12.若松城~Wakamatsu Castle

Its Main Tower has been the only five-layer one in Tohoku Region.

若松城の外観復元天守~The apparently restored Tenshu keep of Wakamatsu Castle

立地と歴史~Location and History

葦名氏が築城~Ashina clan first built it

The Aizu area in now Fukushima Prefecture was an important point for transportation before the rise in trains and automobiles. In the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period, the Ashina clan and the Date clan battled each other over the area. Ashina first built Kurokawa Castle probably at the same place as later Wakamatsu Castle. The castle was on the western edge of a mild plateau in Aizu Basin sandwiched by two rivers in the north and south directions.

福島県の地図、深緑部分が会津地域~The map of Fukushima Prefecture, the part of dark green is Aizu area(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城の位置~The location of the castle

蒲生氏郷が天守を建設~Ujisato Gamo constructed Tenshu

In 1590, the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi declared “Oshu-Shioki” which refers to the assessment of his territorial ownership in Tohoku Region, and came to Kurokawa Castle. He took the castle away from Date, the lord of it then, and gave it his men, Ujisato Gamo. Gamo started the renovation of it, built the first “Tenshu” or Main Tower on its base using stone walls for the region, and renamed the castle “Wakamatsu”. It is said that the Tenshu was even a seven-layer building that must have surprised people in the region.

蒲生氏郷肖像画、会津若松市立会津図書館蔵~The portrait of Ujisato Gamo, owned by Aidu Wakamatsu Library(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

加藤氏が新天守と出丸で強化~Kato clan improved it with new Tenshu and Demaru

The following lord of the castle, the Kato clan also improved it. Kato replaced the Tenshu, which had leaned due to an earthquake, with a new five-layer one at “Honmaru” enclosure that were surrounded by high stone walls and moats. They also built the defense strongpoints called “Damaru” in the north and west to protect Honmaru. The castle had other enclosures such as “Ninomaru” and “Sannonaru” in the east, and a natural hazard as Yukawa River. Moreover, the castle had an outline called “Sou-Gamae” with outer moats, earthen walls and 16 gates whose perimeter wad about 6 km.

若松正保城絵図、福島県立博物館蔵、江戸時代~The illustration of Wakamatsu Castle in Shoho Era, owned by Fukushima Prefectural Museum, in the Edo Period(福島県資料より引用)

若松城が標的に~Wakamatsu Castle was targeted

After that, Matsudaira clan governed the castle and town for many years. They were known for strength and their loyalty to the Tokugawa Shogunate. That made them fight with dissidents in Kyoto at the end of the Edo Period. The last lord, Katamori Matsudaira was assigned for the Military Governor of Kyoto by the Shogunate, and supported by Emperor Komei. However, the situation was changed, the dissidents such as the Choshu and Satsuma Domains became the New Government under Emperor Meiji instead. The government tried to punish the Aizu Domain under Katamori after the surrender of the Shogunate. Its target was Wakamatsu Castle.

松平容保写真、会津若松市蔵~The photo of Katamori Matsudaira, owned by Aizu-Wakamatsu City(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

出丸が敵を撃退し籠城戦に~Demaru repelled enemy, and held castle long

The Government Army with modern equipment attacked the castle on August 23, 1868, but was warded off. The north Demaru blocked it. The defense system established over 200 years ago proved its toughness even in a modern war. The army changed the way, surrounded the outline, and shot cannons into the castle from far away. The castle was so damaged, but the warriors kept fighting spirit. The siege lasted for one month. There would be no hope to have a reinforcement, and the army launched a full-scale attack to break the outline. Katamori had to surrender on September 22. It is said that the war dead of Aizu Domain, including a boy military unit, called Byakkotai were not allowed to be buried by the Government.

