105.Shiroishi Castle Part1

Each independent lord was not allowed to have castles, excluding the only one the lord lived in, by the shogunate. However, Shiroishi Castle, where the Katakura Clan as a retainer lived in, remained as an exemption. This was probably due to Date’s strong influence as well as Katakura’s contributions.

Location and History

Castle owned by Katakura Clan, Senior Vassal of Date Clan

Shiroishi Castle is located in modern day Shiroishi City at the southern edge of Miyagi Prefecture. It was also located in the southern edge of the Date Clan’s territory during the Edo Period. The lords of the clan had the area around the castle being governed by their trusted senior vassal family, the Katakura Clan all through the period. The castle had a three level turret called the Large Turret which was actually equivalent to the Main Tower. That’s why the castle looked like a symbol of an independent lord.

The range of MIyagi Prefecture, the range of the Sendai Domain was larger than the prefecture

The restored Main Tower of Matsumoto Castle

The founder of the Katakura Clan, Kagetsuna Katakura served his master, Masamune Date from his childhood because Kagetsuna’s older sister, Kita became Masamune’s foster mother. Since then, Kagetsuna contributed to Masamune becoming the greatest warlord in the Tohoku Region during the late 16th Century by joining many battles and being a diplomatic agent with other warlords. When the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi invaded the Kanto Region to complete his unification of Japan in 1590, Masamune was wondering if he should follow Hideyoshi or not. Kagetsuna advised Masamune to do so, and as a result, they were able to survive. Masamune eventually gave Kagetsuna the important Shiroishi area in 1602 after the Date Clan’s territory was fixed as the Sendai Domain by the Tokugawa Shogunate.

The portrait of Kagetsuna Katakura, owned by Sendai City Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
The portrait of Masamune Date, owned by Sendai City Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Kagetsuna’s son, Shigenaga was very active in the summer campaign of the Siege of Osaka in 1615 where the shogunate defeated the Toyotomi Clan. There is a heroic story about him and his rival, Nobushige Sanada. They once fought each other in the battle, but Nobushige sent a letter (affixed to an arrow) to Shigenaga, which asked him to accommodate Nobushige’s children before his death. Kagetsuna accepted it, and then, Oume, Nobushige’s daughter would be Shigenaga’s second wife and another son, Daihachi would be a retainer of the Sendai Domain. One theory seems to be that Shigenaga took Oume away from Osaka Castle when it was falling and accommodated the other children when they later visited her in Shiroishi Castle. In either case, Shigenaga must have been a man of great capacity.

The portrait of Shigenaga Katakura, drawn in a Ukiyoe-painting, attributed to Yoshiiku Ochiai (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens, owned by Osaka Castle Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
The portrait of Nobushige Sanada, owned by Ueda City Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Castle survives as exemption of One Castle per Province

Shigenaga’s successor, Kagenaga was also important for the domain. When an internal trouble of the Date Clan, called Date-sodo (feud), happened in 1671, the government of the domain got out of control due to a bloody affair at the shogunate court in Edo. Kagenaga stayed local to keep other retainers calm and kept the government. These events were decisive for the position of the Katakura Clan. In addition, each independent lord was not allowed to have castles, excluding the only one the lord lived in, by the shogunate. However, Shiroishi Castle, where the Katakura Clan as a retainer lived in, remained as an exemption. This was probably due to Date’s strong influence as well as Katakura’s contributions.

The ruins of Sendai Castle, the home of the Date Clan

Castle is completed by Gamo and Katakura Clans

As for Shiroishi Castle itself, it is uncertain when it was first built, but it was considered an important strategic location for transportation. After the unification of Japan by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Satonari Gamo, a senior vassal of the clan owned and modernized the castle by building stone walls and the Main Tower. He would later improve several other castles like Kasama Castle, which can be seen as a hidden master of castle constructions. The Katakura Clan lived and improved the castle more based on the essential structures Satonari built.

