165.大和郡山城~Yamamo-Koriyama Castle

Its stone walls use Stone Buddha Statues.

立地と歴史~Location and History

大和国随一の城~Foremost Castle in Yamato Province

Yamato-Koriyama Castle was located in Nara Basin of Nara Prefecture. Nara is known for its history as the ancient capital and a lot of temples. In the Sengoku period (the period of warring states), the temples still had political and military power, so there were no great warlords. In addition, Nara Basin was not suitable for a large castle. Yamato-Koriyama Castle was at first one such smalll castle where its lords changed several times.

大和郡山城Yamato-Koriyama Castle
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
城の位置~The location of the castle

The situation changed when Nobunaga Oda ordered to destroy all the castles in Yamato Province (what is now Nara Prefecture) excluding Yamato-Koriyama Castle during his unification of Japan. The reason why only the castle remained may have been its defensive and convenient location, it was on the edge of Nishinokyo hill, and near to both Kyoto and Osaka.

大和郡山城Yamato-Koriyama Castle
城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

豊臣秀長が城を拡張~Hidenaga Toyotomi develops castle

After Hidenaga Toyotomi, the younger brother of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (Nobunaga’s successor) lived in Yamato-Koriyama Castle as his home base in 1585, the castle was developed rapidly in mainly where we now call Honmaru or the Main Enclosure. The stone walls were piled up, using not only normal stones, but also tombs, old capital`s materials and Stone Buddha Status because it was difficult to transport stones easily around the area. The Main Tower or “Tenshu” stood on the stone walls, but its details are uncertain.

豊臣秀長肖像画、春岳院蔵~The portrait of Hidenaga Toyotomi, owned by Shungakuin Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was completed adding Ninomaru or the Second Enclosure and Sannomaru or the Third Enclosure until the period of the one after next lord of the castle, Nagamori Masuda. However, Nagamori was fired by the Tokugawa Shogunate due to the defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. As a result, the castle was once abandoned, the Main Tower was moved to Nijo Castle in 1602, the other buildings were moved to another one.

二条城の大和郡山城から移された天守が描かれた洛中洛外図屏風、林原美術館蔵~The Main Tower of Nijo Castle, which was moved from Yamato-Koriyama Castle, in the Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens, owned by Hyashibara Museum of Art (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城と町の繁栄~Prosperity of Castle and Town

In 1615 of the Edo Period, Katsunari Mizuno was given charge of this castle and started to revive it, but he was soon transferred to Fukuyama Castle in 1618. Instead, Tadaaki Matsudaira came to this castle and built the Ninomaru Hall in the Second Enclosure. Since then, the enclosure became the center of the castle from where they governed.

郡山城旧観図、西ヶ谷文庫蔵、二の丸御殿が中心に描かれている~The former appearance illustration of Koriyama Castle, owned by Nishigaya Library, The Ninomaru Hall is drawn at the center (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1724, Yoshisato Yanagisawa was transferred to this castle from Kofu Castle. He promoted people to develop industries such as farming goldfishes which Yamato-Koriyama City is still known for. The Yanagisawa Clan encouraged cultures and military arts and governed this area until the end of the Edo Period.

郡山城絵図、柳沢文庫蔵~The illustration of Koriyama Castle, owned by Yanagisawa Library (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


複雑な縄張り~Complex Layout

Now, the area around the Main Enclosure is open to the public as the ruins of Yamato-Koriyama Castle. The Main Enclosure is actually divided into several much smaller enclosures. Visitors usually go to the entrance of the ruins passing through a long and narrow area. This area is called Jinpo Enclosure which was empty and used for training soldiers. The entrance of the ruins is in Tokiwa Enclosure where the Main Gate or “Ote-mon” and Ote-Mukai Turret have been restored. After entering the Main Gate, you have to turn left to go further.

陣甫曲輪Jinpo Enclosure
城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

復元された追手門~The restored Main Gate
復元された追手向櫓~The restored Ote-Mukai Turret

The next enclosure called Bishamon Enclosure has the Yanagisawa Library which exhibits the history of Yamato-Koriyama Castle and the Yanagisawa Clan`s legacies. You can see the wild stone walls around the enclosure and Tenshu Enclosure( the original Main Enclosure), and the dry moats between them. To reach Tenshu Enclosure, you have to go on a narrow earthen bridge again. I imagine that such complex routes to the center of the castle must have been for defense. There was the front gate bridge called “Gokuraku-bashi” bridge which was newly restored in March 2021.

