59.姫路城その1~Himeji Castle Part1

The best castle that miraculously survived difficulties


Himeji Castle is known around the world for its beautiful group of white Main Towers and is often nicknamed White Heron Castle or “Shirasagi-jo”. The Large Main Tower is the largest one out of the 12 remaining main towers in Japanese castles, which is 31.5m high (45.35m including the stone wall base). The Large Main Tower, the three Small Main Towers, and the other structures on the property have been designated as National Treasures of Japan.

姫路城の天守群~The group of the Main Towers of Himeji Castle

In addition, the current structure of the castle mostly consists of a lot of enclosures, stone walls, and water moats surrounding the Main Tower. The main portion of the castle is designated as a National Special Historic Site. The remaining buildings on the structure include as many as 27 turrets, 15 gates and 32 walls. They have all become Important Cultural Properties.

天守を囲む櫓と石垣~One of the turrets and stone walls surrounding the Main Tower

Moreover, the castle had an important role in Japanese history, which I will describe later.
Even after that role ended, the people of Japan continued to maintain the castle, although some people might say it survived by good luck. Now, people consider the castle as the greatest, most respected symbol in Himeji City. It has been a cultural site on the World Heritage List since 1993, which was the first case in Japan.

天守(正面)~The Main Tower (the front)

For those reasons, if I am asked from someone which castle is the best in Japan generally, I can clearly answer it is Himeji Castle, though each has his/her own preference.

立地と歴史~Location and History

Himeji Castle is located on 45.6m high Himeyama mountain in the Banshu Plain, the western part of Hyogo Prefecture. It is said that the castle was first built by Akamatsu Clan in the 14th century, but the details are uncertain. The area around the castle was fertile and important for transportation where the Sanyo Road passed through, but the castle was among the many castles around. The situation changed in the late 16th century during the Sengoku Period when Kanbe Kuroda owned the castle. With the Oda Clan on the east and the Mori Clan on the west, aiming to invade the area around the Himeji castle, Kanbe decided to support the Oda Clan. He offered his Himeji Castle to Oda’s retainer, Hideyoshi Hashiba, who later became the ruler of Japan and subsequently changed his name to Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

城の位置~The location of the castle

黒田官兵衛肖像画、崇福寺蔵~The portrait of Kanbe Kuroda, owned by Sofukuji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hideyoshi was based at the castle to invade Mori’s territory, and developed the castle. The castle of Hideyoshi’s period had a three-layer Main Tower; the details of which are uncertain because its ruins are under the present Main Tower. It is said that the basic structure of the castle was established at that time. In 1582, Hideyoshi with Kanbe attacked Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle, nearly 100km away from Himeji Castle on the west. The Honnoji Incident happened where Hideyoshi’s and Kanbe’s boss, Nobunaga Oda was killed by Mitsuhide Akechi. Hideyoshi quickly made peace with the Mori Clan. This allowed Hideyoshi to quickly return to Himeji Castle within 3 days with pre-modern large troops travelling mainly by foot and transporting heavy items. He prepared and left the castle to beat Mitsuhide and was successful in taking over control of Japan.

豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
備中高松城跡~The ruins of Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle

After Hideyoshi died, Ieyasu Tokugawa got the power instead of the Toyotomi Clan in 1600. Ieyasu transferred his son-in law, Terumasa Ikeda, from Yoshida Castle to Himeji Castle. Terumasa later became the founder of the Himeji Domain. Terumasa’s role was to monitor the lords in western Japan, who might still support the Toyotomi Clan at Osaka Castle. He did major renovations to the castle between 1601 and 1609. The Main Tower was replaced with the five-layer Large Main Tower and three Small Main Towers. They are connected by the Roofed Passage Turrets, which are called Connected Type or “Renritsu-shiki”. Terumasa followed Hideyoshi’s structure of the castle on Himeyama mountain, but he added lots of turrets, gates, plaster walls, and stone walls. As a result, the center of the castle became very complex with combined small enclosures. For example, visitors must pass through as many as over 10 gates to reach the Main Tower.

