26.松代城~Matsushiro Castle

A castle mixed with the Middle Ages and the Modern times

立地と歴史~Location and History

武田信玄の本陣~Stronghold for Shingen Takeda

Matsusshiro Castle is a famous attraction in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, which was known as a Sanada Clan castle town. The castle has a long history. It was first built by the Takeda Clan in the late 16th Century and was called Kaizu Castle. The reason for the construction was that the area nearby called Kawanakajima was the front line against the Uesugi Clan in Echigo Province (what is now Niigata Prefecture). The castle bordered Chikuma-gawa River on the north and was surrounded by earthen walls and water moats. It is also said that it was equipped with the Takeda Clan’s unique defense system called Umadashi outside the castle gates. The castle was actually used as the stronghold for Shingen Takeda when he fought with Kenshin Uesugi in the very famous fourth Battle of Kawanakajima in 1561.

城の位置~The location of the castle

城内にある「海津城」の碑~The monument of “Kaizu Castle” in the castle
川中島古戦場にある武田信玄と上杉謙信の銅像~The statues of Shingen Takeda and Kenshin Uesugi at the Kawanakajima Battlefield (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

真田氏による統治~Governance by Sanada Clan

After the Takeda Clan was defeated by the Oda Clan in 1582, the lords of the castle were changed several times. The Sanada Clan finally governed the Matsushiro Domain including the castle and the castle town from 1622 until the end of the Edo Period. The castle was also renamed Matsushiro Castle by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1711. The castle continued to be improved until then. For example, the center of the castle called the Main Enclosure was surrounded by stone walls with the Inner Moat. Four turrets were built on the four corners of the stone walls, and three gates were set at the entrances of the enclosure. The Main Hall was inside of the enclosure where the lord lived. On the other hand, the Second Enclosure with the Outer Moat surrounding the Main Enclosure and InnerMoat still had the earthen walls. The Umadashi system which probably originated in Takeda’s period, also remained.

城の想像図(正面)~The imaginary drawing of the castle (the front) (現地説明板より~from the signboard at the site)
城の想像図(背面)~The imaginary drawing of the castle (the back) (現地説明板より~from the signboard at the site)

新しい御殿~New Main Halls

However, this castle’s location near the river was positive for defense, but negative for governance and living. The castle suffered damage from floods several times. It was also damaged by fires, so the Samada Clan decided to escape their home from the center of the castle to the southwest part, building Hananomaru Main Hall. The clan also built the New Main Hall for their relatives (women and children) far from the castle at the end of the Edo Period.

新御殿~The New Main Hall


江戸時代末期のように復元~Restored like End of Edo Period

Now, the center of Matsushiro Castle looks similar to its former appearance. Only the stone walls of the Main Enclosure are original, but two gates to the Main Enclosure, the Inner Moat with two bridges, and even earthen walls surrounding the Second Enclosure have been restored by Nagano City. The city officials say they tried to restore the castle to show its appearance at the end of the Edo Period.

復元された本丸~The restored Main Enclosure

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

対照的な二の丸と本丸~Contrastive Second and Main Enclosures

Visitors usually enter the castle through the ruins of the South Gate, the entrance of the Second Enclosure. The ruins are surrounded by the restored earthen walls and the trace of the Umadashi system slightly remains nearby. The earthen walls and the stone walls of the Main Enclosure are very contrastive because both of them come from different periods. The earthen walls are from the Sengoku Period of the Middle Ages and the stone walls are mainly from the Edo Period of the Modern Times.

南門跡~The ruins of the South Gate
復元された二の丸~The restored Second Enclosure

You can enter the Main Enclosure through the Taiko-mon Gate after crossing the bridge over the Inner Moat. These structures have all been restored and have become new symbols of the castle. The inside of the Main Enclosure has remained empty since the great fire in 1717. The four turrets on the corners have not been restored, but their stone wall bases remain. The northwest one is the largest and it is said that the Main Tower might have stood on it before the turret. Its stone walls and the method for piling them are also older than other stone walls, so they look very rough. You can go up the stairs to the top of the base to see a view around the castle.

