Please pay attention to both the top and foot of the mountain.
The map around the castle
To Castle Ruins on Top
Now, the area around Mt. Kinkazan has become one of the most popular tourist spots in the Gifu Prefecture. You can easily go to the top of the mountain by the Kinkazan Ropeway. If you want to climb up there, it is common to use the Nanamagari Trail which was the Main Route for the castle. The tail is relatively gently sloped, so it takes around one hour to reach the top, climbing to about 300m from the ground.
The top is actually also a tourist spot where the ropeway terminal, a restaurant, a zoo, and the imitation Main Tower stand. The routes around the top have also been paved in a modern style. However, you can see rocky surfaces made of chert everywhere on the top. As for the ruins of the castle, there are the ruins of the First Gate where the huge stones for the gate collapsed. After seeing the defensive trenches called “Horikiri”, next comes the ruins of the Second Gate. Their plaster walls have been rebuilt recently, but some of the stone walls are original. You should check out the two steps of stone walls under the route from the Second Gate to the Main Tower. The method for building the stone walls is very old, so it is thought that they were built by Nobunaga.
A Great View from Main Tower
The imitation Main Tower was built in 1956, based on the drawings of the Three-Story Turret in Kano Castle. The turret was burned in the Edo Period, but there was a rumor that it might have been moved from the Gifu Castle. The interior of the tower is used as a museum which exhibits the history of the castle and Nobunaga. The top floor is also a sightseeing tower where you can see a great view of the area around, including Nagara-gawa River. The stone wall base of the tower looks very old. In fact, the stones are original, but the style is not, as the stones were re-piled when the tower was rebuilt.
You can also climb down on another tail, for example, from the ruins of the Back Gate. The gate also used huge stones of which you can see the remains on the route. After going down for a while, you can also see the huge, holy rock called “Eboshi-iwa”. The Inaba Shrine was originally located around the rock.
Ruins of Nobunaga’s Residence
At the foot of the mountain, I recommend that you visit the ruins of Nobunaga’s palace residence, because, in fact, it might have been the center of the castle. At the entrance, you can see the remains of the alternate huge stones which were 1.7m high in the past. Walking up the stairs around the terraced stone walls, there is an empty spacious space where the main building was constructed. In the back of it, there were also buildings for the tearoom and sightseeing with an artificial water garden using huge stones. Another pond garden was next to it, and an artificial river flew from the fountain between them. Moreover, these gardens were connected to the main building by the air corridors. Nobunaga seemed to use his palace residence for official ceremonies and for hosting important visitors.
Two main towers stood in a row at the castle.
立地と歴史~Location and History
海に面した城~A castle facing the sea
米子市は、中国地方の鳥取県西部にあり、ゆったりした雰囲気を感じる所です。戦国時代には中国地方のほとんどを毛利氏が支配していました。その一族である吉川広家は、天下人の豊臣秀吉に海の近くに新しい城を築くよう命じられ、それは1592年の秀吉の朝鮮侵攻の補給基地の役割がありました。この辺りは朝鮮に近かったからです。それが米子城でした。 Yonago City has a relaxed atmosphere, located in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, Chugoku Region. In the “Sengoku”, or Warring States Period, the Mori clan governed most of this region. Its relative Hiroie Kikkawa was ordered to build a new castle near the sea by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi as a supply base for Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea in 1592. Because the area is close to Korea. That was Yonago Castle.
城の位置~The location of the castle
この城は、湊山と呼ばれる90mの高さの山の上に築かれました。城の背後はちょうど中海に面しており、港として使われていました。初期の城に関する詳細は不明なのですが、頂上には4階の天守がありました。 The castle was built on a 90 m mountain called Minato-yama. The back of the castle just faced Nakaumi Lake, and was used as a port. The details regardomg the first castle are uncertain, but there was a four-story main tower or Tenshu on the top.