The ruins of Kasama Castle

The castle had several enclosures on a hill. The Main Enclosure on the top had the main buildings of the castle, such as the three-level Main Tower, Main Gate, Back Gate, Main Hall, and two two-level turrets. They were exactly the same items as what other independent lords had. However, the Main Hall also had an interesting feature. The hall had two front entrances, one for locals and the other only for the lord of the Date Clan, the master of the Katakura Clan. The hall also had the rooms, called Onari-goten, where only the lord could stay.

The miniature model of Kasama Castle, exhibited by Shiroishi Castle History Museum
The miniature model of the main enclosure of Shiroishi Castle
The part of the Main Hall in the miniature model above, the entrance for the locals is marked by the blue circle and that only for the lord of the domain is marked by the red circle

The Katakura Clan also developed the castle town below the hill, where the retainers and other citizens lived in. Waterways were also developed in the town for defensive purposes and living. For example, there were Samurai residences in the Third Enclosure, part of the town, which was surrounded by the Sawabata River and the waterways. The residences were relatively smaller than other residences of independent domains. This was because the retainers under the Katakura Clan had lower incomes than those who served independent lords.

Part of the Illustration of Shiroishi Castle in the Sendai Domain, Oshu Region, the third enclosure along the Sawabata River is in the front, exhibited by the National Archives of Japan
The remaining Samurai residence along the Sawabata River

One of stages of Meiji Restoration

In 1868 during the Meiji Restoration, an important event happened to the castle again. Many domains against the New Government in the Tohoku Region held the Shiroishi Meeting in the castle. This was because the Sendai Domain was their leader and the castle could also be a hub for them. This event would be the trigger for the Boshin War between the government and the domains. However, the castle was eventually opened as its real master, the Sendai Domain had surrendered to the government.

The current Shiroishi Castle

To be continued in “Shiroishi Castle Part2”

21.江戸城その4~Edo Castle Part4

This castle created the outline of Tokyo.

外郭の概要~Overview of Gaikaku

The outline of Edo Castle called Gaikaku was the surrounding area from the outer moat whose perimeter was about 16 km, including even the city area. About 50 sets of large gates and bridges called Mitsuke were placed at the intersections of the moat and major roads to check people and transportation. These facilities were mostly demolished after the Meiji Restoration. So most people don’t realize there was a castle in Tokyo. Then, let me introduce the traces of Gaikaku in Tokyo.

江戸城の外郭ライン、ラインの色は以下のセクション毎に分かれています~The line of Edo Castle’s Gaikaku, the color of the line is linked to each section below

隅田川エリア~Sumida-gawa River Area

At the beginning of the Edo Period, Sumida-gawa River was regarded as part of the outer moats. Because of it, the Shogunate banned bridges from being built on the river excluding Senju-Ohashi Bridge on Nikko Road. After the great fire of Meireki in 1657, more bridges were built on the river for the increase of safety and urbanization of Edo City.

隅田川に架かる永代橋~Eitai-bashi Bridge over Smida-gawa River

隅田川エリアのライン~The line of Sumida-gawa River Area

永代橋~Eitai-bashi Bridge:

It is the forth bridge on Sumida-gawa River. The present bridge was rebuilt in 1926, after it was destroyed by the fire in the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923. It is nearly 100 years old, and has become an Important Cultural Property.

現在の永代橋~The present Eitai-bashi Bridge
歌川広重「東都名所」より「永代橋佃沖漁舟」、江戸時代~”Eitai-bashi Bridge and fishing boats off Tsukuda Island” from the series “Famous Places in the Eastern Capital” attributed to Hiroshige Utagawa in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

新大橋~Shin-Ohashi Bridge:

It is the third bridge on the river. The former bridge survived the Great Kanto earthquake. The present one replaced it in 1977. The bridge in the Edo Period is known for being drawn in a famous Ukiyoe Painting by Hiroshige Utagawa.