池田輝政肖像画、鳥取県立美術館蔵~The Portrait of Terumasa Ikeda, owned by Tottori prefectural art museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
連立式天守:大天守(A)、小天守(B,C,D)、渡櫓(E)、櫓門(F)~Connected Type :Large Main Tower(A), Small Main Tower(B,C,D), Roofed Passage Turrets(E), Turret Gate(F) (licensed by Mukai via Wikimedia Commons)

In addition, the castle was extended to take in the Sagiyama mountain, the west of Himeyama. The Nishinomaru or the Western Enclosure was built on the Sayima mountain. The Sannomaru or the Third Enclosure was built on the plain area to the south of Himeyama. The water moats of the castle started from the back and spread like swirling. The first turn surrounded the center of the castle on Himeyama, Nishinomaru, and Sannnomaru, which was called the Inner Moat. The second turn called the Middle Moat surrounded the area including warriors’ houses. The Outer Moat separated from the halfway of the Middle Moat and even surrounded the castle town on the south and east directions. Terumasa built the castle nearly like what we see now.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

赤線:内堀、緑線:中堀、青線:外堀~The red line: the Inner Moat, the green line: the Middle Moat, the blue line: the Outer Moat (Copyright © Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism via Wikimedia Commons)

After Terumasa unfortunately died in 1613, the Tokugawa Shogunate changed the lord of the castle to Tadamasa Honda, a senior vassal of the Shogunate. Tadamasa continued work on the castle such as improving the Nishinomaru and developing a canal. Nishinomaru became more spacious which could accommodate large troops, so it looks different from other central enclosures. Though the Toyotomi Clan had been defeated by the Shogunate in 1615, it still made the lord of Himeji Castle stay to monitor the lords in western Japan. For this reason, the lord of the castle was replaced by a capable person several times by the Shogunate. From the middle 18th century, the Sakai Clan continued to govern the castle until the end of the Edo Period. Perhaps it could be because the society became stable. No battles have occurred at the castle since it was built, so it is sometimes called “an anti-war castle”.

本多忠政肖像画~The portrait of Tadamasa Honda (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
明治初期の姫路城の外観~The appearance of Himeji Castle in the first Meiji Era (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

However, at the end of the Edo Period, the castle faced its first crisis. The New Government Army including other domains, such as Okayama, surrounded the castle in 1868. This is because the Sakai Clan was in charge of an important position for the Shogunate. The warriors in the castle had sworn allegiance, but the attackers didn’t accept it and opened fire. Some tiles of a gate called Bizen-mon were destroyed, but that was all. It may have been like a performance. The warriors in the castle later surrendered and handed over control of the castle to the New Government.

備前門~The Bizen-mon Gate (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, part of Himeji Castle was used for the Japanese Army. Some buildings around Sannomaru were demolished. It is said that other buildings including the Main Tower were also sold, but the buyer waived the right, because it was too expensive for him to demolish them. This story is unclear. If true, it was the second crisis of the castle.

1936年時点の姫路城の写真~The photo of Himeji Castle in 1936 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1878, a military officer, Shigeto Nakamura suggested the need to preserve Himeji and Nagoya Castles to the Japanese Army. It was allowed by the government who created a budget to maintain the castles. This is the epoch-making event that castles were considered as cultural properties for the first time. The Meiji Great Repairs was done in 1910. In fact, the Main Tower was leaning little by little due to its own weight, before it was repaired.

城内にある中村重遠の顕彰碑~The monument of Shigeto Nakamura in the castle (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)

The last crisis came to the castle when the Himeji Air Raid happened in 1945 during World War II. The town area of Himeji City was mostly burned, but the castle wasn’t affected. A firebomb was dropped into the Main Tower, luckily it didn’t explode. Unfortunately, the Nagoya Castle, which was also being maintained by the government was burned down by bombs. People in Himeji were very encouraged by the fact that Himeji Castle was still intact just after the war. Today, after two more great repairs (Showa and Heisei), Himeji Castle gets the brilliance back like its peak time. I think we have to be thankful for the great effort of the people at the castle and for good fortune.

空襲に備え黒い網をかけられた大天守~The Large Main Tower covered by the black screen to prevent from an air raid (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

「姫路城その2」に続きます。To be continued in “Himeji Castle Part2”

73.広島城~Hiroshima Castle

Hiroshima is a city of peace, but also a city from the castle.

