171.備中高松城~Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle

This place was the start point of Hideyoshi’s unification of Japan.

立地と歴史~Location and History

織田と毛利の最前線~Front line between Oda and Mori

Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle was located around the boarder between Bicchu Province (the western part of now Okayama Pref.) and Bizen Province (eastern Okayama Pref.). The area around the castle is plain and was surrounded by marshes and the Ashimori-gawa River. The castle was a typical “water castle” and first built by the Ishikawa clan in the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period.

城の位置と備中国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Bicchu Province

In April 1582, Nobunaga Oda who had already invaded Bizen Province aimed to invade Bicchu that the Mori clan had, sent his retainer Hideyoshi Hashiba (the later ruler Hideyoshi Toyonomi) there.

豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

備中高松城の戦い~Battle of Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle

Hideyoshi at first attacked Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle, but failed. He changed his strategy to flood the castle by building long banks and damming the water from Ashimori-gawa River. It was just the rainy season in Japan at that time. The castle was completely isolated. The siege started on May 8th and lasted for about a month. Meanwhile Hideyoshi negotiated with Mori’s diplomatic priest, Ekei Ankokuji to make a peace treaty, but Hideyoshi’s conditions for the plan was too strict for Mori.

水攻めのジオラマ~The diorama of the flooding the castle(高松城址公園資料館)

Hideyoshi asked his master, Nobunaga for help to finish the negotiation or have a showdown. However, on June 2nd, Nobunaga was killed in Kyoto by Mitsuhide Akechi who should be the reinforcement for Hideyoshi. It is said that the messenger from Mitsuhide to Mori was accidentally caught by Hideyoshi on the night of June 3rd. Hedeyoshi was upset and cried to hear about his master’s death, but his strategist, Kanbe Kuroda encouraged Hideyoshi and said this was the chance to take the power. Hideshori quickly made up his mind. He compromised his conditions with Mori, making the peace plan the next day. Mori knew about the incident after that, but they were too late, because Hideyoshi broke the banks to flood the area around.

明智光秀肖像画、本徳寺蔵~The Portrait of Mitsuhide Akechi, ownd by Hontokuji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Then, he and his over 10,000 soldiers turned back to their base Himegi Castle, about 80km from Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle in two or three days. He gave all of his properties to his soldiers. The braved troops defeated Mitsuhide on June 13th. Mitsuhide’s glory was only 11 days. (Battle of Yamazaki)

秀吉の動き~Hideyoshi’s movement

何が真相か~What is the truth?

A writer says that story was too good to be true. He argued that it was too quickly to make the decision between Hideyoshi and Mori. The conditions included the death of the castle’s lord, Muneharu Shimizu. How could they decide and execute such important matters within one day? He speculates that Hideyoshi had predicted the incident would happen and had prepared for that. In addition, the Mori’s priest Ekei might have known and shared that with Hideyoshi. They were just waiting for the result.

清水宗治の首塚~Muneharu’s grave

He also had doubts about Hideyoshi’s fastest movement. It is a fact. The question is why the tired pre-modern troops could do this. They must have also prepared for the movement as well as the properties in Himegi. The writer guessed Hideyoshi might lead Mitsuhide to attack Nobunaga.

姫路城~Himeji Castle


城跡~The ruins of the castle

Now, the ruins of Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle is open to the public as a water park. It has a relaxed atmosphere, and a museum where we can lean more about its history. At the ruins of the Main Enclosure or Honmaru, Muneharu’s grave and so on remain.

水上公園~The water park
高松城址公園資料館~Takamatsu Castle Ruins Park Museum
本丸跡~The ruins of the Main Enclosure

堤防跡~The ruins of the bank

I also recommend you visiting the ruins of the banks Hideyoshi built called “Kawazugahana” bank. The banks had about 5m height and about 3km length. The ruins were just at the edge of the banks, and look lower than in the past, but you can imagine how large the banks were by seeing them.

「蛙が鼻」堤~“Kawazugahana” bank
土俵を埋めた跡~The ruin of buried earth bags
堤跡の遠景~A distant view of the ruins of the bank

その後~Later History

After the battle, the Ukita clan under Hideyoshi took over Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle. In the Edo Period, the castle was abandoned, and a Shogunal retainer lived at the ruins of Honmaru. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1929. In 1985, the area around the ruins suffered natural flood from harsh weather. However, the ruins never sunk. That prove the good location of the castle in present day.