現在の新大橋~The present Shin-Ohashi Bridge
歌川広重「名所江戸百景」より「大橋あたけの夕立」、江戸時代~”Sudden shower over Shin-Ohashi Bridge and Atake” from the series “100 Famous Views of Edo” attributed to Hiroshige Utagawa in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

両国橋~Ryogoku-bashi Bridge:

The second bridge on the river. The area around the bridge became a place of amusement. Fireworks displays have been also held around in the summer since the Edo Period. There is the estuary of Kanda-gawa River nearby which is another part of the outer moats.

現在の両国橋~The present Ryogoku-bashi Bridge
葛飾北斎「富嶽三十六景」より「御厩川岸より両国橋夕陽見」、江戸時代~”Sunset across Ryogoku Bridge from the Bank of Sumida River at Onmayagashi” from the series “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji” attributed to Hokusai Katsushika in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

神田川エリア~Kanda-gawa River Area

The name “Kanda-gawa” clearly shows a river (“gawa” means river.). However, the river is completely artificial, and was used as a moat and canal. In the first Edo Period, the Date clan under the Shogunate created it to cut across Hongo plateau. The Shogunate set facilities they needed along the river. The waste soil from the digging was used to reclaim the sea around downtown.

神田川~Kanda-gawa River

神田川エリアのライン~The line of Kanda-gawa River Area

浅草橋門跡~Asakusa-bashi Gate Ruins:

This gate was built at the intersection of the river and Nikko Road passing Asakusa. But it was removed soon after the Meiji Restoration, so we can’t see what was seen in the past without some kind of monument.

現在の浅草橋~The present Asakusa-bashi Bridge
記念碑のみがあります~There is just a monument
浅草橋門の古写真~The old photo of Asakusa-bashi Gate(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

仙台堀~The Sendai Moat:

The name “Sendai” derived of the Date clan from Sendai. You can see the part of the river being cut deeply from the bridge near JR Ocha-no-Mizu Station. JR Chuo line goes along the valley.

現在の仙台堀~The present Sendai Moat

水道橋跡~The Water Bridge Ruins

Kanda water supply went across the river using the Water Bridge. It came from Inokashira Pond to feed Edo City. The names of the town around and the station nearby “Suido-bashi” comes from the bridge.

水道橋の記念碑~The monument of Water Bridge
記念碑周辺の風景~A view around the monument
歌川広重「東都名所」より「御茶之水之図」、江戸時代~”The picture of Ocha-no-Mizu” from the series “Famous Places in the Eastern Capital” attributed to Hiroshige Utagawa in the Edo Period(出典:国立国会図書館)

外堀の西側部分~The western part of the outer moats

This part was built to finalize the construction of the Edo Castle by 1638. It used a natural valley terrain. It aimed to protect the center of the castle from a cannon attack outside by setting the inside of the moat much higher with earthen walls than the outside.

弁慶濠~Benkei-bori Moat

外堀の西側部分のライン~The line of The western part of the outer moats

牛込門跡~Ushigome-mon Gate Ruins:

The stone walls from both sides of the gate remain. The area around the ruins are now used for JR Iida-bashi Station. The opposite of the ruins is Kagura-zaka slope, so you can see the outer moat located in the bottom of the valley. The moat called “Ushigome-bori” in the west of the ruins remain like it was, and looks very spacious.

牛込門跡~Ushigome Gate Ruins
歌川広重「牛込神楽坂之図」、江戸時代~”The picture of Ushigome and Kagurazaka” attributed to Hiroshige Utagawa in the Edo Period(出典:国立国会図書館)
牛込濠~Ushigome-bori Moat

市ヶ谷門跡~Ichigaya-mon Gate Ruins:

There are some remaining stones, and the earthen bridge from outside to the gate across the moat remains. The area around is also part of the for JR Ichigaya Station.