太鼓門~The Taiko-mon Gate
本丸の内部~The inside of the Main Enclosure
北西櫓石垣(内側)~The stone walls for the Northwest Turret (the inside)
北西櫓石垣(外側)~The stone walls for the Northwest Turret (the outside)

独特な構造~Unique Structures

The northern side of the Main Enclosure has another restored gate called Kita-Akazu-mon. You can go through the gate back to the Second Enclosure surrounding the Main Enclosure. The outside of the Second Enclosure on the north was the Chikumagawa-River in the past. The route of the river was changed in the Edo Period to prevent floods. There is an interesting small, restored gate called Uzumi-mon in the earthen walls of the Second Enclosure. It was originally set in a hole through the walls which would have been filled when a battle happened.

北不明門(櫓門部分)~The Kita-Akazu-mon Gate (the turret gate part)
北不明門(表門部分)~The Kita-Akazu-mon Gate (the front gate part)
二の丸の北外側~The outside of the Second Enclosure on the north
復元された埋門~The restored Uzumi-mon Gate

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Matsushiro Castle was abandoned, most of its buildings were sold or demolished, and most of its land was divided by former warriors to be turned into farm. In 1904, the former lord of the castle, the Sanada Clan, living in the New Main Hall, bought part of the land back to open the ruins of the castle as a park. The clan lastly donated the land to the officials in 1951. The ruins of the castle were designated as a National Historic Site in 1981, but only the stone walls remained at the center of the castle at that time. Nagano City investigated the ruins and started to restore some of gates, bridges, earthen walls and water moats. The restoration was completed in 2004 and we can now see what the castle looked like in the past.

復元中の城跡~The castle ruins being restored
復元後の城~The castle after the restoration

私の感想~My Impression

I think that Matsushiro Castle has a unique atmosphere because it has different perspectives from different periods. You can see the interesting combination of its stone walls and earthen walls. In addition, I recommend that you visit the Sanada Hall, about 250m south of the castle. In fact, Sanada Hall is the present name of the New Main Hall, one of the few remaining buildings that form part of the castle. It is also designated as a National Historic Site. Its interior is very elegant as it was first built for the lord’s relatives.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls of the Main Enclosure
二の丸の土塁~The earthen walls of the Second Enclosure
真田邸の内装~The interior of the Sanada Hall
真田邸の御居間~The living room of the Sanada Hall
真田邸の縁側と庭園~The veranda and garden of the Sanada Hall

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes about 5 minutes from Nagano IC on Joshinetsu Expressway. There are parking lots around the castle.
If you want to go there by public transportation, take the bus from Nanano Station and get off at the Matsushiro-eki bus stop.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

松代城の環境整備、長野市(Nagano City Official Website)
・よみがえる日本の城14、学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第7号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)


This is never a devil’s castle.

立地と歴史~Location and History

伝説の城~Legendary Castle

This castle named “Kino-jo”, or Devil’s Castle, located in what is now Okayama Prefecture, is mysterious. No one knows the origin of the castle, because it is not recorded in any document at all. In folk stories, a devil called “Ura” from Korea lived in the castle. He did bad things around the area. The Imperial Court sent a noble called “Kibitsu-hiko”. Kibutsu-hiko fought with Ura and defeated him. People call the castle Kino-jo based on this belief. It is also said that the belief might be connected to one of the most popular folk tales in Japan called “Momotaro”.

城跡にある温羅の記念碑~The monument of Ura at the ruins
吉備津彦を祀る吉備津神社~Kibitsu Shrine worshiping Kibitsu-hiko

実は古代山城~In fact, Ancient Mountain Castle

However, it has recently been found out that the castle was one of ancient mountain castles in western Japan by researches and studies. They were built by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Baekgang, Korea in 663. Japan tried to help Baekje, but was beaten by the ally of Tang and Silla. Emperor Tenchi was scared of an invasion by the ally, so he built these castles for protection. The ruins of Kino-jo are very similar to other recorded ones. Historians have concluded Kino-Jo must be a an ancient mountain castle.