城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle
2つの天守が並ぶ~Two Main towers stands
徳川幕府が設立された後は、1600年に米子城と米子藩の領主として、中村一忠が配置されました。一忠は城と城下町の拡張を続け、完成させました。彼はまた、新しく元あった天守より大きな5階の天守を築きました。その当時、大きな天守を築くことが大名たちの間でブームとなっていました。民衆に権威を示すためです。既に古い天守があった場合には、大抵は置き換えられました。 After the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, they placed Kazutada Nakamura as the lord of Yonago Castle and the Yonago feudal Domain in 1600. He continued to improve and complete the castle along with the castle town. He also built a new five-story Tenshu that was larger than the old one. At that time, building large Tenshu was a boom for lords, as they tried to show their authority to people. If there was already an old Tenshu, it was often replaced with the new one.
しかし、米子城の場合は、元あった4階の天守は残され、単に名前が副天守または四階櫓と変えられただけでした。つまりそれ以来、2つの天守が並び立っていたのです。何と勇壮な姿だったことでしょう。 However, in the case of Yonago Castle, the old four-story Tenshu remained and was just renamed the Sub Main Tower or the Four-Story Turret. That meant two Tenshu were standing in a row since then. They must have looked so great!
鳥取藩の所有となる~Tottori feudal Domain owns
1609年、一忠は若くして亡くなり、彼には後継ぎとなる子どもがいなかったため、改易となってしまいました。最終的には米子は池田氏による鳥取藩に属することになります。池田氏は一時、当時の本拠地である鳥取城から、米子城に移り、ここを新本拠地にすることを検討しました。それだけ米子城が魅力的だったのですが、結局は中止になりました。結果、鳥取藩の家老である荒尾氏が米子城とその城下町を江戸時代いっぱい統治しました。 In 1609, Kazutada died young, then his clan was disbanded because he didn’t have children or successors. Lastly the Yonago area belonged to the Tottori feudal Domain owned by the Ikeda clan. The clan once considered Yonago Castle as their new home base by moving from their current home base, Tottori Castle. Yonago Castle was attractive to them, but the plan was canceled. Finally, the Arao clan, chief retainer of Tottori Domain governed Yonago Castle and the castle town until the end of the Edo Period.
城周辺の地図~The map aroud the castle
頂上へ上る~Climbing up to the top
現在、米子城の城跡は湊山公園として残っています。基礎の上に石垣がありますが、現存する建物はありません。城を訪れる人は通常は城の正門であった大手門跡から頂上の方に上っていきます。他にもいくつか登り口があります。 Now, the ruins of Yonago Castle remain as Minato-yama Park. There are stone walls on their foundation, but with no remaining buildings. Visitors can usually climb up to the top from the ruins of the Main Gate or Ote-mon which was the front entrance of the castle. There are also several trails to climb.
山はそれ程高くありませんので、15分か20分くらいあれば頂にある城の中心地に到達できます。 The mountain is not so high, so you can reach the center of the castle at the peak in around 15 to 20 minutes.
2つの天守台~The two stone wall bases for Tenshu
そこには2つの天守のための天守台石垣があります。新しい天守用の方は古い石を使い、三段積みの形式となっています。 There are stone wall bases for two Tenshu. The one for the new Tenshu has a three-layer style using older stones.
一方、古い天守(副天守)用には新しい石を使い、一層積みとなっています。これは、江戸時代後期に古い天守が大改装されたからです。この時、天守台が置き換えられたと言います。 On the other hand, the one for the old Tenshu (Sub Main Tower) has a single-layer style using newer stones. This is because the old Tenshu was renovated in the late Edo Period. It is said its base was replaced then.
本丸とその他の曲輪~Main and other enclosures
鉄門と呼ばれる正門跡を通り過ぎると、本丸に入っていきます。 Going through the front gate ruins called Kurogane-mon, you will enter the Main enclosure or “Honmaru”.
