105.白石城(Shiroishi Castle)

復元された白石城天守(The restored Tenshu of Shiroishi Castle)

Location and History

The Shiroishi castle is located in Shiroishi city, in the southern tip of Miyagi prefecture. The area was also in the southern tip of the feudal domain of Sendai in the Edo period. It is said that the castle was built in the early Middle Ages. Since then, the lords of the castle were changed several times because of the importance of the area. Finally, the castle belonged to the Date clan at the end of the Civil War period. They placed their senior vassals, the Katakuka clan, as the lord of the castle. The structures of the castle, including the keep tower “Tenshu” were developed then.

白石市の宮城県内での位置(The position of Shiroishi City in Miyagi pref.)
仙台藩は宮城県より大きな領地でした。(Sendai Domain had a larger territory than Miyagi pref.)

But, after the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, it ordered all of the domain lords to restrict all castles to no more than the one in their home ground (The law of one castle per province). According to this order, the Shiroishi castle was to be demolished. However, the castle remained as an exemption probably because of Date’s strong influence. Katakuka governed the castle and the surrounding area all through the Edo period. Considering the spot of the second castle, the keep tower was not called “Tenshu” but “Oyagura” which means large turret. Despite several disasters and fires, the castle was kept through reconstruction and maintenance. After the Meiji restoration, the castle was demolished and sold, including its stone walls, in the end.

奥州仙台領白石城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Shiroishi Castle in Oshu-Sendai Domain in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館


Shiroishi castle now has a restored wooden Tenshu and main gate “Otemon”. The restoration was planned from excavation, old paintings and drawings.

復元された大手門(The restored Otemon)

Especially in the case of Tenshu, even its stone walls were restored. They are made in the original way from piled-up field stones called “Nodurazumi”.

復元された石垣(The restored stone walls)taken by あけび from photo AC

Actually, Japan’s Building Standard Act prohibits the building of such a new large wooden building like the Tenshu, but the act allowed it to be built as exemption at this time. Visitors can enter the inside of Tenshu.

天守の内部、二階部分(The inside of Tenshu, the second floor)

Though it is certainly a traditional wooden style building, you may feel relaxed like in a modern style building. This is probably because the inside is bright, the stairs are wide and not steep and so on. It seems like designers and carpenters made details more comfortable.

今風に作られた階段(The modernized stairs)
天守の三階部分(The third floor of Tenshu)
天守からの眺め、左下は大手門(A view from Tenshu, Otemon at the lower left)

Later Life

The vacant castle ruins were turned into a park which has became famous for cherry blossoms for some time, but the people in Shiroishi city had urged officials to rebuild the castle for a long time. Though there would be problems like the budget ,the way of making details and so on, the mayor of the city decided to do that in 1988.

復元された白石城天守(The restored Tenshu of Shiroishi Castle)

One of the most important topics about the rebuild was that the castle would be restored by the traditional wooden construction. It is said that the event led to the flowing of new methods for castles’ maintenance in Japan. The restoration was completed in 1997.

大手門の内側(The inside of Otemon)taken by あけび from photo AC

My Impression

It is a very good experience for visitors to see new traditional large wooden castle buildings. There is another such building in the Shirakawa-Komine castle in Shirakawa city about 130km away from Shiroishi city. But it may be a good idea to plan a tour of both castles by using Shinkansen.

福島県白河市にある白河小峰城(Shirakawa-Komine Castle in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Pref.)

How to get There

10 minutes walk from the JR Shiroishi train station or 5 minutes drive from the Shiroishi-Zao shinkansen station.
From Tokyo to Shiroishi st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to the Fukushima station and transfer to the Tohoku local line.
From Tokyo to Shiroishi-Zao st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express direct to the station.

8.仙台城(Sendai Castle)

本丸の伊達政宗像(The statue of Masamune Date at Honmaru area)

Location and History

Sendai is the biggest city in Tohoku district of Japan, and the prefectural capital of Miyagi pref. The city started its history with the Sendai castle. The founder of the castle, Masamune Date was a great young warlord, but he had to follow the Tokugawa Shogunate after its unification of the whole country. It is said the Sendai castle was designated for Date to settle from three options by the shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa.