市ヶ谷門跡~Ichigaya-mon Gate Ruins
市ヶ谷門の古写真~The old photo of Ichigaya-mon Gate(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

四谷門跡~Yotsuya-mon Gate Ruins:

There are some remaining stone walls on one side of the gate, but outer moats around are already filled. For example, the former moat in the west of the ruins is used as the ground for Jochi University. You can walk on the inside earthen walls and enjoy a view of the spacey area.

残っている石垣~The remaining stone walls
四谷門の古写真~The old photo of Yotsuya-mon Gate(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
上智大学のグラウンド~The ground for Jochi University

外堀が失われたエリア~The lost outer moat area

In the center of the Tokyo city area, the outer moat was already lost for several reasons. It is now used as the Sotobori (means onter moat) Street for automobiles. It is difficult for us to understand what can be seen in the past.

外堀通り、ビル街の谷間のようです~Sotobori Street, just like a valley among the buildings

外堀が失われたエリアのライン~The line of the lost outer moat area

赤坂門跡~Akasaka-mon Gate Ruins:

Part of the stone walls for the gate remain near the Akasaka Mitsuke (same as the Shogunate facility’s name) Intersection. A remaining moat called “Benkei-bori” is in the west of the gate. The following moat called “Tame-ike” has lost.

赤坂門跡~Akasaka-mon Gate Ruins

「溜池」交差点~The Tame-ike Intersection:

The name of the moat remains for the intersection. Tame-ike means reservoir. At the beginning of the Edo Period, people in Edo City seemed to dam a river, and use it for drinking water.

溜池交差点~Tame-ike Intersection

呉服橋交差点~The Gofuku-bashi Intersection:

The intersection is near Tokyo Station. There was an outer moat, a bridge called “Gofuku-bashi” and Gofuku-bashi Gate. They have completely removed it. We can’t see any trace of them now.

呉服橋交差点~Gohuku-bashi Intersection
呉服橋門の古写真~The old photo of Gofukubashi-mon Gate(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

日本橋川エリア~Nihonbashi-gawa River area

It is the last part of the outer moats, or the first part. The part is near the inner moat of Edo Castle. We can see the outer moats spiral towards the outside of the city, so you can trace the moats backward. Nihonbashi-gawa River is also artificial and was built to change the routes of original rivers. The upper stream of the river might be the same as the original river called Hirakawa River.

日本橋川沿いの石垣~The stone walls along Nihonbashi-gawa River

日本橋川エリア~Nihonbashi-gawa River area

常盤橋門跡~Tokiwabashi-mon Gate Ruins:

The stone walls of the gate remain well. That’s why they have been designated as a National Historic Site. The stone bridge across the moat to the gate was built using other stones from the gate in the Meiji Era. You can also see the old building for Bank of Japan nearby, designated as an Important Cultural Property.

常盤橋門跡の石橋~The stone bridge of Tokiwabashi-mon Ruins
常盤橋門の古写真~The old photo of Tokiwabashi-mon Gate(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
日本銀行旧館~The old building for Bank of Japan

一ツ橋門跡~Hitotsubashi-mon Gate Ruins:

There are some remaining stone walls for the gate and the moat around. The hall for the Shogun’s relative called Hitotsu-bashi clan was inside the gate in the late Edo Period.

現在の一ツ橋門と残っている石垣~The present Hitotsubashi-Bridge and remaining stone walls
堀周辺の現存石垣~The remaining stone walls around the moat

雉子橋門跡~Kijibashi-mon Gate Ruins:

This is the edge of the outer moats. You can see the inner moat nearby. The river flows from a much upper area. You can follow that the upper stream and you’ll reach another spot of the outer moat near Koishi-kawa Gate. In fact, the upper stream was once filled by the Shogunate, but was dug again for water transportation in the Meiji Era.

現在の雉子橋~The present Kijibashi-Bridge

私の感想~My Impression

It will need more than one day trip to trace all of the outer moats, so you can visit part of them one by one. Anyway, after visiting them, you can realize that Edo Castle has been the center of Tokyo in infrastructure, culture, business and so on.