この曲輪からは、城を囲む市街地、海そして山の素晴らしい景色を堪能できます。但し、周りに柵がありませんので、足元お気を付けてください。 From the enclosure, you can get a great view of the surrounding area such as the city, the sea and mountains, but watch your steps, because there are no fences.
本丸には水手門という裏門もあり、かつては港につながっていました。 Honmaru also has the back gate ruins called Mizunote-mon which led to the port in the past.
城には、他にも山麓に二の丸があり、内膳丸というのもありました。内膳丸は山の中腹なり、見張りや連絡のために使われました。最近の発掘調査により、かつてはこの曲輪から本丸にまっすぐ通じる石垣でできた通路があり、登り石垣と呼ばれました。歴史家は、朝鮮侵攻のときに日本軍が似たような仕組みを作ったことから、これは吉川氏がその時の経験を基に作ったのではないかと考えています。 The castle had other enclosures like the Second enclosure or “Ninomaru” on the foot and “Naizen-maru” enclosure. Naizen-maru is on the midslope and was used for observation and connection. A recent excavation found that this was the direct route made with stone walls called Nobori-Ishigaki from this enclosure to Honmaru in the past. Historians say it might have been built by Kikkawa from the experience of the invasion of Korea where Japanese warriors built similar systems.
その後~Later History
明治維新後、米子城は廃城となり、元藩士に無償で譲渡されました。しかしながら、城をそのまま維持するは大変困難でした。すべての城の建物は、廃材として売られていきました。1933年、米子市が城跡を取得し、しばらくして湊山公園として整備しました。2006年に城跡は国の史跡に指定されました。それ以来、発掘調査が進められています。 After the Meiji Restoration, Yonago Castle was abolished and assigned to former warriors for free. However, it was too difficult for them to keep the castle as it had been. They had to sell all of the buildings in the castle as waste materials. In 1933, Yonago City owned the castle ruins, then developed them as Minato-yama Park after a whole. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 2006. Since then, excavation and investigations have been ongoing.
私の感想~My Impression
もし藩士たちが少しでも城の建物を残していてくれたらと思います。そうであったなら現在の松江城のようになっていたでしょう。どちらにしろ米子城跡に訪れる価値はあります。とてもゆったりできますし、観光客も市民も歴史を学ぶ場になります。 I wish the warriors could have kept some of the castle buildings so I could see them today like Matsue Castle. In any case, the ruins of Yonago Castle are still attractive. Visiting the ruins can be relaxing, an exercise and an opportunity to learn history for tourists and citizens.
ここに行くには~How to get There
車で行く場合:山陰自動車道米子西ICから約4kmです。公園に駐車場があります。 電車では、JR米子駅から歩いて約20分です。 米子空港から米子駅まで:米子空港駅から境線に乗るか、空港連絡バスに乗ってください。 If you want to go there by car: It is about 4 km from the Yonago-Nishi IC on San-in Expressway. The park offers a parking lot. By train, it takes about 20 minutes on foot from JR Yonago station. From Yonago Airport to Yonago station :Take the Sakai line from Yonago-Kuko station, or take the connecting bus for Yonago station.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・国史跡 米子城跡(Yonago City Official Website) ・「歴史群像150号、戦国の城/伯耆米子城」学研(Japanese Magazine) ・「よみがえる日本の城6」学研(Japanese Book)
The center of the castle has become Imperial Palace, gardens or parks.
江戸城は内郭と外郭に分かれていました。内郭は内堀の内側にあって城の中心的機能を果たしていて、本丸、北の丸、西の丸といった主要な曲輪から成っていました。その外周は8km近くです。そこには天守、豪華な御殿があり、多くの櫓や門によって警備されていました。現在、内郭は4つの部分に区切られています。一つずつ見ていきましょう。 Edo castle was divided into Naikaku and Gaikaku. Naikaku was the inside of the inner moat, and consisted of the center portion of the castle including primary enclosures such as Honmaru, Kitanomaru, and Nishinomaru. Its perimeter was nearly 8 km. It had the Tenshu keep, luxurious halls, many turrets and gates for security. Now, Naikaku is separated into four parts. Let’s look at each part one by one.