伊達政宗像、仙台市博物館蔵(The picture of Masamune Date owned by Sendai City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Actually, it was very rare for a new castle to be on a mountain area instead of a plain area at that time when the war was over. The main enclosure “Honmaru” area was strong defensively. Its east side had a vertical cliff, south was a river valley, and west was a deep mountain. Only the north side was accessible, but many structures and devices were set on this side to prevent enemies from attacking. No one can clearly explain why Tokugawa let Date build the strong castle.

城周辺の段彩陰影図(The transparent color shaded relief map around the castle)

Because the shogunate usually didn’t want to have lords get labeled based on a strong site, eventually, the second generation of the feudal domain of Sendai moved to the plain area called “Ninomaru”. After the construction of the Ninomaru main hall, they were able to live and govern conveniently.

二の丸の古写真(An old picture of Ninomaru)licensed by katana 213 via Wikimedia Commons


Let’s walk up the north side of the Honmaru area. At first, you can try standing on the ruin of the main entrance “Otemon” where a very large scale gate building was located until it was burned down by the Sendai air raid in 1945. The side turret building of the Otemon we can see now was rebuilt after the war.

大手門跡(The ruin of Otemon)
大手門の古写真、1938年(An old picture of Otemon in 1938)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
再建された大手門脇櫓(The rebuilt side turret of Otemon)

Then, you have to climb up a steep and winding road with passing through the ruin of another gate called “Nakanomon” to head towards Honmaru. After that, you may be surprised to see the tall and wide stone walls of Honmaru stand in your way.

中の門跡(The ruin of Nakanomon)
本丸北石垣(The north stone walls of Honmaru)

In the past, three of three story turrets were on the stone walls that would be tough for attackers. Finally, entering the last gate “Tsumenomon”, you will reach Honmaru.

詰の門跡(The ruin of Tsumenomon)
本丸御殿跡(The ruin of Honmaru main hall)
本丸北石垣から見下ろした眺め(A view looking down from the north stone walls of Honmaru

本丸北側の地図(The map of north side of Honmaru)
(Please click a marker, and check the name of the point.)

Later Life

After the Meiji restoration, the headquarters of the Japanese army 2nd division was located in the castle with most of original buildings being demolished. After the World War II, the US army occupied the area then. After the restoration of sovereignty, the Honmaru area is divided by Sendai city and the Gokoku shrine, and the Ninomaru area is used for the Touhoku University. Officials are now considering how they can improve the castle ruins carefully with the achievement of excavations.

二の丸地区にある東北大学(Tohoku University on Ninomaru area)licensed by XIIIfromTOKYO via Wikimedia Commons

My impression

Now, it is very easy for anyone to access the Honmaru area from the Sendai station by bus or car, there you can see the great view and the bronze statue of Date. But I think that is not enough to know about the Sendai town and castle. I recommend walking from the station to the castle ruins of about one hour.

本丸地区からの仙台の街並み(A view of Sendai town from Honmaru area)

Go straight to the Clisroad which starts from the opposite side of the Parco building near north side of the station. The road is an arcade with hundreds of shops, you can also enjoy shopping there.

クリスロード(The Crisroad)

It will lead you to the Ohashi Bridge across the Hirose River. You will reach the ruin of Otemon. In addition, you can also walk from the International Center station on the Tozai subway line near the ruin.

大橋(The Ohashi bridge)
大橋から見た本丸地区(A view of Honmaru area from Ohashi bridge)

赤い線がお勧めルートです(The red line shows the recommended route)

How to get There

If you want to go there by bus from Sendai station: Take the Loople-Sendai bus that comes every 15 or 20 minutes at the top of the hour at the west entrance bus pool.
If you wish to walk there from the International Center station: Take the Tozai subway line from the Sendai station.
From Tokyo to Sendai st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.

29.松本城(Matsumoto Castle)

Location and History

松本城天守と埋橋(Matsumoto castle keep and Uzumi bridge)

The Matsumoto castle, particularly its keep “Tenshu” is outstanding now in Matsumoto city, Nagano prefecture. But the road to present has not been smooth. In the 16th century, the Ogasawara clan first built the castle in this area. After a while, they named it Matsumoto castle. In 1590, the Ishikawa clan were transferred to the area and started to spread the castle and they also built the Tenshu. It was modified several times and reached the same appearance as now in 1633 by the Matsudaira clan.

