立地と歴史~Location and History
蝦夷と城柵~Emishi and Josaku
Akita Castle was one of the representatives of official defense sites called “Josaku” and was placed for the governance of Tohoku Region by the central government in the Ancient Ages. Originally, people belonging to the Emishi tribe ,who were not subject of the government, lived in the north of Tohoku Region . They spoke a different language from that of the ancient Japanese people living under the government, and some of them were also said to be ancestors of the Ainu tribe.

The government aimed to spread its domain, so it tried to relocate its own people there and to accommodate “Emishi” people as its subjects. However, Emishi often rebelled against the government. Josaku was a complex mix of sites made not only for the use of castles, but also for government purposes and general facilities. The government built around 10 Josaku and Akita Castle was the northernmost site among those Josaku and it was located on the northern part of Dewa Province (what is now known as Akita Prefecture).
最北の地で外交も~Even Diplomacy in Northmost land
The origin of Akita Castle lies in the Josaku called “Ideha-no-ki” which was moved in 733, from a region where now Yamagata Prefecture (south of Akita) is. This movement was done as a part of expansion plan. Then it was renamed Akita Castle in 760. The castle consisted of the Government Office in the center, and roofed mud walls on the outline, similar to other Josakus, which were over 4m high, and their perimeter was over 2km. The site was also the provincial capital of Dewa Province and had a role in the foreign diplomatic relation with Bohai Kingdom on the Asian continent.

多くの困難と遺産~Many difficulties and heritage
During its time, Akita castle faced a lot of adversities. For instance in 830, the castle suffered a heavy loss from the Dewa Great Earthquake. After that, two rebellions by Emishi people happened in 878 and 939 respectively. In particular, during the Gangyo Rebellion in 878, the castle was once captured. Traces of burned Government Office were actually found by the excavation.

The castle was abandoned by the late 10th century after its historical reason was finished. However, the name of the castle’s lord “Akita-josuke” was used as a warrior’s honorary post, perhaps because the original post had been created for protectors of the northern lands.

Now, the ruins of Akita Castle have been developed as a historical park called “Takashimizu Park”. In addition, Akita City History Museum of Akita Fort Ruins opened recently in 2016. You can learn a lot about the castle at the museum as well as in the park. There are three main parts in the park you should check out.
政庁跡~Ruins of Government Office
If you visit the park by car or bus, it is the nearest spot from the parking lot or the bus stop. The government office was also surrounded by roofed mud walls. The layout of its buildings followed the way of the Imperial Palace in ancient Nara. After the ruins were excavated, the positions of the building columns can be seen on the ground. Part of the walls has also been restored with the Eastern Gate. Unfortunately, the western part was destroyed by the construction of the road.

外郭東門~Eastern Gate of Perimeter
You can walk on the restored 12m wide inner road called “Higashi-oji” from the government office ruins. This road goes on for 270m, then you will reach the restored eastern gate of the perimeter with the roofed mud walls. These walls, which are about 50m long, are part of the restored perimeter based on the study after excavation. The gate and walls were built in the original way recently, assuming the first appearance of the castle. The walls are also made using a method called Rammed Earth, which refers to compressing many layers of earth.

古代水洗トイレ~Ancient flush toilet
One of the most interesting attractions of this castle ruins is the restored ancient flush toilet. The original one was rare, and the restored one is also rare. Moreover, one more interesting fact was found at the ruins. The relics from the ruins include eggs of the parasite which lived in a man who ate pork. Japanese people at that time didn’t eat pork, so the man who used the toilet must have come from a foreign country, probably Bohai or China. The fact proved the relationship between Akita Castle and foreign countries while old documents say the same thing.

その後~Later History
In the Middle Ages, people still remembered Akita Castle, but no one was sure where it had been. In the Edo Period, a famous traveler, Masumi Sugae stayed in Akita for a while, walked around the area, and speculated where the castle was. The first modern national research was done in 1924, which discovered the earthen walls for the castle. After the place of the castle had been confirmed by several researches, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1939. Excavations have been done since 1959. In addition to developing the ruins as a residential area, the officials also started intensive purchase of land to develop them as a historical park. That’s why we can see the developed park with restored items.

私の感想~My Impression
I have once heard that some people around Akita may have different DNA from that of other areas in Japan, but similar to people in the Asian continent. I was fascinated as it coincided with the theory of a relationship between Akita Castle and foreign countries. I also think that the ruins of the castle can offer us a good opportunity to learn and see part of Japanese history.

ここに行くには~How to get There
If you want to go there by car, it takes about 15 minutes from the Akita-kita IC on Akita Expressway. There is a parking lot beside Akita City History Museum of Akita Fort Ruins.
When using train, take the bus on Shogunno Line or Tsuchizaki Line via Terauchi from JR Akita Station, and take off at the Akitajo-ato-rekishi-shiryokan-mae bus stop.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・秋田城跡歴史資料館、秋田市(Akita City Official Website)
・「日本の城改訂版第128号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)
・「蝦夷と城柵の時代」熊谷公男編、吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)