広島城の外観復元天守~The apparently restored Tenshu keep of Hiroshima Castle(licensed by Taisyo via Wikimedeia Commons)

立地と歴史~Location and History

Hiroshima is now a city for promoting peace. The city comes from Hiroshima Castle built by the Mori clan. The clan originally lived in a large mountain castle called Yoshida-Koriyama which was specialized for defense in the Warring States Period. But it was not convenient for governance and business. After the unification of the whole country by the Toyotomi clan, Terumoto Mori decided to move his home base to another place by emulating other cases at that time. He started to build a new castle on an island on the delta of Otagawa River in 1589. The area of the castle and its town spread towards the sea in the south.

毛利輝元肖像画、毛利博物館蔵~The portrait of Terumoto Mori, owned by the Mori Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
安芸国広島城所絵図、江戸時代~The illustration of Hiroshima Castle in Aki Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)

After the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, it is said that the Fukushima clan completed the castle. It had a five layer Tenshu keep and 88 turrets. Primary enclosures were separated by water moats, connected by only bridges. They were also surrounded by many other rivers and moats. Instead, in such conditions, it could suffer from flooding. Fukushima had to repair the castle constantly after floods. However, frequent constructions made the Shogunate doubt Fukushima might be against the Shogunate. Fukushima was fired in 1619.

広島城の城主だった福島正則肖像画、東京国立博物館蔵~The portrait of Masanori Fukushima, the lord of Hiroshima Castle, owned by the Tokyo National Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

After that, the Asano clan governed Hiroshima for 250 years. They had kept the castle almost the same as original. They continued to reclaim land for towns and fields. The reclaimed area is the foundation of Hiroshima City.

広島市周辺の現代の地図~The present map around Hiroshima City


Now, ruins of mainly Honmaru and Ninomaru enclosures surrounded by the inner moat remain. No remaining buildings are there. The Tenshu has been apparently restored at the north-west corner of Honmaru. Its interior is used as a historical museum where you can learn about the history of the city and castle. Ninomaru is like a barbican on the way from outside to Honmaru, isolated by the inner moat around. It’s a very unique style.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

外観復元天守~The apparently restored Tenshu(taken by NR1000 from photoAC)

Several buildings like the Front Gate and the Drum Turret were recently restored in the original way at Ninomaru.

復元された二の丸の表御門~The restored Front Gate at Ninomaru(taken by NR1000 from photoAC)
復元された二の丸の太鼓櫓~The restored Drum Turret at Ninomaru(taken by acworks from photoAC)

その後~Later Life

The modern history of the castle might be stormier. After the Meiji Restoration, the ruins of the castle were turned into the ground for Hiroshima Chindai of the Japanese Army. Many castle buildings were replaced with military facilities. In particular, the Imperial Headquarters was relocated there during the Sino-Japanese War in 1894. Emperor Meiji moved there from Tokyo to order his soldiers. There was a large navy port called Ujina nearby, and Hiroshima had been a military-based city until World War II.

右側が広島大本営の建物~The building of the Imperial Headquaters on the right(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In August 1945, people in Hiroshima were wondering why they didn’t suffer from large air raids. That was because the city was one of the targets of the atomic bombs. At 8:15 AM on August 6, the bomb killed around 150,000 people including non-combatants, women and children as well as all of the buildings in the city area. The remaining Tenshu keep of Hirosima Castle collapsed in an instant by the bomb blast before burning out.

第二次世界大戦まで現存した天守~The remaining Tenshu until World War II(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

戦争直後の城周辺の航空写真~A aerial photo of around the castle just after the World War II

After the war, people discussed how they should treat the burned ruins of the castle. When the temporary Tenshu was built in 1951 just during a National Sports Festival in Hiroshima, they realized that they need to rebuild the Tenshu as a symbol of peace and restoration for the city. That’s why the present Tenshu was apparently restored in 1958.

