123.滝山城~Takiyama Castle

The castle ruins remain with nature.

本丸と中の丸をつなぐ曳橋~The movable bridge between Honmaru and Nakanomaru

立地と歴史~Location and History

Takiyama Castle was located on the southern bank terrace of Tamagawa River in what is now Hachioji City, Tokyo. The origin of the castle is said to be by the Oishi clan sometime in “Sengoku” or the Warring States Period, but Ujiteru Hojo improved and completed the castle, inspired by the Kenshin Uesugi’s Kanto invasion in 1560. The mission of the castle was to be the defense line for Odawara Castle and to hold the route between Odawara and the northern Kanto region.

滝山城の位置、赤い線は1560年の上杉謙信の侵攻概略ルート、青い線は1569年の武田信玄のもの~The location of Takiyama Castle, the red line shows the rough attack route of Kenshin Uesugi in 1560, the blue line is that of Shingen Takeda in 1569

The northern side of the castle was a steep cliff along Tamagawa River which is difficult to attack. The three main routes to the castle were connected from the Takiyama Road, the opposite side of the river. The routes all gathered the Ninomaru enclosure. The enclosure was the defensive center which had square entrances called Masugata and gateway barriers called Umadashi heading towards these routes.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

The back of Ninomaru are Nakanomaru and Honmaru enclosures. Both were tied by a movable bridge called Hikihashi that could be removed easily for in emergency. Honmaru was the main and last enclosure which looked relatively small. Some historians speculate it could be the origin of the castle for a local clan.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

In 1569, Shingen Takeda from Kai Province (now Yamanashi Pref.) invaded Hojo’s territory and attacked the castle. It is said that Shingen approached Ninomaru, but gave up and transferred to Odawara. Ujiteru was successful in keeping Takiyama Castle.

武田信玄肖像画、高野山持明院蔵、16世紀~The portrait of Shingen Takeda, owned by Jimyo-in, in the 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Around 1584, Ujiteru moved to Hachioji Castle with the castle town. Historians’ opinion about the reason remain divided. One is that Hojo needed a stronger castle than Takiyama because of the result of battle with Takeda. The other is that there would be no need for Takiyama Castle after Kenshin died in 1578, and Takeda was destructed in 1582.

二の丸周辺~Around Ninomaru


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

Now, the ruins of the castle are inside of a nature park called Metropolitan Takiyama Park. There are hiking trails among trees, plants and flowers. When using cars or buses, you will enter one of the routes sandwiched Sannnomaru and Komiya enclosures.

駐車場かバス停からの通路~The route from the parking lot or the bus stop

The route is narrow and straight up among a beautiful bamboo forest.

竹林に囲まれた通路~The route surrounded by the bamboo forest

The entrance of ruins is zigzagged and you can see a long dry moat that surrounded the whole castle area in the past.

城跡の入り口~The entrance of the castle ruins
城跡を囲む空堀~The dry moat surrounding the castle ruins

Enemies had to break counterattacks from both sides of the enclosures around. It is said that Takeda’s attack in 1569 was able to capture this area.

三の丸を見上げる~Looking up Sannomaru enclosure

The route goes on next to a deep valley on your left. Then, passing a wide area called Senjojiki, you will reach the defense center Ninomaru. There are the ruins of Umadashi and Masugata.

左手は深い谷です~The deep valley on the left
千畳敷~The area called Senjojiki
馬出し跡、正面~The ruins of Umadashi, the front side
馬出し跡、背面~The ruins of Umadashi, the back side
二の丸の中心地~The center of Ninomaru

After that, you can see the restored movable bridge between Nakanomaru and Honmaru.

本丸と中の丸をつなぐ曳橋~The movable bridge between Honmaru and Nakanomaru
曳橋~The movable bridge
中の丸から見た橋~The bridge from Nakanomaru

You can also see a view of around Tamagawa River from Nakanomaru.

中の丸~Nakanomaru enclosure
中の丸からの眺め~A view from Nakanomaru

The recent excavation found that Honmaru had a Masugata gate on the floor covered with natural river stones, and a draining system.