戦いで損傷した天守~The Tenshu damaged by the battle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)
天守から見た砲撃陣地跡~A view of the former artillery position from Tenshu


復元された5層天守~Restored 5-layer Tenshu

Now, local people usually call the castle “Tsuruga-jo”, its famous nickname. The ruins of castle remain as a historical park called Tsuruga-jo Park with the foundation of the central castle and the restored Tenshu . Tenshu is apparently restored and also used as a museum. It emulates Kato’s five-layer Tenshu on Gamo’s original stone walls.

外観復元された5層天守~The apparently restored five-layer Tenshu

The stone walls look little large for the Tenshu because Gamo’s seven-layer one might be fitter.

建物と石垣の境目部分~The border part between the building and the srone walls

In addition, the roof tiles of Tenshu were recently replaced with red colored ones which were original style and durable under cold climate.

赤瓦~The red rooftiles(taken by 松波庄九郎 from photoAC)

他の建物と遺跡~Other buildings and ruins

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

Other buildings like Kurogane Gate and Hoshii Turret were also restored connected with Tenshu by plaster walls.

天守から見た鉄門と干飯櫓~Kurogane Gate and Hoshii Turret from Tenshu
鉄門~Kurogane Gate

You should check out the remaining high stone walls along the east side of Honmaru that Kato first built.

本丸東側の高石垣~The high stone walls along the east side of Honmaru
高石垣は本丸東口を防御します~The high stone walls guard the east entrance of Honmaru

You can also see the structure of the defense system “Dameru” in the north and west of Honmaru.

北出丸の入り口~The entrance of the north Demaru
西出丸の入り口~The entrance of the west Demaru

There are few ruins of the outline such as the Kogamachi Gate Ruins.

その後~Later History

元武士が保存のため買い上げ~Fromer warrior bought it to preserve

After Meiji Restoration, all the buildings of the castle were demolished after the exhibition to the public in 1874. Keishi Endo, a former warrior of Aizu Domain bought the land of the castle ruins and donated them to the former lord Matsudaira to keep them in 1890. In the first Showa Era, the city owned the ruins for a park. In 1934, they were lastly designated as a National Historic Site.

現在の天守は1965年に復元~The present Tenshu restored in 1965

私の感想~My Impression

Despite Aizu Domain being beaten, many people in Aizu succeeded in the Meiji Era, for example, in the educational and the official worlds, including women. Because they were well educated. I think leaning more about the history of Aizu will make your travel there more interesting.

本丸の北入口、太鼓門~The north entrance of Honnmaru called “Taiko-mon” or the Drum Gate

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you use the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to get there from cities like Tokyo, it can be useful to take the express bus from Koriyama station. Because it takes you directly to near the castle. Take the bus at the west exit of Koriyama station, and take off at the Tsurugajo-Godochosha-Mae bus stop. You can enter at the north Damaru.

城の北入口~The north entrance of the castle
北出丸の外観~The appearance of the north Demaru

From Aizu-Wakamatsu station, you can take the Haikara-san bus at the No.6 bus stop, and take off at the Tsurugajo-Iriguchi, Tsurugajo-Kitaguchi or Tsurugajo-Sannomaru-Guchi bus stop.
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 15 minutes from the Aizu-Wakamatsu IC on Banetsu Expressway. The park offers parking lots at the west Demaru, the east entrance and the south entrance.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

・「よみがえる日本の城17」学研(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像119号、戦国の城/会津若松城」学研(Japanese Magazine)

23.小田原城~Odawara Castle

This castle has two faces.

八幡山古郭から見た復興天守~The reconstructed Tenshu keep from Hachimanyama-Kokaku (old castle)

立地と歴史~Location and History

Odawara Castle can roughly be divided into an older western part called “Hachimanyama-Kokaku” and a new eastern part, which we now usually call “Odawara Castle”. The new part can be easily accessed by JR railways, and is located the south of Odawara Station. It is said that the castle was first built by the Omori clan in the Middle Ages.