洪水時(上)と普段(下)の地域の写真~The photo of the area, the upper is when flooding, the lower is usual(高松城址公園資料館)

私の感想~My Impression

I think Hideyoshi must have predicted something would happen to his master, Nobunaga. He didn’t inform that to Nobunaga to prepare for his independence. He was just one of warlords. I’m rather surprised that his dramatic story probably partially made by himself has been believed to be the theory by most of Japanese people. He is incredible!

『高松城水攻築堤の図』、月岡芳年作、19世紀~”Water siege of Takamatsu castle”, attributed to Yoshitoshi Tsukioka, in the 19th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Okayama IC on Sanyo Expressway. The park offers a parking lot.
If you want to go there by train: It takes about 10 minutes on foot from JR Bicchu-Takamatsu Station.
From Tokyo, Nagoya, or Osaka to Bicchu-Takamatsu Station: Take the Shinkansen super express and transfer to Kibi local line at Okayama Station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

備中高松城址、おかやま観光ネット(Okayama pref. Official Site)
・「秀吉はいつ知ったか/山田風太郎著」ちくま文庫(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城5」学研(Japanese Book)


It is in a laid-back country town.

立地と歴史~Location and History

戦略的な立地~Strategic Location

Most of Chugoku Region consists of mountain areas. In the Middle Age, many castles were built in the mountains. Wakasa-Oniga-Jo (Jo means castle) was one of them. The castle was on the top of a 452 m high mountain called Tsuruo-yama in Inaba Province (part of now Tottori Pref.). It was considered important because of its strategic location being near the route connecting two provinces, Tajima and Harima (parts of now Hyogo Pref.).

城の位置と因幡国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Inaba Province

戦国時代の戦い~Battle in Sengoku Period

This castle was featured in 1575, “Sengoku” or Waring States Period. Shikanosuke Yamanaka who tried to revive his former master Amago clan, captured the castle after he fought at Gassan-Toda Castle and then withdrew from it. His enemy, Mori clan struke back right away and Shikanosuke unfortunately had to withdraw again.

山中鹿之助肖像画部分、安来市立歴史資料館蔵~Part of the portrait of Shikanosuke Yamanaka, owned by Yasugi City History Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

江戸時代初期に廃城~Destroyed in early Edo Period

After the battle of Tottori Castle in 1581, the Kinoshita clan under the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi became the lord of Wakasa-Oniga-Jo. In 1600, the Tokugawa Shogunate replaced Kinoshita with the Yamazaki clan. It is said that both clans reinforced the castle by building stone walls and adding the main tower or “Tenshu”. In 1617, the castle belonged to the Ikeda clan, the lord of Tottori Domain. However, the clan had to destroy the castle on the same year, due to the law of one castle per province.

本丸に残る石垣~The remaining stone walls in the Main enclosure


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

頂上へ約1時間の道のり~About 1 hour walk to the top

You can go to the castle ruins by car or on foot. If you go by walk, there are three trails you can use. Whichever trail you select, you have to climb a 200m elevation and this takes about one hour. After walking along the trail on slopes and ridges, you will first reach the ruins of stone walls called “Rokkaku-Ishigaki” or the Hexagon stone walls. The stone walls were built on the ridge which stretches from the top to guard the Honmaru enclosure.

山道の登り口~The entrance of a trail
The trail on the bottom of a valley~谷底を進む山道
尾根の上を進む山道~The trail of a ridge
六角石垣~Hexagon stone walls

Going further to the top, you will see fences with electric wires. They are installed for protecting Honmaru from animals at night. The castle has had different kinds of enemies over time and the means to repulse them have changed too. You have to remove the hooks of wires and hang them up to their original positions to enter the top. Don’t worry though, the electricity is not activated during daytime.

山頂手前にある電気柵~The electric wires in front of the top

山頂に残る遺跡~Ruins on the top

The top of the mountain has three enclosures – Honmaru or the Main enclosure, Ninomaru or the Second one, and Sannomaru or the Third one. There are also stone walls ruins, but they are partly destroyed or collapsed. Historians say that it shows the state of the castle just after it was destroyed. You can get great views from the top. One of them is the view of Wakasa town. Another is the view of the junction to the routes for former Tajima and Harima Provinces. That’s one of the reasons for the importance of the castle.