本丸の桝形跡~The ruins of Honmaru Masugata gate
本丸の内部~The inside of Honmaru

その後~Later History

The castle was abandoned during the Warring States Period. That’s why the structure of a castle at that time remains well with nature. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1951 as well.

曳橋からの風景~A view from the movable bridge

私の感想~My Impression

The site of the castle ruins is mainly used as a natural park. You can see many tourists walking around the trails. They look like nature lovers rather than history fans. I think this is one of the ways to use historical sites. It also proves the castle was built using natural terrain very well.

小宮曲輪から通路を見下ろす~Looking down the route from Komiya enclosure

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 15 minutes from the Hachioji IC on Chuo Expressway. There is the parking lot for tourists along Route 411 (Takiyama Road).
If you want to go there by bus from JR Hachioji station or Keio-Hachioji station: Take the bus for Tobuki, Akikawa-eki or Tobuki-sports-koen-iriguchi and take off at the Takiyama-joshi-shita bus stop.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

都立滝山公園・滝山城跡、八王子市~Hachioji City
よみがえる滝山城(Only Japanese)
・「関東の名城を歩く 南関東編/峰岸純夫、齋藤慎一編」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像37号、戦国の堅城・滝山城」学研(Japanese Magazine)
・「越山、上杉謙信侵攻と関東の城」埼玉県立嵐山史跡の博物館(Japanese illustrated book)

21.江戸城その3~Edo Castle Part3

The center of the castle has become Imperial Palace, gardens or parks.

ビル街を背景に桜田門と桜田濠~Sakurada-mon Gate and Sakurada-bori moat with the background of modern buildings

Edo castle was divided into Naikaku and Gaikaku. Naikaku was the inside of the inner moat, and consisted of the center portion of the castle including primary enclosures such as Honmaru, Kitanomaru, and Nishinomaru. Its perimeter was nearly 8 km. It had the Tenshu keep, luxurious halls, many turrets and gates for security. Now, Naikaku is separated into four parts. Let’s look at each part one by one.

江戸城内郭の4つの部分~The 4 parts of Edo Castle Naikaku(国土地理院航空写真に加筆)

皇居東御苑~Imperial Palace East Garden

It is derived from the enclosures, Honmaru, Ninonaru and Sannomaru. The Shogun usually lived the main hall at Honmaru for many years. But after the fire in 1863, they moved to Nishinomaru, didn’t returned to Honmaru. After the Meiji Restoration, Emperor Meiji also continued to lived in Nishinomaru. So Honmaru and the area around were used for Imperial Household Agency. Many parts of them have lastly been open to the public as the garden since 1968.

皇居東御苑の航空写真~The aerial photo of Imperial Palace East Garden

・Tatsumi two-story turret at Sannomaru: It is one of four remaining turrets in Edo Castle. You can see a great view of the turret with the background of Fujimi three-story turret at Honmaru from outside the garden.

巽二重櫓と富士見三重櫓(背景)~Tatsumi two-story turret with the background of Fujimi three-story turret

・Ote-mon Gate: This gate was the main entrance of the castle. It is partly original and the rest has been restored. It is also one of the entrances of the garden. The Imperial Guards will check your baggage. The inside of the gate is Sannomaru.

大手門~Ote-mon Gate

・The ruins of Ote-Sannomon Gate: this was the entrance of Ninomaru enclosure. There were large turrets around and the inner moat in front of the gate in the past. Unfortunately, they have all been demolished.

大手三の門跡~The ruins of Ote-Sannomon Gate
大手三の門の古写真~An old picture of Ote-Sannomon Gate(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

・The ruins of Nakanomon Gate: this was the entrance of Honmaru enclosure. They also have no buildings, but you will be surprised to see huge remaining stone walls. These stones were brought from Seto Islands Sea area.

中の門跡~The ruins of Nakanomon Gate
中の門の古写真~An old picture of Nakanomon Gate(現場説明版より)

・The three remaining guard stations: they are around the gates mentioned before. Warriors did security check strictly. Some of them are said to be Ninja.