皇居東御苑~Imperial Palace East Garden
ここは、本丸、二の丸、そして三の丸の各曲輪を由来としています。将軍は長年本丸にあった御殿に住んでいましたが、1863年の火災の後は西の丸に移り、本丸には戻りませんでした。明治維新後、明治天皇もまた西の丸に住み続けました。そのため本丸とその周辺は宮内庁によって使われてきました。そして1968年からは、その多くの部分が庭園として公開されています。 It is derived from the enclosures, Honmaru, Ninonaru and Sannomaru. The Shogun usually lived the main hall at Honmaru for many years. But after the fire in 1863, they moved to Nishinomaru, didn’t returned to Honmaru. After the Meiji Restoration, Emperor Meiji also continued to lived in Nishinomaru. So Honmaru and the area around were used for Imperial Household Agency. Many parts of them have lastly been open to the public as the garden since 1968.
皇居東御苑の航空写真~The aerial photo of Imperial Palace East Garden
・三の丸巽二重櫓:江戸城に現存している4つの櫓のうちの一つです。庭園の外側からは、本丸富士見三重櫓を背景に、素晴らしい姿を眺めることができます。 ・Tatsumi two-story turret at Sannomaru: It is one of four remaining turrets in Edo Castle. You can see a great view of the turret with the background of Fujimi three-story turret at Honmaru from outside the garden.
・大手門:この門は、江戸城の正門でした。現存するのは一部分で、残りは復元されています。庭園の入り口の一つでもあります。皇宮警察の人たちが荷物チェックをします。この内側が三の丸となります。 ・Ote-mon Gate: This gate was the main entrance of the castle. It is partly original and the rest has been restored. It is also one of the entrances of the garden. The Imperial Guards will check your baggage. The inside of the gate is Sannomaru.
・大手三の門跡:ここは二の丸の入り口でした。過去には大きな櫓と門の前には内堀がありました。残念なことに全て撤去されてしまいました。 ・The ruins of Ote-Sannomon Gate: this was the entrance of Ninomaru enclosure. There were large turrets around and the inner moat in front of the gate in the past. Unfortunately, they have all been demolished.
・中の門跡:ここは本丸の入り口でした。ここにも建物は残っていませんが、残っている巨大な石垣には驚かれるでしょう。これらの石は、瀬戸内海から運ばれてきたものです。 ・The ruins of Nakanomon Gate: this was the entrance of Honmaru enclosure. They also have no buildings, but you will be surprised to see huge remaining stone walls. These stones were brought from Seto Islands Sea area.
・三つの現存している番所:これらは前述の門の周辺にあります。武士が厳しく訪問者をチェックしていました。その中には忍者もいたそうです。 ・The three remaining guard stations: they are around the gates mentioned before. Warriors did security check strictly. Some of them are said to be Ninja.
・中雀門跡:この門は、本丸御殿に至る最後の門でした。残っている石垣が黒ずんでいるのは1863年の火災による影響のようです。 ・The ruins of Chujaku-mon Gate: this gate was the last one that led to Honmaru main hall. Their remaining stone walls look dark that might have been caused by the fire in 1863.
・本丸御殿跡:広大な土地に御殿がひしめいていました。ここは今は花と木の庭園になっています。 ・The ruins of Honmaru main hall: this spacey area was packed with the hall. They are now used for a garden with flowers and trees.
・富士見三重櫓:江戸城で唯一現存している三重櫓です。三代目の天守が焼けた後は代用天守として使われました。本丸からはその背面を見物できます。 ・Fujimi three-story turret: it is the only remaining three-story turret in Edo Castle. It was used as the alternative Tenshu keep after the third Tenshu was burned down. We can see the back side of it at Hommaru.