小田原中心部の航空写真~The aerial photo of the central Odawara(国土交通省航空写真に加筆)

It is also said that Soun Hojo from Izu Province (now the eastern part of Shizuoka Pref.) seized it from the Omori, but these details are uncertain. During the Warring States Period, the Hojo clan utilized the castle as their home base. It seems they lived in the hall in the new part and used the older part for besieged.

北条早雲肖像画の複製、小田原城天守閣蔵~The replica of the portrait of Soun Hojo, owned by Odawara Castle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was besieged three times. First, by Kenshin Uesugi. Second, by Shingen Takeda. While both are well known strong warlords, the Hojo were successful in defending the castle both times. The third and last one was the famous Siege of Odawara in 1590 by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

上杉謙信肖像画~The portrait of Kenshin Uesugi(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hojo didn’t want to fight with Hideyoshi. It is said that the battle started with Hojo defying Hideyoshi’s decision of the territories of Hojo and Sanada. However, a historian argues that Hideyoshi tried to fight and exclude Hojo from the first, then deceived them. I’d rather prefer the later.

豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Anyway, before the battle, Hojo surrounded the whole area including the castle town by huge earthen walls and trenches called “So-gamae”. Their perimeter was about 9 km and part of them were doubled or tripled. Hideyoshi laid siege to the castle with over 200,000 soldiers for three months.

赤い線は総構え土塁の推定ライン~The red line shows the estimated line of So-gamae earthen walls

During the siege, most of Hojo’s branch castles were captured. Many historians say there was nothing for Hojo to do. On the other hand, any soldier on Hideyoshi side was not able to invade the inside of Odawara Castle. In fact, Hideyoshi himself emulated the castle for his Osaka Castle after the battle. Many other lords who joined the battle did so too.

大坂城~Osaka Castle

Hojo got fired after he surrendered to Hideyoshi, who was also cruel to his supporters. He ordered Ieyasu Tokugawa to directly move to Hojo’s territory without returning home. Nobukatsu Oda was also fired because he rejected his transfer. In the Edo Period, the castle was reduced to the new area belonging to Odawara Domain.

相模国小田原城絵図部分、江戸時代~Part of the illustration of Odawara Castle in Sagami Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)


Now, from the east entrance of Odawara Station, you can take a shortcut directly to the Honmaru enclosure of Odawara Castle along the JR railways. If you have time, I recommend going towards the front, then turn right on Oshirobata Street. You will reach the Ninomaru enclosure where the development project was done recently.

城周辺の地図~The map of around the castle

The original route to the castle has been recreated with the restored Umafdashi-mon Gate and Akagane-mon Gate. They were restored based on old photographs, drawings and so on.

馬出門~Umafdashi-mon Gate
銅門~Akagane-mon Gate

You can go up further and arrive at the Tenshu keep passing through the Tokiwagi-mon Gate. Both of them were apparently restored in the Showa Era.

本丸に向かいます~Going to Honmaru enclosure
常盤木門~Tokiwagi-mon Gate

Tenshu is also used as a museum. If you return taking the left back route, you can also see abandoned stones which collapsed from Honmaru stone walls when Great Kanto Earthquakes in 1923 happened.

外観復元天守~The apparently restored Tenshu keep
崩れた石垣~The collapsing stone walls

If you interested in the older part of Odawara Castle, there are few ruins near it.

古城周辺の地図~The map of around the old castle

・The Eastern Enclosure of Hachimanyama-Kokaku: It was the edge of the old castle. It has been developed recently and open to the public. It still seems to be simple, but you can take a picture of Tenshu with the background of the sea because of its location being just the opposite of Tensh across from the railways.

八幡山古郭東曲輪~The Eastern Enclosure of Hachimanyama-Kokaku
曲輪からの眺め~A view from the enclosure

・Komine large-scale trenches: They are a few remaining ruins of “So-gamae”. Out of them, The East Moat “Higashi-bori” is about 170m long and partly zigzagged. You can walk through the bottom of the trench and feel how large it is. Imagine such huge structures surrounded the whole of Odarwara City!