復元された天守~The restored Tenshu

私の感想~My Impression

Hiroshima Castle is a typical example of a castle’s role being turned from war into peace. Hiroshima Toyo Carp is a Japanese pro baseball team. The name “Carp” comes from the castle’s nickname, the Carp Castle “Ri-Jo”. I hope that the castle will be a symbol of peace and prosperity now and forever.

広島城の堀にいる鯉~Carps in the water moat of Hiroshima Castle(taken by tomo3368 from photoAC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

From Hiroshima station: It takes about 25 minutes on foot. Or take the tram line 1, 2, or 6, and take off at the Kamiyacho-Higashi stop. Or take the bus line 7, 8, or 9 at Hiroshima Station south exit bus terminal, and take off at the Godochosha-Mae bus stop.
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 20 minutes from the Hiroshima IC on San-yo Expressway. There are several parking lots around the castle.

リンク、参考情報~Links and Rererences

広島城公式ホームページ~Hiroshima Castle
・広島城400年、中国新聞社編、第一法規(Japanese Book)
・決戦!広島城、松永弘高著、朝日新聞出版(Japanese Book)
・よみがえる日本の城7、学研(Japanese Book)

21.江戸城その2~Edo Castle Part2

Edo was a city of waterways.

葛飾北斎「富嶽三十六景」より「江戸日本橋」、江戸時代~”Nihonbashi Bridge in Edo” from the series “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji” attributed to Hokusai Katsushika in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


These days, most people don’t realize that Tokyo is a city of waterways. However, Edo actually was. When the Tokugawa clan moved into Edo, Edo Castle was in the present uptown area. The present down town area was below the sea or waterlogged. There was a sand bank called Edo-Maeto. There was also the Hibiya arm of the sea between the land and the bank. Tokugawa’s team created a canal across Edo-Maeto and change the route of rivers for water transportation.

東京中心部のカラー標高図にコメント付加、江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡がわかります~The color altitude map of central Tokyo, adding comments, you can see traces of Edo-Maeto and the Hibiya arm of the sea(出典:国土地理院)

A canal created for changing the route of the river from the Hibiya arm of the sea to east of Edo Maeto is Nihonbashi River, where Nihonbashi Bridge goes across. The bridge is known for a traditional view and the starting point of many major roads.

日本橋~Nihonbashi Bridge
1911年に完成直後の現存日本橋~The remaining Nihonbashi Bridge just after the complition in 1911(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
日本橋にある日本国道路元標~The starting milestone of Japan at Nihonbashi Bridge(licensed by Aimaimyi via Wikimedia Commons)
歌川広重「東海道五十三次」より「日本橋」、江戸時代~”Nihonbashi Bridge” from the series “Fifty-three Stations of Tokaido” attributed to Hiroshige Utagawa in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In fact, the river below the bridge is artificial and was created over 400 years ago. From the river, the outer moat separated out trough the center of Edo Maeto.

日本橋川~Nihonbashi River
戦前の有楽町付近の外堀~The outer moat near Yurakucho before World War II(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Tokugawa reclaimed the Hibiya arm of the sea to expand the ground for the castle as well as the need for defense. They also filled the sea around Edo Maeto to create the city area. Meanwhile, they left part of the sea as moats, rivers and canals. As a result, Edo city was spread with waterways. There are still traces of them on the present map. Let’s see some examples.

江戸時代初期の江戸推定地図~The estimated map of Edo in the first Edo Period(国土交通省Websiteから引用)

赤い線は現在の地図に残された江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡、マーカーは以下の項目に関連しています~The red line shows the remaining trace of Edo-Maetou and Hibiya Arm of the Sea on the present map, markers are related with the following items

愛宕神社~Atago Shrine

It is famous for its steep steps of “success”. It was near the entrance of the Hibiya arms of the sea.

愛宕神社の鳥居~The Torii Gate of Atago Shrine
出世の階段、馬にのってこの階段を登り切った武士は出世できると言われていました~The Steps of Success, it was said that if a warrior riding a horse could get the top, he would be promoted

赤坂1丁目交差点~Akasaka-icchome intersection

This was the estuary of the river from Tameike. It was turned into a part of the outer moat.