崩れた石垣~Collapsing stone walls
二の丸、三の丸周辺~Around the Second and Third enclosures
若桜町の眺め~A view of Wakasa town
本丸にある天守台跡~The ruins of the main tower at the Main enclosure
旧2箇国への分岐点~The junction to the routes for former two Provinces.

その後~Later History

The ruins of Wakasa-Oniga-Jo have been abandoned for a long time. The excavation between 1998 and 2003 by Tottori Prefecture found that the ruins are rare because they remained after destruction. They were designated as a National Historic Site in 2008.

山頂の入口周辺~Around the entrance of the top

私の感想~My Impression

I think the ruins of the castle are great. I also think Wakasa Town has a good laid-back atmosphere. If you walk along the road to or from the castle ruins, you can find many attractions. For example, there are beautiful and well maintained forests. You can also see some status of Buddha along the road. They look pretty and show local people’s religious faith.

森林に囲まれた城跡への道~One of the roads to the ruins of the castle among the forests
森林はよく整備されています~The forests are well maintained
道路脇の石仏~The status of Buddha along the road

In the town area, there is a street with many houses with “Kura-zukuri” or thick mortal walls. This traditional building method was used to protect buildings from fires. You can also see a lot of buildings with beautiful red roof tiles. Temples stand out in particular.

蔵造りの家が並ぶ通り~The street with a lot of “Kura-zukuri” houses
赤瓦~The red roof tiles
赤瓦に覆われたお寺~A temple covered with red roof tiles

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 30 minutes from the Kawahara IC on Tottori Expressway. There is a parking lot near the top.
When using the train, it takes around one hour on foot from Wakasa station on Wakasa Railway, but you can enjoy a lot of things along the way like I mentioned above.
In addition, Wakasa Railway has fantastic tourist trains. They have a retro design inspired by the Showa Era. You can take the train relaxingly and comfortably while enjoying the view of the town.

若桜駅にたたずむレトロデザインの列車~The retro designed train at Wakasa station
観光列車の内装~The interior of the tourist train

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

鬼ヶ城跡、若桜町公式ウェブサイト~Wakasa Town Official Website
・「よみがえる日本の城6」学研(Japanese Book)
・「尼子氏の城郭と合戦/寺村毅著」戒光祥出版(Japanese Book)

169.米子城~Yonago Castle

Two main towers stood in a row at the castle.

立地と歴史~Location and History

海に面した城~A castle facing the sea

Yonago City has a relaxed atmosphere, located in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, Chugoku Region. In the “Sengoku”, or Warring States Period, the Mori clan governed most of this region. Its relative Hiroie Kikkawa was ordered to build a new castle near the sea by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi as a supply base for Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea in 1592. Because the area is close to Korea. That was Yonago Castle.

城の位置~The location of the castle

The castle was built on a 90 m mountain called Minato-yama. The back of the castle just faced Nakaumi Lake, and was used as a port. The details regardomg the first castle are uncertain, but there was a four-story main tower or Tenshu on the top.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

2つの天守が並ぶ~Two Main towers stands

After the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, they placed Kazutada Nakamura as the lord of Yonago Castle and the Yonago feudal Domain in 1600. He continued to improve and complete the castle along with the castle town. He also built a new five-story Tenshu that was larger than the old one. At that time, building large Tenshu was a boom for lords, as they tried to show their authority to people. If there was already an old Tenshu, it was often replaced with the new one.

中村一忠の彫像、観應寺蔵~The statue of Kazutada Nakamura, owned by Kannouji Temple(licensed by Reggaeman via Wikimedia Commons)

However, in the case of Yonago Castle, the old four-story Tenshu remained and was just renamed the Sub Main Tower or the Four-Story Turret. That meant two Tenshu were standing in a row since then. They must have looked so great!