大手三の門内にある同心番所~The guard station inside Ote-Sannomon Gate
中の門前にある百人番所~The station for 100 guards in front of Nakanomon Gate
中の門内にある大番所~The last guard station inside Nakanomon Gate

・The ruins of Chujaku-mon Gate: this gate was the last one that led to Honmaru main hall. Their remaining stone walls look dark that might have been caused by the fire in 1863.

中雀門跡~The ruins of Chujaku-mon Gate
恐らくは火災により傷んだ石垣~The stone walls probably damaged by the fire

・The ruins of Honmaru main hall: this spacey area was packed with the hall. They are now used for a garden with flowers and trees.

本丸御殿跡~The ruins of Honmaru main hall
本丸の古写真、1863年の火災後~An old picture of Honmaru enclosure after the fire in 1863(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

・Fujimi three-story turret: it is the only remaining three-story turret in Edo Castle. It was used as the alternative Tenshu keep after the third Tenshu was burned down. We can see the back side of it at Hommaru.

富士見三重櫓(背面)~Fujimi three-story turret(the back side)
富士見三重櫓の正面~The front side of Fujimi three-story turret(taken by TECHD from photoAC)

・The viewing platform at Honmaru: You can have a good view of the center of Tokyo looking over Ninomaru Garden. The Daidokoro-mae three-story turret was there. Warriors should be likely looking over for security in the past.

本丸展望台からの眺め~A scene from the viewing platform at Honmaru
展望台を二の丸から見上げる~Looking up the viewing platform from Ninomaru enclosure

・The stone walls for Tenshu keep: the castle had the Tenshu keep. The first three Shoguns built their own Tenshu instead of using the previous one. The third Tenshu was especially big which might have been the biggest one in history. However, it was burned down by the great fire of Meireki in 1657. After the fire, the rebuilding of a fourth Tenshu was launched, but canceled. We can now see the prepared Tenshu base for it.

残っている天守台~The remaining Tenshu base
二代目または三代目天守、「江戸図屏風」より、17世紀~The second or third Tenshu, from “View of Edo”, in the 17th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

・Bairin (Plum Grove) Slope: it is said that the founder of the castle, Dokan Ota planted plum trees and built a shrine there. We can now see the trees among older looking stone walls.

梅林坂~Bairin (Plum Grove) Slope
古風な石垣~The older looking stone walls

・Hirakawa-mon Gate: this was the back gate of the castle and remains now. The gate faces the traditional taboo direction – the northeast. For this reason, the offenders in the castle were banished through the gate.

平川門~Hirakawa-mon Gate

皇居外苑~Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace

It is called “The Palace Plaza” as well. This area was called “Under Nishinomaru” where many halls for lords were in the Edo Period. In the Meiji Era, it was turned into the garden for Imperial Families, but also familiar to citizens because they could see the Imperial Palace closely. At the end of World War II, it became a well known place for people mourning the loss of the war. This idea is similar to people in the present. Many tourists always visit there due to easy access. Now, garden is open to the public.

皇居外苑~The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace
終戦時に皇居前広場に集まった人々、1945年8月16付毎日新聞より~The gathering people at the Palace Plaza at the end of the war, in the Argust 16th 1945 edition of the Mainichi Shinbun(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

皇居外苑の航空写真~The aerial photo of The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace

・The view of the Palace Stone Bridge and the remaining Fushimi Turret: The garden itself is an extensive square. So many tourists enjoy the views of Imperial Palace and Edo Castle buildings. This is the most popular one.

皇居正門石橋と伏見櫓~The Palace Stone Bridge and Fushimi turret

・Sakurada-mon Gate: This is one of the most popular buildings of Edo Castle. Because this is where Sakuradamon Incident in 1860 happened. The chief minster of Shogunate, Naosuke Ii was assassinated and it caused Shogunate’s the authority to decreas. The gate remains now and has been designated as a Important Cultural Property.

桜田門~Sakurada-mon Gate

北の丸公園~Kitanomaru Park

Kitanomaru enclosure was very important because it had to guard the rear of Honmaru in the north. The Shogun’s relatives, the Simizu and Tayasu clans lived in the late Edo Period. After the Meiji Restoration, the barracks of the Imperial Guard division were there. After the World War II, it became the park where facilities, like Japan Budokan, Science and Technology Museum, are located.

