6.盛岡城(Morioka Castle)

Morioka Castle Ruins look like a warrior wearing an amour made of stone.

盛岡城の石垣(The stone walls of Morioka Castle)

Location and History

Morioka City, the capital of Iwate Prefecture, started from this castle. Morioka was also named by the lord of the castle, the Nanbu clan. The castle was originally located on a hill in the north of the meeting point of Kitakami River and Nakatsu River (Now, Kitakami River has been replaced in the western direction).

南部領盛岡平城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Morioka Castle in Nanbu Domain in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館

最新の城周辺の地図(The latest map around the castle)

Nanbu clan had been a great warlord group in the north Tohoku region with their operations run by the relatives’ council. In the end of the Civil War Period, Nobunao Nanbu in Sannohe Castle had an influence, and he was allowed to be the head of the clan by the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

南部信直像、もりおか歴史文化館蔵(The portlait of Nobunao Nanbu, owned by Morioka History and Culture Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

He beat a rebellious relative, Masazane Kunohe in Kunohe Casle with the help from Toyotomi’s men such as Ujisato Gamo and Nagayoshi Asano. Then, he once moved to Kunohe Castle and renamed it “Fukuoka”. But Fukuoka was too much on the north because Nanbu’s territory spread to the south. So, Gamo and Asano suggested Nobunao to move again to another southern place. That was Kozukata (the former name of Morioka) where Nobunao started to build a new castle in 1598.

九戸城跡(The ruins of Kunohe Castle)

Gamo and Asano also suggested to build the castle made up entirely of stone walls that was popular in the western Japan. That style would be more defensive and special in the eastern Japan at the point. The construction took a long time before its completion in 1615 by Nobunao’s son, Toshinao who renamed Kozukata, Morioka then.

本丸(右)と二の丸(左)(Honmaru on the right and Ninomaru on the left)

Nanbu clan governed Morioka Castle and town all through the Edo Period. The castle sometimes suffered from fires, earthquakes and floods, but were repaired and partly improved.

腰曲輪の石垣(The stone walls of Koshi-Guruwa)


Now, the ruins of Morioka Castle remain stone walls without buildings except for only one warehouse called “Hiko-Okura”, but they are even more outstanding. Wherever you get around the ruins, you can see amazing stone walls. They are all made of white granite locally produced. Let’s look at some typical stone walls we can see in the ruins.

現存する「彦御蔵」(The remaining Hiko-Okura)

(The map of Morioka Castle Ruins, Markers show the points pictures below were taken)

・The main enclosure “Honmaru” surrounded stone walls: They consist of piled-up natural stones basically, and processed stones in the corner, called “Nozura-Dumi”. They are thought to be the oldest in ruins, and might have been made in the earliest time since the castle began to be built.

本丸周りの石垣(Honmaru surrounded stone walls)

・The bounded enclosure “Koshi-Guruwa” stone walls: These stones are roughly processed and piled called “Ran-Dumi”. The method was used around the same time as the castle was completed. Part of them were restored recently in the original way.

腰曲輪石垣(Koshi-Guruwa stone walls)

・The second enclosure “Ninomaru” west side stone walls: They are made with square cut stones and piled with aligning called “Nuno-Dumi”. They were added in the late 17th century, after the replacement of Kitakami River.

二の丸西側石垣(Ninomaru west side stone walls)

As mentioned above, there are many types of stone walls from different times and methods. New and advanced ones are not always the best for you.

腰曲輪石垣からもう一枚(Another photo from Koshi-Guruwa stone walls

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the buildings of the castle were demolished. The castle went to ruin, people around were worried about it. Then, Iwate Prefecture rented it (Morioka City bought it later), and opened to the public as the Iwate Park in 1906. After that, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1941 as well.

公園内の石垣と木々(Stone walls and trees in the park)taken by NR1000 from photoAC

My Impression

Recently, Morioka City nicknamed the park “Morioka Castle Ruins Park”. The main reason for it should be for tourism, while the city seems to be searching for the way of restoring the castle including some buildings. I think that keeping the ruins is in the future would be the best way. Because if a building is restored on the stone walls, people’s interest might be destructed by them.

二の丸から木々を見下ろす(Ninomaru overlooking the trees)

The ruins surrounded by stone walls are over 400 years old. Trees and plants help them look more beautiful. A writer says “Flowers in spring, green in summer, leaves in autumn, snow in winter” with his pictures of the stone walls.

石垣に桜の花(The stone walls featuring cherry blossoms)taken by 政宗っ。from photoAC

How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Morioka IC on Tohoku Expressway. The park offers an underground parking lot.
If you want to go there by bus from Morioka station: Take the Den-Den-Mushi bus at the east exit bus terminal bus stop No.16, and take off at the Morioka-Joato-Koen bus stop. Or it takes about 20 minutes on foot from the station.
From Tokyo to Morioka st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.

Links and References

盛岡城跡公園(岩手公園)~盛岡市(Morioka Castle Ruins Park (Iwate Park)~Morioka City)
・「史跡盛岡城跡整備基本計画/盛岡市」(Japanese Document)
・「盛岡城の石垣/高橋喜平」(Japanese Book)

5.根城(Ne Castle)

Ne Castle is a castle which has been rebuilt thanks to the great effort of the local people and officials.