赤坂1丁目交差点に向かいます~Going to Akasaka-icchome intersection
かつて外堀であった「外堀通り」~”Sotobori Street” which means outer moat street, former the outer moat
今に残る外堀の石垣~Remaining stone walls alomgside the outer moat

潮見坂~Shiomi slope

It is among Kasumigaseki governmental ministries. It seems to be the west edge of the Hibiya arm.

潮見坂~Shiomi Slope

桜田門周辺~Aroud Sakurada-mon Gate

This seems to be the estuary of another river near the gate. It remains a part of the inner moat.

桜田門~Sakurada-mon Gate
桜田濠と呼ばれる内堀の一部~A part of the inner moat called Sakurada-bori

皇居正門~The main entrance of Imperial Palace

The palace is on what was Nishinomaru enclosure. The inner moat in front of it was originally the sea.

皇居正門と石橋~The main entrance of Imperial Palace and The Stone Bridge
西の丸は高い所にあります~Nishinomaru enclosure is in a high place

皇居外苑~The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace

This was completely a sea, and filled without the inner moat around.

皇居外苑~The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace

坂下門~Sakashita-mon Gate

The inner moat around the gate uses the original rivers and valleys.

坂下門~Sakashita-mon Gate
門周辺の内堀~The inner moat around the gate

大手門周辺~Around Ote-mon Gate

This was the estuary of Hirakawa River emptied into the Hibiya arms of the sea.

大手門~Ote-mon Gate
大手門前の内堀~The inner moat in front of Ote-mon Gate

和田倉門~Wadakura-mon Gate

This was the inmost place of the Hibiya arm of the sea. Wadakura means warehouse st seashore.

和田倉門~Wadakura-mon Gate
ここが最奥だった地点か?~Was this the inmost spot?

日比谷公園~Hibiya Park

The ruins of stone walls for the inner moat is used for a resting place.

日比谷公園の休憩所~The resting place of Hibiya Park
それは石垣の上にあります~It is on the stone walls

山手線の側面~The side of Yamanote line

It is said that the elevated red brick railway could be available on the primary land.

山手線のレンガ作りの高架鉄道~The elevated red brick railway of Yamanote line

新橋跡~The ruins of Shinbashi bridge

The bridge went across Shiodome-gawa River which was originally the edge of Edo Maeto.

現存する新橋の親柱~The remaining newel post of Shinbashi Bridge

銀座の裏通り~The back street of Ginza

Sanjukkenbori River went through it and it was built using the east coast of Edo Maeto.

銀座の裏通り、ここも海や川でした~The back street of Ginza, it was also the sea or river

首都高速都心環状線~The Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Ring Route

This was Kaedegawa River with several Funairi moats like docks. The river connected to Nihonbashi River.

首都高速都心環状線、元楓川~The Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Ring Route, the former Kaedegawa River
かつては楓川を渡っていた橋、A bridge which went across Kaedegawa River in the past

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, many buildings of the castle were demolished, but many waterways remained, because people still used them. For instance, the fish market in Tokyo was along Nihonbashi River until the Great Kanto Earthquakes in 1923. After that, the market moved to Tsukiji.

明治初期の東京中心地の地図、まだ多くの水路がありました~The map of central Tokyo in the early Meiji Era, there were still a lot of waterways
日本橋の魚市場~The Fish Market at Nihonbashi(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

After World War II, part the outer moat was filled by the debris of burned buildings. It has become Sotobori Street.

外堀通り~Sotobori Street

In the mid Showa Era, motorization came and it was decided in 1959 that the 1964 summer Olympics in Tokyo would be held. There would be little time to develop the infrastructure for transportation in Tokyo, especially an expressway. The government had to use the remaining waterways as the land for the expressway. Because they didn’t need buy them. Almost all of the waterways in Tokyo died out.

京橋川上に建設中の高速道路、1960年~The expressway under construction above Kyobashigawa River in 1960(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Nihonbashi Bridge and Nihonbashi River have survived due to their historical values. That’s why the expressway goes above them. Now, people in the Nihonbashi area urge the government to move the expressway underground to get its good old landscape back.

日本橋上の高速道路~The expressway above Nihonbashi Bridge

「江戸城その3」に続きます。~To be continued in “Edo Castle Part3”
「江戸城その1」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part1”