柳沢文庫~The Yanagisawa Library
石垣と空堀~The stone walls and dry moat
復元前の極楽橋跡~The ruins of Gokuraku-bashi Bridge before the restoration

修復された天守台~Repaired Base for Main Tower

After entering Tenshu Enclosure, you will first see Yanagisawa Shrine which worships the founder of the Yanagisawa Clan, Yoshiyasu Yanagisawa (Yoshisato`s father). The stone wall base for the Main Tower or Tenshu remains behind the shrine. The Main Tower was said to be not so large based on the scale of the base. However, the recent excavation of the base prove that its foundation matches that of Yodo Castle. The Main Tower of Yamato-Koriyama Castle was once moved to Nijo Castle, then moved again to Yodo Castle in 1624. Although the Main Tower was unfortunately burned down by lightning in 1756, the Main Tower at Nijo and Yodo had five layers according to a picture and drawing. Yamato-Koriyama Main Tower might also have had five layers.

柳澤神社~Yanagisawa Shrine
天守台石垣~The stone wall base for the Main Tower
山城国淀天守之図、京都市歴史資料館寄託~The illustration of the Main Tower of Yodo Castle in Yamashiro Province, deposited by Kyoto City Historical Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The base was also improved recently as a lookout, piling its stone walls again. You can see the whole view of the castle and town from the top. There are several enclosures of The Second Enclosure surrounded by water moats, which are mainly used for school grounds on the south and west directions. On the east direction, you can also see the town area over the entrance of the ruins, which was the Third Enclosure.

積みなおされた天守台~The base for the Main Tower which was re-piled recently
天守台上から見た南西方向の景色~A view of the southwest from the top
天守台上から見た東方向の景色~A view of the east from the top

逆さ地蔵~Inverted Stone Buddha Statue

One of the most important topics for the castle is the diverted stones. You can see one of the representatives called the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue or “Sakasa-Jizo” which is used for the stone walls at the northern side of the base.

「逆さ地蔵」が使われている箇所~The part which the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue is used
逆さ地蔵~The Inverted Stone Buddha Statue (taken by あけび from PhotoAC)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Yamato-Koriyama Castle was abandoned again. All the buildings of the castle were sold and demolished by the auction in 1873. The area of the Second Enclosure was turned into the school ground, and the Third Enclosure became the residential area. Only the Main Enclosure could survive as the ground for the Yanagizawa Shrine and the clan’s house (what is now the Yanagisawa Library). After World War II, the area of mainly the Main Enclosure became a Cultural Property designated by Nara Prefecture in 1961. The ruins are also famous for cherry blossoms now. Yamato-Koriyama City has been developing the ruins as a historical park, such as restoring some buildings and expanding the park area.

大和郡山城と桜~Yamato-Koriyama Castle with cherry blossoms (taken by ゼロワークス from PhotoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

When tourists visit Nara, they usually go to temples, shrines, and the old capital’s legacies. But how about visiting Yamato-Koriyama Castle as well? It is the only remaining castle ruins around the area. However, there is the only one thing I was disappointed about the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue. I visited twice there, and I was very moved by the Statue on my first visit. This was because there were a lot of other stone Buddha statues and offerings for praying in front of it. They clearly showed primitive religious thoughts of Japanese people. However, they were taken away from there on my second visit. I guess they were cleaned up when the stone wall base for the Main Tower was improved as a lookout. I strongly wish the officials bring the Japanese good tradition back there again.

私の最初の訪問時の逆さ地蔵周辺~The around the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue on my first visit

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 15 minutes from the Koriyama IC on Nishi-Meihan Expressway. There is a parking lot in the ruins.
When using train, it takes about 10 minutes from Kintetsu-Koriyama Station on Kintetsu-Kashihara Line or it takes about 15 minutes from JR Koriyama Station on Kansai Line on foot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

柳沢文庫(Yanagisawa Library)
・郡山城跡公園基本計画改定案、大和郡山市(Yamato-Koriyama City Official Document)
・「よみがえる日本の城1」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第44号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)

42.掛川城(Kakegawa Castle)

掛川城天守と二の丸御殿(The Tenshu and Ninomaru Mail Hall of Kakegawa Castle)

Location and History

掛川市は静岡県の中央に位置しています。日本の主要街道である東海道が古代よりこの地を通っています。掛川城は最初は戦国時代の初期に築かれ、すぐに戦国大名にとって重要な城となりました。それ以来、今川氏、武田氏、徳川氏といった戦国大名が、この城を手に入れ周りの地域を支配するために鎬を削りました。Kakegawa City is located in the middle of Shizuoka prefecture. Tokaido, one of the major routes in Japan passes through this city since the Ancient Ages. The Kakegawa Caste was first built in the Civil War Period, and quickly became an important site for warlords. Since then, warlords such as the Imagawa, Takeda, Tokugawa clans battled each other to get the castle and govern the area around it.