復元された本丸主殿(The restored Honmaru Main Hall)

Location and History

The castle was located in what is now Hachinohe City, Aomori pref. which has been the opening for the northern Tohoku region and has flourished through trading since the Middle Ages.

八戸市の位置(The position of Hachinohe City)licensed by Lincun via Wikipedia Commons

In the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, Moroyuki Nanbu was sent to Mutsu Province by the Southern Court to govern this area. He first built Ne Castle on a hill in Nukanobu district after the former ruler Hojo’s hall in 1334.

八戸博物館前の南部師行像(The statue of Moroyuki Nanbu in front of the Hachinohe Museum)licensed via Wikipedia Commons

The castle had the main enclosure “Honmaru” with the main palace and related buildings surrounded by fences and dry moats. The entrance called “Koguchi” was accessed by a bridge which would be destroyed in an emergency. The main hall was rebuilt even16 times ,for example, when inheritance. During that time, the castle area was expanded adding seven similar enclosures called “Date”. This is one of typical castle styles in the Middle Ages.

本丸入り口の橋(The entrance bridge of Honmaru)

The Nanbu clan had been staying at the castle for over 250 years, but at the end of the Warring States Period, Nobunao Nanbu, a relative in Sannohe Castle had great influence and was admitted to be the head of the Nanbu clan by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Toyotomi ordered Ne Castle to be destroyed, however, it was not done as completely as just the Koguchi was removed and moats were filled. After that, the main hall was used for a while, but it was finally abandoned in 1627.

堀の跡(The ruins of a moat)


Now, the Honmaru area is restored to show it was. You can go across the bridge on the dry moat and pass the Koguchi to enter the area. The inside is surrounded by a wood fence.

本丸の木柵(The wood fence around Honmaru)

You can also see and enter the restored main palace where figures represent a new-year ceremony and panels of its history are shown.

復元された本殿(The restored Main Palace)licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedia Commons

There are also restored related buildings such as a stable, workshops, warehouses, and a forge. Many things like armor and utensils are placed inside exactly like the original ones.

復元された馬小屋(The restored stable)licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedia Commons
復元された工房(The restored workshop)
工房の内部(The inside of the workshop)

These items make you feel like you are in the world of the Middle Ages. They are recreated according to the same specifications as the period just before the destruction of the castle in 1592.

本丸内部全景(The whole view of Honmaru inside)

Later Life

After being abandoned, the area of Ne Castle seemed to be used for farming and residences. It was designated as a national historic site, comparatively early in 1941. After World War II, officials were worried about the ruins being developed and completely destroyed. They started to make the land public in1972, make the plan for developing environment of the ruins in 1978, and excavated Honmaru area until 1989. After that, they also thought about how to show the ruins not a flat exhibit, but a restoration to make them understood by many people.

根城の航空写真、一部が住宅化している(The aeriel photo of Ne Castle, Part of it has become residential area)

However, there would be some problems.. The most difficult one was the unclear details of the buildings. The excavation mostly shows plenty of holes for pillars. Researchers somehow managed to sort them and estimate the layout of each building. Next, they tried to design three-dimensional restored buildings from examples in similar regions and periods. Finally, the reconstruction was completed and the site was open to the public in 1994 as “Nejo Castle Site”.

復元された建物の柱の位置(The restored positions of pillars of a building)

My Impression

People and officials in Hachinohe City have been developing the Ne Castle Site for nearly 50 years. This is a significant achievement. I really respect them. The restored buildings and objects are made in the traditional way. Keeping them for a long time requires specific maintenance and much funding. Visiting the site helps keep it as well. Of course Ne Castle is worth visiting to feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

復元された倉庫の内部(The inside of a restored warehouse)

How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Hachinohe IC on Hachinohe Expressway.
If you want to go there by bus from Hachinohe station: Take the Nanbu bus at the bus terminal plarfoem 1, and take off at the Ne-Jo bus stop.
From Tokyo to Hachinohe st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.

Links and References

・「日本の遺跡19根城跡/佐々木浩一」同成社(Japanese Book)

120.菅谷館(Sugaya Hall)

This castle is between legend and reality.

現在の菅谷館本郭の入り口(The present entrance of Sugaya Hall Hon-Kuruwa)

Location and History

The name “Sugaya Hall” needs a small explanation. The term “hall” means ”warrior’s hall in the early Middle Ages” in this case. It usually consists of a hall with earthen walls or fences, and a surrounding moat on a plain, for example, like the Ashikaga clan hall.

足利氏館跡(Ashikaga Clan Hall Ruins)

Sugaya Hall has a local tale about Shigetada Hatakeyama, a senior vassal of the Kamakura Shogunate, living there at that time. An old document called “Aduma-Kagami” also says he lived in Sugaya Hall. That’s why these ruins are called Sugaya “Hall” and the statue of Hatakeyama is standing on the ruins.

