seki was wondering if the castle could become a symbol of the city, and the Tenshu would come the first time in about 260 years.

關一写真(A picture of Hajime Seki) from 故大阪市長関一市葬誌, licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Seki suggested the Army to turn part of the castle into a park in exchange for offering the Army a new headquarter building. Seki collected all the fund from donations, and successfully reconstructed the third Tenshu on the second Tenshu base. It is a modern SRC structured building, not in the original way. But the way was the first ever attempted to reconstruct a castle in Japan at that time.

建設中の天守(The Tenshu under construction)

In the World War II, the area around the castle was attacked several times by the US air raids because the Army facilities were still gathered. The third Tenshu survived while some of remaining old buildings were burned down.

旧第四師団司令部建物(The former headquarters building for Japanese Army 4th divison)

Now, the present Tenshu is the oldest Tenshu among three successive Tenshu, and was designated itself as a National Registered Tangible Cultural Property in 1997.

現在の天守(The present Tenshu)

My Impression

Even the present Tenshu attracts over 2.5 million visitors including many foreign tourists annually. it is also said that many times more people visit the park around it, where many events are held. Osaka Castle is definitely one of successful cases to preserve and use historical heritages in Japan.

西の丸庭園からの天守(A view of Tenshu from Nishinomaru garden)

The remaining buildings of the castle are sometimes open to visitors. D0n’t miss a chance to see them! One of them, “Sengan Yagura” is named after “the very important turret which is worth so much money” , and it is said that a turret of the same name was there since Ishiyama Honganji.

千貫櫓(Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓の内部(The inside of Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓からの外の眺め(An outside view from Sengan Yagura)

I recommend you to see the powder house “Ensho-Gura” as well. It is all made of stones covered with plaster rebuilding after the explosion in 1660. it is a very rare style for traditional Japanese buildings.


How to get There

If you want to see Tenshu first, getting out of the JR Osakajo-Koen station or the Osaka Metro Osaka Business Park station would be better.
If you want to see the great stone walls on the outer moat and enter Otemon first, getting out of the Osaka Metro Tanimachi-Yonchome Station or Morinomiya station would be better.

Links and References

・大阪城天守閣(Osaka Castle Museum)
・大坂城全史、中村博司著、ちくま新書(Japanese book)

8.仙台城(Sendai Castle)

本丸の伊達政宗像(The statue of Masamune Date at Honmaru area)

Location and History

Sendai is the biggest city in Tohoku district of Japan, and the prefectural capital of Miyagi pref. The city started its history with the Sendai castle. The founder of the castle, Masamune Date was a great young warlord, but he had to follow the Tokugawa Shogunate after its unification of the whole country. It is said the Sendai castle was designated for Date to settle from three options by the shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa.

伊達政宗像、仙台市博物館蔵(The picture of Masamune Date owned by Sendai City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Actually, it was very rare for a new castle to be on a mountain area instead of a plain area at that time when the war was over. The main enclosure “Honmaru” area was strong defensively. Its east side had a vertical cliff, south was a river valley, and west was a deep mountain. Only the north side was accessible, but many structures and devices were set on this side to prevent enemies from attacking. No one can clearly explain why Tokugawa let Date build the strong castle.

城周辺の段彩陰影図(The transparent color shaded relief map around the castle)

Because the shogunate usually didn’t want to have lords get labeled based on a strong site, eventually, the second generation of the feudal domain of Sendai moved to the plain area called “Ninomaru”. After the construction of the Ninomaru main hall, they were able to live and govern conveniently.

二の丸の古写真(An old picture of Ninomaru)licensed by katana 213 via Wikimedia Commons


Let’s walk up the north side of the Honmaru area. At first, you can try standing on the ruin of the main entrance “Otemon” where a very large scale gate building was located until it was burned down by the Sendai air raid in 1945. The side turret building of the Otemon we can see now was rebuilt after the war.

大手門跡(The ruin of Otemon)
大手門の古写真、1938年(An old picture of Otemon in 1938)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
再建された大手門脇櫓(The rebuilt side turret of Otemon)

Then, you have to climb up a steep and winding road with passing through the ruin of another gate called “Nakanomon” to head towards Honmaru. After that, you may be surprised to see the tall and wide stone walls of Honmaru stand in your way.

中の門跡(The ruin of Nakanomon)
本丸北石垣(The north stone walls of Honmaru)

In the past, three of three story turrets were on the stone walls that would be tough for attackers. Finally, entering the last gate “Tsumenomon”, you will reach Honmaru.

詰の門跡(The ruin of Tsumenomon)
本丸御殿跡(The ruin of Honmaru main hall)
本丸北石垣から見下ろした眺め(A view looking down from the north stone walls of Honmaru

本丸北側の地図(The map of north side of Honmaru)
(Please click a marker, and check the name of the point.)

Later Life

After the Meiji restoration, the headquarters of the Japanese army 2nd division was located in the castle with most of original buildings being demolished. After the World War II, the US army occupied the area then. After the restoration of sovereignty, the Honmaru area is divided by Sendai city and the Gokoku shrine, and the Ninomaru area is used for the Touhoku University. Officials are now considering how they can improve the castle ruins carefully with the achievement of excavations.

二の丸地区にある東北大学(Tohoku University on Ninomaru area)licensed by XIIIfromTOKYO via Wikimedia Commons

My impression

Now, it is very easy for anyone to access the Honmaru area from the Sendai station by bus or car, there you can see the great view and the bronze statue of Date. But I think that is not enough to know about the Sendai town and castle. I recommend walking from the station to the castle ruins of about one hour.

本丸地区からの仙台の街並み(A view of Sendai town from Honmaru area)

Go straight to the Clisroad which starts from the opposite side of the Parco building near north side of the station. The road is an arcade with hundreds of shops, you can also enjoy shopping there.

クリスロード(The Crisroad)

It will lead you to the Ohashi Bridge across the Hirose River. You will reach the ruin of Otemon. In addition, you can also walk from the International Center station on the Tozai subway line near the ruin.

大橋(The Ohashi bridge)
大橋から見た本丸地区(A view of Honmaru area from Ohashi bridge)

赤い線がお勧めルートです(The red line shows the recommended route)

How to get There

If you want to go there by bus from Sendai station: Take the Loople-Sendai bus that comes every 15 or 20 minutes at the top of the hour at the west entrance bus pool.
If you wish to walk there from the International Center station: Take the Tozai subway line from the Sendai station.
From Tokyo to Sendai st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.