東堀大堀切~Higashi-bori large-scale trench
曲がりくねった部分~The zigzaged part

・Sannomaru outline Shinbori earthen walls: They have been open since 2012. The ground was used for the second house of the Imperial Family Kaninnomiya before World War II. After the war, Odawara City bought it from an institution. You will have a great view of mountains and the sea around Odawara including the ruins of Ishigakiyama Castle where Hideyoshi built his stronghold.

三の丸外郭新堀土塁~Sannnomru outline Shinbori earthen walls
土塁からの眺め~A view from the earthen walls

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, most of the castle buildings were demolished. In the mid Meiji Period, the ruins of the castle were used as one of the Imperial Villas, but the Great Kanto Earthquakes broke all of them. After that, they were developed as Odawara Castle Park. Tenshu keep was rebuilt in 1960 after a Ferris wheel was installed on the Tenshu base.

天守台の上の観覧車、1950年代~The Ferris wheel on the Tenshu base, in the 1950s(小田原市Websiteより引用)

私の感想~My Impression

In Japanese, there is a figurative expression called “Odawara Hyojo” which means an inconclusive conference. People think Hojo wondered if they should surrender or not during the three month siege. However, the expression first spread more than 100 years after the battle in war chronicles of the Edo Period. The defeated Hojo couldn’t argue that.

北条氏政肖像画、北条氏四代目当主、小田原城天守閣蔵~The portrait of Ujimasa Hojo, the forth head of the Hojo clan, owned by Odawara Castle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The two major options for defenders are to wait for reinforces or to repel the attackers. I think that Hojo was waiting for Masamune Date who was once their ally, but finally served Hideyoshi as a vassal. The other option, beating Hideyoshi back was impossible. The rest was how they surrendered. Indeed, some messengers suggested Hojo surrender and negotiate conditions. It is said that the condition might allow Hojo to keep part of their territory. Hojo accepted that, but they were deceived again in the end.

伊達政宗像、仙台市博物館蔵(The picture of Masamune Date owned by Sendai City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

ここに行くには~How to get There

To the new “Odawara Castle” or The Eastern Enclosure of Hachimanyama-Kokaku:
When using train, it takes about 10 minutes on foot from Odawara Station. When using car, it takes about 5 minutes from the Odawara IC on Seishou Bypass. There are private parking lots around Odawara Castle Park.
To Komine large-scale trenches or Sannomaru outline Shinbori earthen walls:
When using train, it takes about 20 to 30 minutes on foot from Odawara Station. When using car, it takes about 5 minutes from the Ogikubo IC on Odawara-Atsugi Road. You can park at the Shiroyama Park near the ruins.

リンク、参考情報~Links and Refernces

【公式】小田原城 難攻不落の城~【Official】Odawara Castle Immortal Castle
小田原市、まち歩きパンフレットOdawara City, Town walk brochure
小田原城街歩きガイド(Only Japanese)
・「北条氏滅亡と秀吉の策謀、森田善明著」洋泉社(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城2」学研(Japanese Book)

52.観音寺城~Kannonji Castle

The mountain is still full of rocks.

本丸虎口の石垣~The stone walls of the entrance of the Honmaru enclosure(taken by あけび from photoAC)

立地と歴史~Location and History

The Rokkaku clan governed the area in the south part of Omi Province (now called Shiga Pref.) for a long time in the Middle Ages. They at first lived on foot of Mt.Kinugasa. After the Onin War in 1467, battles became usual. This was known as the Warring States Period. The way to deal with such a situation for them was to move to the mountain top with their retainers in their entirety. It was the origin of Kannnoji Castle.

繖山~Mt. Kinugawa(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Rokkaku divided the castle area and assigned an enclosure to each retainer, which was named using their name like “Hirai-Maru”, “Ikeda-Maru” and “Awaji-Maru”. For about 100 years, the castle grew over the whole mountain, with enclosures surrounded by stone walls.