北の丸公園の航空写真~The aerial photo of Kitanomaru Park

・Shimizu-mon Gate: It was used as the gate for Shimizu clan’s hall. It has a excellent structure and has become an Important Cultural Property. The gate is set at the back of the curved inner moat. Everyone has to go on a long and narrow earthen bridge to enter. Invaders were countered by defenders on walls along the moat.

清水門~Shimizu Gate
門の内側から見た土橋~The earthen bridge looking from the inside of the gate

The gate also has two square shape blocks called “Masugata” both outside and inside. Defenders were able to counter the enemy from the back. The gate is very strongly defensive. By I think it should be more well-known.

外側の「桝形」~The outside “Masugata”
内側の「桝形」~~The inside “Masugata”

・Tayasu-mon Gate: It was the gate of Tayasu clan’s hall. Now, all people from the subway station to Budokan go through the gate. It looks just like the Budokan gate. It has also been designated as a Important Cultural Property.

田安門、向こうは武道館~Tayasu-mon Gate, Budokan is over there

皇居~Imperial Palace

This area includes the original Nishinomaru enclosure and a place called Fukiage. The Shogun lived in the hall at Nishinomaru at the end of the Edo Period. During the Meiji Restoration, Emperor Meiji got the hall and continued to use. That’s why Ninomaru around has become Imperial Palace. Visitors can’t usually enter the palace, but it is partly open to people on special days such as New Year Celebration and the Emperor’s birthday. This time, I will show you two of interesting views of the area from outside.

皇居全景、手前は皇居外苑~The overview of Imperial Palace, the front is the Outer Gardens(licensed by Chris73 via Wikimedia Commons)

皇居の航空写真~The aerial photo of Imperial Palace

・Chidori-ga-Fuchi moat: it is now a part of the inner moat, but seemed to be originally a river. “Fuchi” means a lake made by damming the water in this case. The moat is known around the whole country for cherry blossoms. A lot of people seeing them are on the boats in the moat in the early spring.

千鳥ヶ淵~Chidori-ga-Fuchi moat

・Hanzo-mon Gate: its name comes from the leader of Ninja, Hanzo Hattori who kept the gate. The earthen bridge from outside to the gate looks just like a dam. Indeed, the bridge was built to hold back the water. You can see the one side of the bridge keep much higher level of the water than the other side.

半蔵門~Hanzo-mon Gate
半蔵門土橋の下流部分~The lower part of Hanzo-mon Gate earthen bridge
桜田濠、半蔵門の下流にあり、まるで大河のようです~Sakurada-bori moat, the lower section of Hanzo-mon Gate, looks just like a large liver

「江戸城その4」に続きます。~To be continued in “Edo Castle Part4”
「江戸城その2」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part2”
「江戸城その1」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part1”

65.月山富田城~Gassan-Toda Castle

This large mountain castle fought severe sieges.

月山富田城の中心部~The center of Gassan-Toda Castle

立地と歴史~Location and History

San-in region now has a comparatively quiet image. However, before the Modern Ages, the region flourished in both population and economy. Sailing along the coast was a major way of transportation. The cities in the region were among the route. It also had Iwami Silver Mine, which has become a World Heritage Site. It is said that the silver from the mine was shared with one third of the world in the Warring States Period. San-in even had iron mines and relative industries which could produce weapons.

山陰地方の関連史跡の位置~The location of relative historic sites in San-in region

The Amago clan had three important resources, then became great warlords. Though Gassan-Toda Castle was founded in earlier times, Tsunehisa Amago improved the castle in the late 15th century.

尼子経久肖像画、洞光寺蔵~The portrait of Tsunehisa Amago, owned by Doukouji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

It was on Mt. Gassan, which looks like a shoe. It had about five hundred enclosures and could accommodate people in the castle town. There were three routes to reach Sanchu hall, the center of the castle, which was located on the upper part of the shoe shape. The last area of the castle, Honmaru, Ninomaru and Sannonaru enclosures were on the top part of the shoe shape, connected with the hall by only one zigzagged trail called “Nana-magari”. Amago made a network of branch castles as well to support the home base Gassan-Toda.