掛川城の位置(The location of Kakegawa Castle)

掛川城Kakegawa Castle
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

At the end of the Civil War Period, Kazutoyo Yamanouchi was transferred to this castle by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the ruler of the whole country. Yamanouchi renovated the castle including the build of the keep “Tenshu” and the castle town. At its highest point, the castle was surrounded by water moats of 3450m long in total.

遠州掛川城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Kakegawa Castle in Enshu Province in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館

He stayed at the castle for about 10 years, and was transferred again to Tosa Province, now Kochi prefecture. He also built Kochi castle in now Kochi City and its Tenshu was designed similar to Kakegawa’s design according to an old document called “Oshiro-Chikuki”.

山内一豊肖像画、土佐山内家宝物資料館蔵(The Portrait of Kazutoyo Yamanouchi, ownd by Tosa Yamauchi Family Treasury and Archives)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

After that, though the lords of Kakegawa castle ware changed many times, they all kept the castle through the Edo Period. However, the Ansei Great Earthquakes happened in 1854, and most of the castle’s buildings collapsed including Tenshu. Warriors of the Kakegawa domain didn’t rebuilt Tenshu instead of building the Ninomaru main hall for their government office.

二の丸御殿全景(A whole view of Ninomaru Main Hall)licensed by shikabane taro via Wikimedia Commons


Now we can see both of the Ninomaru main hall and the Tenshu. Ninomaru main hall is one of the only four remaining lords’ main halls in Japan. (The others are Nijo, Kochi and Kawagoe.) Immediately after the completion of the hall, the Meiji Restoration had come and the governance of warriors ended then. The hall was turned into a school, a city hall, an agricultural cooperative, and even a fire station. It is relatively recent that the hall was regarded as a historical site, and designated as an important cultural property in 1980.

現存する二の丸御殿と復元天守(The remaining Ninomaru Main Hall and restored Tenshu)

Later Life

On the other hand, the castle had no Tenshu for a long time since the Ansei Earthquakes. Instead the statue of Kannon Bodhisattva was placed on the ruin of Tenshu base in 1907 to pray for fallen soldiers of the Russo-Japanese War. The city officials and citizens longed to rebuild the Tenshu, but they couldn’t because of a lack of funds. The situation suddenly changed when a woman moved to the city about 30 years ago. She agreed with the city’s policy of “Lifelong Learning City”, and donated a large sum of money. This made the city officials decide to not only rebuild Tenshu but also restore it in traditional wooden style.

復元された掛川城天守(The restored Kakegawa Castle Tenshu)taken by Oshiro-man from photo AC

There were some problems about it. One of them was that several drawing pictures of the Tenshu remain, but details are unclear. To solve the problem, the designers use the plan of the remaining Kochi castle Tenshu that should be similar to Kakegawa. In addition, the good news were that they were able to design the new Tenshu comparatively freely, because the area around Tenshu was not designated as a historical site. They were able to both build it to code and remake the stone walls to strengthen the general structure. Whereas, the ruin of original stone wall were removed unfortunately.

現存する高知城天守(The remaining Kochi Castle Tenshu)taken by 眠鯨 from photo AC

This was the first case of the restoration for wooden Tenshu since the Meiji Era with the completion in 1994. The campaign was successful to have the great symbol of the city, and attract around 100,000 tourists into the city every year.

天守遠景(A distant view of Tenshu)

My Impression

It is very rare to see both of a Tenshu and a lord’s main hall at one site. Only Kakegawa and Kochi castles can offer them. You can enter both of Kakegawa Castle’s Tenshu and Ninomaru main hall for one ticket. The Tenshu is still new, but you will see the great technique of a large wooden building.

天守近景(A close view of Tenshu)
天守の内部(An inside view of Tenshu)

The Ninomaru mail hall is old and an important heritage, but it has a relaxed atmosphere. There are several tatami rooms facing its garden where you may partly be seated. The hall has a good natural ventilation like many other traditional Japanese buildings. In particular, you can feel cool and comfortable during the summer.

二の丸御殿内部(The inside of Ninomaru Main Hall)
二の丸御殿内部(The inside of Ninomaru Main Hall) posted by (C)晴耕雨読 @黄昏の番犬

How to get There

It takes about 10 minutes on foot from the JR Kakegawa station.
From Tokyo to the station: Take the Tokaido Shinkansen super express direct to Kakegawa st.