牛込門跡と飯田橋駅~Ushigome-mon Gate Ruins and Iidabashi Station

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

江戸城外堀跡、千代田区観光協会Edo Castle outer moat trace, VISIT CHIYODA
・「江戸城の全貌/萩原さち子著」さくら舎(Japanese Book)
・「幻の江戸百年/鈴木理生著」筑摩書房(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城2」学研(Japanese Book)

「江戸城その3」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part3”
「江戸城その2」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part2”
「江戸城その1」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part1”

12.若松城~Wakamatsu Castle

Its Main Tower has been the only five-layer one in Tohoku Region.

若松城の外観復元天守~The apparently restored Tenshu keep of Wakamatsu Castle

立地と歴史~Location and History

葦名氏が築城~Ashina clan first built it

The Aizu area in now Fukushima Prefecture was an important point for transportation before the rise in trains and automobiles. In the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period, the Ashina clan and the Date clan battled each other over the area. Ashina first built Kurokawa Castle probably at the same place as later Wakamatsu Castle. The castle was on the western edge of a mild plateau in Aizu Basin sandwiched by two rivers in the north and south directions.

福島県の地図、深緑部分が会津地域~The map of Fukushima Prefecture, the part of dark green is Aizu area(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城の位置~The location of the castle

蒲生氏郷が天守を建設~Ujisato Gamo constructed Tenshu

In 1590, the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi declared “Oshu-Shioki” which refers to the assessment of his territorial ownership in Tohoku Region, and came to Kurokawa Castle. He took the castle away from Date, the lord of it then, and gave it his men, Ujisato Gamo. Gamo started the renovation of it, built the first “Tenshu” or Main Tower on its base using stone walls for the region, and renamed the castle “Wakamatsu”. It is said that the Tenshu was even a seven-layer building that must have surprised people in the region.

蒲生氏郷肖像画、会津若松市立会津図書館蔵~The portrait of Ujisato Gamo, owned by Aidu Wakamatsu Library(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

加藤氏が新天守と出丸で強化~Kato clan improved it with new Tenshu and Demaru

The following lord of the castle, the Kato clan also improved it. Kato replaced the Tenshu, which had leaned due to an earthquake, with a new five-layer one at “Honmaru” enclosure that were surrounded by high stone walls and moats. They also built the defense strongpoints called “Damaru” in the north and west to protect Honmaru. The castle had other enclosures such as “Ninomaru” and “Sannonaru” in the east, and a natural hazard as Yukawa River. Moreover, the castle had an outline called “Sou-Gamae” with outer moats, earthen walls and 16 gates whose perimeter wad about 6 km.

若松正保城絵図、福島県立博物館蔵、江戸時代~The illustration of Wakamatsu Castle in Shoho Era, owned by Fukushima Prefectural Museum, in the Edo Period(福島県資料より引用)

若松城が標的に~Wakamatsu Castle was targeted

After that, Matsudaira clan governed the castle and town for many years. They were known for strength and their loyalty to the Tokugawa Shogunate. That made them fight with dissidents in Kyoto at the end of the Edo Period. The last lord, Katamori Matsudaira was assigned for the Military Governor of Kyoto by the Shogunate, and supported by Emperor Komei. However, the situation was changed, the dissidents such as the Choshu and Satsuma Domains became the New Government under Emperor Meiji instead. The government tried to punish the Aizu Domain under Katamori after the surrender of the Shogunate. Its target was Wakamatsu Castle.