米子市立山陰歴史館にあるツイン天守の模型~A miniature model of twin main towers at Yonago municipal historical museum

鳥取藩の所有となる~Tottori feudal Domain owns

In 1609, Kazutada died young, then his clan was disbanded because he didn’t have children or successors. Lastly the Yonago area belonged to the Tottori feudal Domain owned by the Ikeda clan. The clan once considered Yonago Castle as their new home base by moving from their current home base, Tottori Castle. Yonago Castle was attractive to them, but the plan was canceled. Finally, the Arao clan, chief retainer of Tottori Domain governed Yonago Castle and the castle town until the end of the Edo Period.

米子城古図、鳥取県立博物館蔵~The old map of Yonago Castle, owned by Tottori Prefectural Museum(米子市 Website より引用)


城周辺の地図~The map aroud the castle

頂上へ上る~Climbing up to the top

Now, the ruins of Yonago Castle remain as Minato-yama Park. There are stone walls on their foundation, but with no remaining buildings. Visitors can usually climb up to the top from the ruins of the Main Gate or Ote-mon which was the front entrance of the castle. There are also several trails to climb.

大手門跡~The ruins of the Main Gate
向こうに見える長屋門は他から移されてきました~The long house style gate over there was moved from another place.

The mountain is not so high, so you can reach the center of the castle at the peak in around 15 to 20 minutes.

山頂への山道~A trail to the top

2つの天守台~The two stone wall bases for Tenshu

There are stone wall bases for two Tenshu. The one for the new Tenshu has a three-layer style using older stones.

2つの天守台~The two stone wall bases for Tenshu
新しい天守用の三段積み石垣~The three-layer style stone walls for the new Tenshu

On the other hand, the one for the old Tenshu (Sub Main Tower) has a single-layer style using newer stones. This is because the old Tenshu was renovated in the late Edo Period. It is said its base was replaced then.

古い天守用の一層積み石垣~The single layer style stone walls for the old Tenshu

本丸とその他の曲輪~Main and other enclosures

Going through the front gate ruins called Kurogane-mon, you will enter the Main enclosure or “Honmaru”.

鉄門跡~The front gate ruins

From the enclosure, you can get a great view of the surrounding area such as the city, the sea and mountains, but watch your steps, because there are no fences.

本丸の眺め~A view of the Honmaru
本丸からの眺め~A view from the Honmaru
足元にお気をつけください~Watch your step

Honmaru also has the back gate ruins called Mizunote-mon which led to the port in the past.

水手門跡~The back gate ruins
かつて港だった場所~There was the port in the past

The castle had other enclosures like the Second enclosure or “Ninomaru” on the foot and “Naizen-maru” enclosure. Naizen-maru is on the midslope and was used for observation and connection. A recent excavation found that this was the direct route made with stone walls called Nobori-Ishigaki from this enclosure to Honmaru in the past. Historians say it might have been built by Kikkawa from the experience of the invasion of Korea where Japanese warriors built similar systems.

内膳丸~Naizen-maru enclosure
内膳丸から本丸を見上げる~Looking up Honmaru from Naizen-maru

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Yonago Castle was abolished and assigned to former warriors for free. However, it was too difficult for them to keep the castle as it had been. They had to sell all of the buildings in the castle as waste materials. In 1933, Yonago City owned the castle ruins, then developed them as Minato-yama Park after a whole. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 2006. Since then, excavation and investigations have been ongoing.

登り石垣跡~The ruins of Nobori-Ishigaki(licensed by Saigen Jiro via Wikimedia Commons)

私の感想~My Impression

I wish the warriors could have kept some of the castle buildings so I could see them today like Matsue Castle. In any case, the ruins of Yonago Castle are still attractive. Visiting the ruins can be relaxing, an exercise and an opportunity to learn history for tourists and citizens.

2つの天守台を町から見上げる~Looking up the two Tenshu bases from the town

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It is about 4 km from the Yonago-Nishi IC on San-in Expressway. The park offers a parking lot.
By train, it takes about 20 minutes on foot from JR Yonago station.
From Yonago Airport to Yonago station :Take the Sakai line from Yonago-Kuko station, or take the connecting bus for Yonago station.

米子駅~Yonago Station

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

国史跡 米子城跡(Yonago City Official Website)
・「歴史群像150号、戦国の城/伯耆米子城」学研(Japanese Magazine)
・「よみがえる日本の城6」学研(Japanese Book)