月山~Mt. Gassan(licensed by 安来市政策秘書課 via Wikimedia Commons)
月山富田城絵図(模写)、安来市立歴史資料館蔵~GassanーToda Castle old map (replica), owned by Yasugi City History Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The Ouchi clan attacked the castle in 1543, but failed and withdrew. It reduced their influence, and led to the destruction of the clan in 1551. The Mori clan following Ouchi, prepared more carefully. Mori took Iwami Mine and the branch castles away from Amago in advance. Motonari Mori with about 30,000 soldiers attacked the castle in 1565. This attack was repelled by Yoshihisa Amago with 10,000 defenders as well. Motonari changed his tactic, and surrounded the castle, building many fortresses. The siege lasted for one year and seven months. In the end, Yoshihisa surrendered after Motonari caused internal trouble in Amago, and supplies ran out.

毛利元就肖像画、毛利博物館蔵~The portrait of Motonari Mori, owned by Mori Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The surviving retainer of Amago, Shikanosuke Yamanaka tried to avenge his clan in 1569. He attacked the castle with 6,000 supporters, while just 300 defenders were in the castle. However, the castle withstood the attack. Shikanosuke had to give up when reinforcements for Mori arrived.

山中鹿之助肖像画部分、安来市立歴史資料館蔵~Part of the portrait of Shikanosuke Yamanaka, owned by Yasugi City History Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

During the Tokugawa clan’s governance, the Horio clan was transferred to the castle in 1600. They decided to move their base to a new one called Matsue Castle. Gassan-Toda castle was abandoned in 1611.

月山富田城の遺跡~The ruins of Gassan-Toda Castle


Now, visitors usually start to climb up from Sugatani Route, one of three routes to the castle, near the roadside station “Hirose-Todajo”. You have to climb over several winding roads, enclosures, moats and gates to reach Sanchu hall ruins

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

菅谷口~The entrance of Suganani Route
菅谷口を進みます~Going on Suganani Route
道の駅「広瀬・富田城」を見下ろします~Looking down the roadside station “Hirose-Todajo”

You can see the statue of Shikanosuke on the way.

山中鹿之助銅像~The statue of Shikanosuke Yamanaka

There are also restored wooden buildings on Hananodan enclosure in front of Sanchu hall.

花の壇曲輪に向かいます~going to Hananodan enclosure
花の壇にある復元された木造建築物~The restored wooden buildings on Hananodan

The lords of the castle usually lived in the hall.

花の壇から見た城の中心部~The center of the castle from Hananodan
山中御殿跡~The ruins of Sanchu Hall

When a battle happened there, they moved to the top area through Nanamagari trail. It is said that Aamago and Mori fought each other along the trail.

七曲りの山道~Nanamagari trail

The top area includes Sannomaru, Ninomaru and Honmaru from the front to the back. The area is larger than I expected. That might make Amago keep the castle for a long time.

三の丸~Sannnomaru enclosure
手前が二の丸、奥が本丸~The front is Ninomaru, the back is Honmaru
本丸~Honmaru enclosure
本丸から二の丸を見ています~Looking at Ninomaru from Honmaru

You can see a great view of the area below to the sea, from the top. Amago must have looked over this territory, too.

頂上からの眺め~A view from the top
城の前部と町を見下ろします~Looking over the front of the castle and the town

その後~Later Life

The castle ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1934. In more recent years, they were also developed as a historical park by officials. We can easily visit them.

七曲りの道も舗装されています~Even Nanamagari trail is paved

私の感想~My Impression

Another route for the castle called Okomori Route is available for cars. Today, you can reach the parking lot near Sanchu hall by car. But, I recommend you to walk all the way on foot and feel how large the castle was, if you have time.

御籠り口~Okomori Route
山中御殿跡近くの駐車場~The parking lot near Sanchu Hall Ruins

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 20 minutes from the Yasugi IC on Sanin Expressway, or about 20 minutes from JR Yasugi Station. The station is around one hour from Yonago Airport by train via Yonago Station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

安来観光協会、月山富田城跡~Yasugi City Official Travel Guide
・「尼子氏の城郭と合戦」寺井毅著、戒光祥出版(Japanese Book)