松平容保写真、会津若松市蔵~The photo of Katamori Matsudaira, owned by Aizu-Wakamatsu City(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

出丸が敵を撃退し籠城戦に~Demaru repelled enemy, and held castle long

The Government Army with modern equipment attacked the castle on August 23, 1868, but was warded off. The north Demaru blocked it. The defense system established over 200 years ago proved its toughness even in a modern war. The army changed the way, surrounded the outline, and shot cannons into the castle from far away. The castle was so damaged, but the warriors kept fighting spirit. The siege lasted for one month. There would be no hope to have a reinforcement, and the army launched a full-scale attack to break the outline. Katamori had to surrender on September 22. It is said that the war dead of Aizu Domain, including a boy military unit, called Byakkotai were not allowed to be buried by the Government.

戦いで損傷した天守~The Tenshu damaged by the battle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)
天守から見た砲撃陣地跡~A view of the former artillery position from Tenshu


復元された5層天守~Restored 5-layer Tenshu

Now, local people usually call the castle “Tsuruga-jo”, its famous nickname. The ruins of castle remain as a historical park called Tsuruga-jo Park with the foundation of the central castle and the restored Tenshu . Tenshu is apparently restored and also used as a museum. It emulates Kato’s five-layer Tenshu on Gamo’s original stone walls.

外観復元された5層天守~The apparently restored five-layer Tenshu

The stone walls look little large for the Tenshu because Gamo’s seven-layer one might be fitter.

建物と石垣の境目部分~The border part between the building and the srone walls

In addition, the roof tiles of Tenshu were recently replaced with red colored ones which were original style and durable under cold climate.

赤瓦~The red rooftiles(taken by 松波庄九郎 from photoAC)

他の建物と遺跡~Other buildings and ruins

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

Other buildings like Kurogane Gate and Hoshii Turret were also restored connected with Tenshu by plaster walls.

天守から見た鉄門と干飯櫓~Kurogane Gate and Hoshii Turret from Tenshu
鉄門~Kurogane Gate

You should check out the remaining high stone walls along the east side of Honmaru that Kato first built.

本丸東側の高石垣~The high stone walls along the east side of Honmaru
高石垣は本丸東口を防御します~The high stone walls guard the east entrance of Honmaru

You can also see the structure of the defense system “Dameru” in the north and west of Honmaru.

北出丸の入り口~The entrance of the north Demaru
西出丸の入り口~The entrance of the west Demaru

There are few ruins of the outline such as the Kogamachi Gate Ruins.

その後~Later History

元武士が保存のため買い上げ~Fromer warrior bought it to preserve

After Meiji Restoration, all the buildings of the castle were demolished after the exhibition to the public in 1874. Keishi Endo, a former warrior of Aizu Domain bought the land of the castle ruins and donated them to the former lord Matsudaira to keep them in 1890. In the first Showa Era, the city owned the ruins for a park. In 1934, they were lastly designated as a National Historic Site.

現在の天守は1965年に復元~The present Tenshu restored in 1965

私の感想~My Impression

Despite Aizu Domain being beaten, many people in Aizu succeeded in the Meiji Era, for example, in the educational and the official worlds, including women. Because they were well educated. I think leaning more about the history of Aizu will make your travel there more interesting.

本丸の北入口、太鼓門~The north entrance of Honnmaru called “Taiko-mon” or the Drum Gate

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you use the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to get there from cities like Tokyo, it can be useful to take the express bus from Koriyama station. Because it takes you directly to near the castle. Take the bus at the west exit of Koriyama station, and take off at the Tsurugajo-Godochosha-Mae bus stop. You can enter at the north Damaru.

城の北入口~The north entrance of the castle
北出丸の外観~The appearance of the north Demaru

From Aizu-Wakamatsu station, you can take the Haikara-san bus at the No.6 bus stop, and take off at the Tsurugajo-Iriguchi, Tsurugajo-Kitaguchi or Tsurugajo-Sannomaru-Guchi bus stop.
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 15 minutes from the Aizu-Wakamatsu IC on Banetsu Expressway. The park offers parking lots at the west Demaru, the east entrance and the south entrance.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

・「よみがえる日本の城17」学研(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像119号、戦国の城/会津若松城」学研(Japanese Magazine)