白村江の戦いの図~The map about the Battle of Baekgang(licensed by Samhanin via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was on the southern edge of Kibi-kogen Highlands which is about 400m above sea level. The cliffs are steep, but the top of the highlands are relatively smooth. It is also about 10 km away from the ancient coastline. It had the best location to be a strong point. Unlike most Japanese castles, ancient mountain castles mainly consisted of an outer fortification. Their center area had facilities like warehouses and barracks.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

土塁に囲まれた城~Castle surrounded by Earthen Walls

In the case of Kino-Jo, the perimeter was about 2.8 km, about 90% of it was earthen walls, and the rest was work of stone. The castle also had four gates, six water gates, and a turret called “Kakuro”. In particular, the earthen walls were built in a method called Rammed Earth or “Hanchiku”. The method consists of building many earthen layers by ramming down each layer of soil. In addition, stones were placed in front and back of the walls. Wooden fences ran parallel to wall, inside the fortification around the gates.

鬼ノ城の全体模型~The full model of Kino-Jo(鬼城山ビジターセンター)
復元された門、土塁、敷石、木柵~The restored gate, earthen walls, placed stones, and wooden fences


Now, the ruins of Kino-jo have been developed with the Kinojosan Visitor Center as the starting point. The visitor center has exhibitions about the ruins. You can climb up from the center to the outline of the ruins which can also be used for trekking. If you go along the outline counterclockwise, the first part is the restored area.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

復元エリア~Restored Area

The restored West Gate is outstanding. Its earthen walls, stone walls, stone pavement, and wooden fences were rebuilt in the original way as much as possible. The gate building was also rebuilt referring to similar examples at that time. The Kakuro turret in front of the gate is partly restored. Its foundation was rebuilt in the same way as the West Gate, but its structure couldn’t be rebuilt because there are no modern examples of it.

復元された西門~The restored West Gate
土台だけ復元された角楼~Kakuro Turret, only its foundation was restored.

トレッキングコース~Tail for Trekking

The other ruins were repaired and shown as they are, but are great to visit. For instance, the Second Water Gate has a drain which still works. You should check out wild natural stones around the East Gate Ruins.

第二水門~The Second Water Gate
東門跡~The East Gate Ruins
自然石群~The natural stones

Passing the gate ruins, the high stone walls look great and the views of Okayama Plain are very beautiful. That also meant defenders in the castle were able to watch the situation outside. There are some other ruins scattered about where the warehouses once stood.

高石垣~The high stone walls
岡山平野の眺め~A view of Okayama Plain
倉庫群跡~The ware houses ruins

その後~Later History

Kino-Jo was most likely abandoned in the first 8th century. After that, the ruins were used for temple grounds or training grounds for Buddhists. In the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period, warriors used part of them again as a castle. People thought the castle was originally built by a devil for some time.

仏教徒が修業を行った痕跡~A trace of Buddhist training

In 1970, a historian first explore the ruins as a historic site, and suggested that it might be an ancient mountain castle. That was proved by academic research in 1978. As a result, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1986. Since then, Soja City has been rebuilding them.

復元された西門と土塁の全景~The whole view of the West Gate and the earthen walls

私の感想~My Impression

I think that the ruins of Kino-Jo are one of the most well conserved ones in Japan. Because part of the ruins were restored to look like the originals, and the others were preserved in good conditions. it’s a good balance. You can also choose to learn history while working up a sweat.

版築で復元された土塁~The restored earthen walls by Rammed Earth

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 8km away from the Okayama-Soja IC on Sanyo Expressway. The visitor center offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

鬼ノ城、総社市公式観光WEBサイト(Soja City Official Site)
・「鬼ノ城/谷山雅彦著」同成社(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像45号/鬼ノ城、吉備路を睥睨する古代山城」学研(Japanese Book)

100.首里城(Shuri Castle)

What should be the plan to prevent the next fire?

火災前の首里城正殿(The Main Palace of Shuri Castle before the fire)taken by 白飯愛好家 from photoAC

何が起こったか~What happend?

Before dawn on October 31, 2019, a tragedy happened to Shri Castle in Okinawa. At least 7 buildings of the castle including the Main, the South and the North Palaces, were burned down by an electrical fire. They were lost in only 2 to 3 hours. The restoration of the Palace had been completed last February after over 30 years of construction with a total cost of about 26 billion yen or 240 million dollars. It was a consolation that no one was injured. In addition, out of about 1,500 collected items, 401 of them were burned with the buildings.