・本丸展望台:ここからは二の丸庭園越しに東京中心地の景色を楽しめます。ここには台所前三重櫓がありました。過去には武士たちが見張りをしていたはずです。 ・The viewing platform at Honmaru: You can have a good view of the center of Tokyo looking over Ninomaru Garden. The Daidokoro-mae three-story turret was there. Warriors should be likely looking over for security in the past.
・天守台石垣:この城には天守がありました。最初の三人の将軍は、先代の天守に代わる自身の天守を築きました。三代目の天守は特に史上最大と言われる程巨大でした。ところが、1657年の明暦大火で焼け落ちてしまいます。その後四代目の天守再建が始まりますが、中止となりました。現在その四代目用の天守台が残っています。 ・The stone walls for Tenshu keep: the castle had the Tenshu keep. The first three Shoguns built their own Tenshu instead of using the previous one. The third Tenshu was especially big which might have been the biggest one in history. However, it was burned down by the great fire of Meireki in 1657. After the fire, the rebuilding of a fourth Tenshu was launched, but canceled. We can now see the prepared Tenshu base for it.
・梅林坂:この城の創始者である太田道灌が梅の木を植え、神社を作った所と言われています。梅林の合間に、より古風な石垣が残ります。 ・Bairin (Plum Grove) Slope: it is said that the founder of the castle, Dokan Ota planted plum trees and built a shrine there. We can now see the trees among older looking stone walls.
・平川門:ここは城の裏門で、現存しています。この門は、鬼門である東北を向いています。このため、城での罪人はこの門を通して追放されたとのことです。 ・Hirakawa-mon Gate: this was the back gate of the castle and remains now. The gate faces the traditional taboo direction – the northeast. For this reason, the offenders in the castle were banished through the gate.
皇居外苑~Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace
ここは「皇居前広場」とも呼ばれています。江戸時代には「西の丸下」と呼ばれており、多くの大名屋敷が建っていました。明治時代に皇室の園地となりましたが、市民にとって親しみのある場所でもありました。皇居がすぐ近くに見えるからです。第二次世界大戦が終わったとき、敗戦を嘆く人たちがここに集まったことで有名です。現在の人たちも似たような状況です。簡単に来れるので、いつも多くの観光客が集まっています。現在ここは一般に公開されています。 It is called “The Palace Plaza” as well. This area was called “Under Nishinomaru” where many halls for lords were in the Edo Period. In the Meiji Era, it was turned into the garden for Imperial Families, but also familiar to citizens because they could see the Imperial Palace closely. At the end of World War II, it became a well known place for people mourning the loss of the war. This idea is similar to people in the present. Many tourists always visit there due to easy access. Now, garden is open to the public.
皇居外苑の航空写真~The aerial photo of The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace
・皇居正門石橋と現存する伏見櫓の風景:外苑そのものは広大な広場です。なので多くの観光客は皇居と江戸城建物の景色を愛でています。この取り合わせは一番有名なものです。 ・The view of the Palace Stone Bridge and the remaining Fushimi Turret: The garden itself is an extensive square. So many tourists enjoy the views of Imperial Palace and Edo Castle buildings. This is the most popular one.
・桜田門:これは最も有名な江戸城の建物の一つです。1860年に桜田門外の変が起こった所です。幕府大老であった井伊直弼が暗殺され、幕府の権威失墜を招きました。この門は現存しており、重要文化財に指定されています。 ・Sakurada-mon Gate: This is one of the most popular buildings of Edo Castle. Because this is where Sakuradamon Incident in 1860 happened. The chief minster of Shogunate, Naosuke Ii was assassinated and it caused Shogunate’s the authority to decreas. The gate remains now and has been designated as a Important Cultural Property.