Links and References

掛川城(Official Site, Only Japanese?)
埋木帖~城の復元と法令 ②掛川城天守(Only Japanese)
・掛川城物語、本田猪三郎著、静岡新聞社刊(Japanese book)

53.二条城(Nijo Castle)

Location and History

In fact, there were several castles which were called “Nijo Castle”. They were all built in the center of Kyoto called “Nijo” by authorities to be their lodgings and protect themselves. Ieyasu Tokugawa built the last Nijo Castle here after came to power in 1600.

徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵(The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The present land of the castle is a shape combined from two squares. The east one was a little larger, and the original. The west part was added later when renovation was done before an emperor visited the castle. Tokugawa clan used the castle for receptions such as inaugurations of shoguns and imperial visits.

二条城付近の航空写真(A aerial photo around Nijo Castle)


The castle had two keeps “Tenshu” in total. The first Tenshu was moved from Yamato-Koriyama Castle to there, and then moved to Yodo Castle during the renovation. The second one was moved from Fushimi Castle to there. Unfortunately both of them were burned down by strikes of thunder in the 18th century. It has been very difficult to keep Tenshu for a long time from then on.

二条城の初代天守が描かれた洛中洛外図屏風、林原美術館蔵(The first Tenshu of Nijo Castle in the Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens, owned by Hyashibara Museum of Art)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

There was a long term of over 200 years when the castle was not used because the governance of the Shogunate had been stable and Shoguns didn’t need to come to Kyoto. However, the situation was changed at the end of the Edo Period. Major domains such as Choshu and Satsuma rebelled against the Shogunate using the imperial power. The 14th and 15th shoguns had to come to Kyoto to deal with the problem and stayed at Nijo castle. In the end, the castle was used as the stage for “the restoration of Imperial rule”.

「大政奉還」壁画、邨田丹陵筆、聖徳記念絵画館蔵(The mural of “the Restoration of Imperial rule” attributed to Tanryo Murata, ownd by Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


The present Ninomaru main hall is where many historical events were held. It is one of the four remaining lord halls in Japan. The hall is made up of six parts. “To-zamurai” is the first and largest part which was used for warriors to wait, and so on. It has an outstanding roof appearance you can see outside.

遠侍の外観(An appearance of To-Zamurai)taken by Wakanachi3 from Photo AC

The fifth part is “Kuroshoin” which was used for meetings among the shogun and relative lords. This is where the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa declared “the restoration of Imperial rule” in 1867.

黒書院の外観(An appearance of Kuroshoin)

For a taste of something castle like, look outside the castle around the entrance. The East Main Entrance “Higashi-Otemon” and the Southeast Corner Turret “Tounan-Sumi-Yagura”remain alongside stonewalls and the outer water moat. They could be a good photo spot.

東南隅櫓、奥は東大手門(Tounan-Sumi-Yagura, the back is Higashi-Otemon)

And, look at the main enclosure “Honmaru” inside the inner water moat. This area was built for emergencies. The stone wall for the Tenshu base remains at the southwest corner of Honmaru. The second Tenshu was on it.

本丸と内堀(Honmaru and the inner moat)
天守台の石垣(The stone walls for the Tenshu base)

Later Life

The castle might be lucky compared with other major castles after the Meiji Restoration. The castle was used as “Nijo Imperial Villa”. For example, the reception for enthrone of the Taisho Emperor was held at this site.

大正天皇即位饗宴の絵(The picture of the reception for enthrone of the Taisho Emperor)licensed by Ninijo via Wikimedia Commons

During that time, the former house of prince Katsura was moved to Honmaru as the Honmaru hall we can now see. Lastly, the castle has been open to visitors as the Imperial Gift Former Imperial Villa Nijo Castle since 1940. It also became a World Heritage Site since 1994.

本丸御殿、現在この建物は非公開(The Honmaru hall, now this building is not open to the public)taken by Wakanachi3 from Photo AC

My Impression

The Chinese style Gate “Kara-Mon” in front of the Ninomaru hall is a great object to see. It is very gorgeous and many tourists always take pictures. I would like you to look at the details of the gate.

二の丸御殿前の唐門(Kara-Mon in front of the Ninomaru hall)
唐門の飾り(The decorations of Kara-Mon)

Kyoto has been said to be easy to attack, difficult to protect. The Honmaru of this castle is not so large. I think the founders of the castle might think a large castle is not always useful in this city. That’s why the castle part was made compact so that it would keep against an enemy for a while by a small number of soldiers.

How to get There

It is useful to use train or bus to get there.
Nijojo-Mae station on the Tozai line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway is the nearest. When using JR line, it takes nearly 20 minutes on foot from Nijo station. Or take a bus from Kyoto station.

Links and References

世界遺産 元離宮二条城(World Heritage Site Nijo-jo Castle)
・二条城―京洛を統べる雅びの城、歴史群像名城シリーズ11(Japanese Book)