首里城火災の映像(A picture of the fire of Shiri Castle)NHK news web より引用

The site of the fire is under investigation and visitors are prohibited from entering. The real cause of the fire is still uncertain. The fact is that the fire came out of the first floor of the Main Palace, and there is evidence of short-circuit in a power distribution panel at the building. Specialists suggest that an electric problem might have caused the fire. They also point out the possibility of special traditional paint for the castle’s red color being a factor. It contains more oil called “china wood oil” than usual which might also boost the fire.

歓会門、2019年11月時点ではここから先には行けない(The Kankai Gate, Visitors can’t go inside in November 2019)

Others argue that the castle didn’t have enough equipment for fires. Setting sprinklers were recommended, but it wasn’t done. Firemen used water guns, but they didn’t work well because of the castle’s closed area.

屋根と柱だけが残っている北殿(The North Palace whose only roof and pillers survive)

Anyway, the event is having a negative impact on Okinawan society. Though few tours to Okinawa have been canceled so far, shops around the castle have suffered a significant drop in sales. People in Okinawa are worried about their future of industry as well as mentality.

守礼門は無事で、現在も見学可能(The Shurei Gate is intact, and visitors still can see it)
王家の陵墓で世界遺産の「玉陵」も見学可能(You can also see “Tama-udun” which is the imperial mausoleums and a cultural site on the World Heritage List)

立地と歴史~Location and History

It is uncertain when Shuri Castle was first built. It became important when Sho Hashi, the first king of Ryukyu (the former name of Okinawa), placed his imperial palace in the castle in the 15th century. Shri is a hilly area around and near Naha port that also became international. Its location deserves the capital of the dynasty.

首里城と那覇港の位置関係(The location of Shuri Castle and Naha Port)

However, since it was founded, the castle has suffered fires several times from accidents and wars. It has also been restored each time. But the castle was abandoned for a while after the fourth fire caused by the attack from the US Army in World War II, 1945. The ruins of the castle have been used by the Ryukyu University since 1950 under the governance of the US Army. After Okinawa’s reversion to Japan, the university was moved to another location until 1984. Then, the Japanese government launched the last reconstruction of Shri Castle in 1986. The Shurijo Castle Park has been open to the public since 1992.

戦前の正殿(The Main Palace before the war)licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons
1960年代の城跡にあった琉球大学(Ryukyu University on the ruins in the 1960’s)licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons
首里城での祭り(A festival at Shuri Castle)taken by 栄典 from photoAC

これからどうなる?~What will happen?

Immediately after the fire, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated that the government has a responsibility to restore the castle, and will support the locals with consulting as well as funding. It already shows the basic plan of the restoration which indicates that the new castle will basically be the same as the old one, with the addition of security equipment such as sprinklers and underground warehouses. The plan also says a virtual image of the castle will be projected until the completion of the buildings. On the other hand, a large donation has been gathered with a total of over 1 billion yen from all around the world.

火災前の首里城遠景(A distant view of Shuri Castle before the fire)taken by あばさー from photoAC
火災後の首里城遠景(A distant view of Shuri Castle after the fire)

私の意見~My Opinion

I think we should not hurry to rebuild the castle for the following reasons. Primary buildings of the castle were built in traditional wooden style. It requires a lot of wood lumbers that Okinawa can’t produce by themselves because the island is small and narrow. In the last reconstruction, Taiwan offered these materials. However, this time, even if Taiwan agrees to offer it again, it can cause environmental problems. In addition, traditional buildings are essentially not compatible with electric equipment. Some of them should be changed to new materials which are durable, accessible, and similar to the original appearance with current technology. We need enough time to solve those issues to prevent the next fire.

ライトアップされた火災前の首里城(The illuminated Shuri Castle before the fire)taken by せいじん from photoAC

ここに行くには~How to get There

From the Naha Airpot:
When using car, it takes 40 minutes to 1 hour to get there. The park offers an underground parking lot.
When using train, take the Yui Rail train from Naha Airport station to Shuri station. It takes nearly 30 minutes. Then, the castle is about 15 minute walk from Shuri station, or take a bus (No.1, 14, or 346) from the Shuri-Eki-Mae bus stop to the Shuri-Jo-Mae bus stop.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

首里城公園(Shurijo Castle Park)
NHK NEWS WEB(Only Japanese)
・「尚氏と首里城/上里隆史」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)