北の丸公園~Kitanomaru Park
北の丸曲輪は、本丸の搦め手を北の方角から守る任務があり、とても重要でした。将軍の親族である清水家と田安家が江戸時代の後期に住んでいました。明治維新後は、近衛師団の兵舎がありました。第二次世界大戦後は公園になり、日本武道館や科学技術館などの施設が置かれています。 Kitanomaru enclosure was very important because it had to guard the rear of Honmaru in the north. The Shogun’s relatives, the Simizu and Tayasu clans lived in the late Edo Period. After the Meiji Restoration, the barracks of the Imperial Guard division were there. After the World War II, it became the park where facilities, like Japan Budokan, Science and Technology Museum, are located.
北の丸公園の航空写真~The aerial photo of Kitanomaru Park
・清水門:清水家の屋敷の門として使われました。とても優れた構造で、重要文化財になっています。この門は、内堀が窪んでいる奥に設置されていて、誰もが長く細い土橋を渡って入らなければなりません。侵入者は堀に沿った塀から反撃されてしまいます。 ・Shimizu-mon Gate: It was used as the gate for Shimizu clan’s hall. It has a excellent structure and has become an Important Cultural Property. The gate is set at the back of the curved inner moat. Everyone has to go on a long and narrow earthen bridge to enter. Invaders were countered by defenders on walls along the moat.
この門はまた2つの「桝形」と呼ばれる方形の区画が外と内両方にありました。守備側は背後から敵を攻撃できたのです。実に強靭な防御力です。私が思うにこの門はもっと有名になってしかるべきです。 The gate also has two square shape blocks called “Masugata” both outside and inside. Defenders were able to counter the enemy from the back. The gate is very strongly defensive. By I think it should be more well-known.
・田安門:ここは田安家の門でした。地下鉄から武道館に行く人は皆、この門を通ります。この門もまた重要文化財に指定されています。 ・Tayasu-mon Gate: It was the gate of Tayasu clan’s hall. Now, all people from the subway station to Budokan go through the gate. It looks just like the Budokan gate. It has also been designated as a Important Cultural Property.
皇居~Imperial Palace
この区域は元々西の丸曲輪と吹上と呼ばれる場所でした。将軍は江戸時代末期に西の丸にある御殿に住んでいました。明治維新のとき、明治天皇はこの御殿に入り、使い続けました。そのため西の丸周辺が皇居になったのです。一般の人は通常皇居には入れませんが、年始や天皇誕生日といった特別な日には一部開放されます。今回は、外側から見ることができる2つの興味ある景色をご紹介します。 This area includes the original Nishinomaru enclosure and a place called Fukiage. The Shogun lived in the hall at Nishinomaru at the end of the Edo Period. During the Meiji Restoration, Emperor Meiji got the hall and continued to use. That’s why Ninomaru around has become Imperial Palace. Visitors can’t usually enter the palace, but it is partly open to people on special days such as New Year Celebration and the Emperor’s birthday. This time, I will show you two of interesting views of the area from outside.
皇居の航空写真~The aerial photo of Imperial Palace
・千鳥ヶ淵:ここは今は内堀の一部になっていますが、元来は川だったようです。「淵」はこの場合、水流をせき止めて作った沼を意味します。この堀は全国的に桜の名所として知られています。春になると、堀の上にはボートで花見をする人たちで溢れます。 ・Chidori-ga-Fuchi moat: it is now a part of the inner moat, but seemed to be originally a river. “Fuchi” means a lake made by damming the water in this case. The moat is known around the whole country for cherry blossoms. A lot of people seeing them are on the boats in the moat in the early spring.
・半蔵門~この名前は、この門を警護していた忍者の頭領、服部半蔵に由来します。外側から門に伸びる土橋はまるでダムのように見えます。実際、この橋は水位を維持するために築かれました。橋の片側の水位は反対側よりかなり高くなっています。 ・Hanzo-mon Gate: its name comes from the leader of Ninja, Hanzo Hattori who kept the gate. The earthen bridge from outside to the gate looks just like a dam. Indeed, the bridge was built to hold back the water. You can see the one side of the bridge keep much higher level of the water than the other side.