松本城航空写真(The aerial photo of Matsumoto Castle)


In spite of its long history, the symbol of the castle is just the Tenshu. It consists of the large keep “Dai-Tenshu”, the Inui small keep “Sho-Tenshu”, and two turrets (Tatsumi-Tsuke Yagura and Tsukimi Yagura) which are connected to each other. Daitenshu is the only one remaining and its five-story castle keep in the east Japan. It has a brilliant black colored look coming from wooden side walls painted with special Japanese lacquer, annually.

天守西面、左から乾小天守、大天守(The west side of Tenshu. Inui Sho-Tenshu, Dai-Tenshu from the left)
天守南面、左から大天守、辰巳附櫓、月見櫓(The south side of Tenshu. Dai-Tenshu, Tatsumi-Tsuke-Yagura, Tsukimi-Yagura from the left)

It is often compared with the Himegi castle’s equally five-story Dai-Tenshu painted in white clearly in the west Japan by contrast. Matsumoto castle’s Tenshu is also designated as one of the 5 remaining keeps of Japan’s national treasures (the others are Himeji, Hikone, Inuyama and Matsue).

「白い」姫路城天守(The “white” Himeji castle keep)

Basically its devices such as machicolations and loopholes were built just for battles, they were also well designed and match each story’s roof.

松本城の石落とし(One of Matsumoto castle’s machicolations)takeen by あけび from photo AC

Its beautiful total balance of the castle has been attracting not only history fans but also photographers, artists and everyday visitors. For example, Matsumoto castle with the background of the Japan Alps could be a very good photo subject.

日本アルプスを背景にした松本城(Matsumoto Castle with the background of the Japan Alps)

You can also get in the inside of the Tenshu which in fact consists of 6 floors. You may be surprised to see how strong it is built by using mainly wooden materials. But the inside is relatively dark and narrow, and stairways are steep. So it is recommended to wear comfortable clothes.

松本城天守の内部(A view of the inside of Matsumoto castle’s Tenshu)taken by あけび from photo AC

Later Life

The later life of Matsumoto castle was very severe. In the Edo period, when the Honmaru main hall was burned down, warriors of the feudal domain of Matsumoto worked their hardest to prevent Tenshu from burning. After the Meiji restoration, all of the other buildings were removed, and finally Tenshu was sold to possibly be for waste material. Ryozo Ichikawa, a social campaigner came out, then asked the buyer to suspend, after that he collected money to get it back, and was successful in the end.

明治時代の天守写真、松本城管理事務所蔵(The picture of Tenshu in the Meiji Era, owned by Matsumoto Castle Management Bureau)licensed under public domain via Wikimedia Commons

However, that was not enough for the castle. Such a large and old building is needed to do continuous maintenance to keep. In the middle Meiji era, Tenshu got to lean at about six degrees due to central pillars decayed, and bats lived in it. Another savior, school head Unari Kobayashi worked hard to repair the castle. At last the castle was designated as a national treasure. In addition, other traditional gates around Tenshu such as Kuromon and Taikomon has been rebuilt these days.

太鼓門(The Taikomon)

My Impression

I would like to say that you would better have enough time to spend if you want to get in Tenshu, as there might be a long line. It may take nearly 1 hour in line because visiting famous castles has become more popular over the last few years.

天守南西面(The southwest side of the Tenshu)

And my another suggestion is to show respect to two saviors who kept the castle intact, by looking at the plaque of them that is placed inside the gate of Kuromon.

黒門(The Kuromon) taken by あけび from photo AC

How to get There

It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the Matsumoto train station or bus terminal. When using a car, there are few parking lots around the castle.
From Tokyo: Go to Nagano on Hokuriku shinkansen super express, transfer local train on Shinonoi line (train). Or take a direct highway bus at the Shinjuku bus terminal (bus)

Links and Refernces

国宝松本城(National treasure Matsumoto Castle)