畠山重忠像(The statue of Shigetada Hatakeyama)

However, the appearance of the ruins is different from such descriptions. They look like the ruins of a castle in the Warring States Period obviously. Old documents in the period also call them Sugaya “Castle”, not “Hall”. In addition, the result of excavation says the castle was used around 1500 in the Warring States Period. Overall, the name “Sugaya Hall” seems to come from a kind of compromise between legend and reality by the officials.

菅谷館跡全景(The whole view of Sugaya Castle Ruins)~埼玉県立嵐山史跡の博物館ウェブサイトより引用

Anyway, the castle was in the important area where warlords battled each other such as “The battle of Sugayahara” in 1488. Records say that one of the warlords, the Ogigayatsu Uesugi clan, restored the old Sugaya Castle for the battle, but they were defeated and kept under arrest in the castle. Another document says that the Hojo clan used the castle about 100 years later. After all, the castle seemed to be used and abandoned several times.

二の郭前の堀(The moat in front of Ni-no-Kuruwa)

Sugaya Castle is located on a low plateau in what is now the western part of Saitama pref. where the Kamakura road, a main road in the Middle Ages was passing nearby. The main enclosure, “Hon-Kuruwa”, was protected by the Tokigawa river behind it and natural valleys both sides. The entrance of Hon-Kuruwa is strictly guarded and several enclosures including “Ni-no-Kuruwa” and “San-no-Kuruwa” spread out in front of Hon-Kuruwa.

菅谷館跡の地図(The map of Sugaya Hall Ruins)~現地案内板写真に追記


The ruins of Sugaya Castle retain their foundation but with no buildings. The foundation is well preserved, and is all made from soil which is a typical method of building castles in eastern Japan in the Warring States Period.

菅谷館跡の土塁(An earthen wall of Sugaya Hall Ruins)

Let’s look at Hon-Kuruwa for instance. This enclosure is thought to be Hatakeyama’s hall. If it’s true, it must have been strengthened as the center of the castle later.

菅谷館跡の地図、アルファベットは以下の写真を撮った位置(The map of Sugaya Hall Ruins, Alfabetic characters show the points pictures below were taken)~現地案内板写真に追記

Hon-Kuruwa is surrounded by a high earthen wall and deep dry moat. That makes it easier for defenders to protect them from an enemy’s attack. Its entrance, called “Koguchi”, is narrow and the route to it is made zigzagged so that attackers are unable to enter inside directly.

A.本郭の土塁と空堀(The earthen wall and dry moat of Hon-Kuruwa)
B.本郭の入り口(The entrance of Hon-Kuruwa)

In addition, the wall is partly stuck out on purpose. This allows defenders to attack from the sticking point to an enemy’s front and sides. Such a structure is called a “Dematsu” shaped earthen wall. It is an advanced system when combined with other defensive features for castles in the Warring States Period. So some historians speculate Hojo might have improved the castle.

C.出桝型土塁(The “Dematsu” shaped earthen wall)
D.本郭の内部(The inside of Hon-Kuruwa)
E.二の郭の入り口、最も高くなっている(The entrance of Ni-no-Kruwa, the highest point)

Later Life

The castle seemed to be abandoned for a long time since sometime at the end of the Warring States Period. Since then, the ruins were private owned and thought of as Hatakeyama’s heritage. His statue was built when the ruins were first investigated in the Taisho Era about 100 years ago. In 1973, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site, then were newly designated one of the “Hiki Castles Ruins” in 2008.

明治初期の城跡周辺の地図、土塁が残り畑・林となっていた(The map around the ruins in the early Meiji Era, there was a field and woods)

My Impression

Warlords in the Kanto region built castles as many as they needed. When they didn’t need the castles, they immediately abandoned the castles. On the other hand, when warlords wanted to reuse abandoned castles, they restored or improved the castles. As a result, when warlords abandoned castles, they didn’t completely destroy the castles. Instead, they often destroyed part of the castles, or just remove their buildings. Probably it could be because it is more efficient and easy to reuse. I think that’s why the foundation of Sugaya Hall (Castle) remains well.

本郭の裏手(The back of Hon-Kuruwa)

There is the Ranzan Historical Museum on San-no-Kuruwa of the ruins now. It shows the exhibition of history and the excavation about Hiki Castle Ruins including Sugaya Hall, Sugiyama, Matsuyama and Ogura Castles. Let’s look into their history and visit Sugaya Hall first. Out of the others, Sugiyama Castle ruins is only about 5 km from there. So, how about visit the set of them.

嵐山史跡の博物館(the Ranzan Historical Museum)

比企城館跡群の4つの城(The four castles of Hiki Castle Ruins)

How to get There

When using car, the ruins is near Ranzan-Ogawa IC on Kan-Etsu Expressway. Ranzan Historical Museum offers a parking lot.
When using train, it takes about 15 minutes on foot from Musashi-Ranzan Station on Tobu Tojo line.
From Tokyo to Musashi-Ranzan Station: Take the train on Tobu Tojo line from Ikebukuro Station.

Links and References

埼玉県立 嵐山史跡の博物館(the Ranzan Historical Museum)