安土城考古博物館にある観音寺城の模型~The miniature model of Kannonji Castle at Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum(licensed by ブレイズマン via Wikimedia Commons)

At its peak, the castle had over 1,000 enclosures. In 1532, the head of the clan, Sadayori Rokkaku accommodated the Shogun, Yoshiharu Ashikaga who escaped from Kyoto. Yoshiharu established the temporary government at Kuwanomi-Tera Temple in the castle and stayed there for three years.

等持寺にある足利義晴の木像~The wooden statue of Yoshiharu Ashikaga at Tojiji Temple(licensed by Geneast via Wikimedia Commons)

Sadayori prepared luxury palaces for the Shogun. He also built a two-story meeting club to host visitors at his Honmaru enclosure. However, the castle was not so strong compared to its appearance. The senior vassals were likely independent, possibly be against their master. Their halls were built for living rather than for battle. Overall, the castle might have not been suitable for a long siege.

佐々木古城跡繖山観音山画図、江戸時代~The illustration of the old Kannnonji Castle, in the Edo Period(licelicensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

As a result, Rokkaku often took a little strange tactic. When a battle happened, if large troops attached Kannonji Castle. They escaped from the castle in advance. That made the enemy capture the castle easily. Then, Rokkaku started a guerrilla fighting with their branch castles around. They knew the weak points of Kannnonji Castle, could attack their enemy efficiently, and finally got the castle back.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

In 1568, when Nobunaga Oda tried to come to Kyoto, he asked Rokkaku for cooperation. Rokkaku refused and fought with Oda. As soon as Oda quickly took Rokkaku’s branch Mitsukuri Castle, Rokkaku escaped from Kannnoji Castle. This might be their traditional way, but they couldn’t return again. As all the branch castles surrendered to Oda, and most of former Rokkaku retainers served to Oda. There would be nothing to do for Rokkaku. Oda seemed to use Kannouji Castle for a while, before abandoning it.

織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

There are several routes for climbing up to the castle ruins. One of the two major ones is through Kannonshoji Temple. The temple is older than the castle, and was supported by Rokkaku. You can park at the end of Kannnonji-Sanrindo Tollway under the temple, walk to the center of the ruins in about 15 minutes.

観音正寺~Kannonshoji Temple(licensed by Jnn via Wikipedia Commons)
山上に通じる山道~The trail that leads to the top(taken by あけび from photoAC)

There are the ruins of Honmaru, Ikeda-Maru and Hirai-Maru around the top area. All three are spacious and have large stone walls around. The walls are piled with natural stones called “Nozura-Zumi”. It is one of the earliest examples of stone walls being used in earnest for castles. Historians also say the similar size of enclosures among the lord’s Honmaru and the retainer’s others shows their power balance. The power of the lord might have been relatively weak.

本丸虎口跡~The ruins of the Honmaru enclosure entrance(taken by あけび from photoAC)
池田丸跡~The ruins of Ikeda-Maru enclosure(taken by あけび from photoAC)
平井丸虎口跡~The ruins of the Hirai-Maru enclosure entrance(taken by あけび from photoAC)

The other of the major routes is through Kuwanomi-Tera Temple. You can first park at Azuchi Archeological Museum, then walk to the start point of the trail in the northeast direction. Climb up beautiful stairways to the temple. It has the remaining Mail Hall built nearly 700 years ago and designated as a National Important Property. The trail goes up further along the river valley. You can also see a lot of abandoned huge stones that are from the ruins of enclosures. You will reach the top after 30 minutes to 1 hour walk in total.

桑実寺に向かう階段~The stairway to Kuwanomi-Tera Temple(taken by あけび from photoAC)
桑実寺本堂~The Main Hall of Kuwanomi-Tera Temple(licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later Life

Beside Kannnonshoji and Kuwanomi-Tea temples, part of the ruins seemed to be used for other temples. The castle ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1982.

本丸跡の内部~The inside of the Honmaru enclosure ruins(taken by あけび from photoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

The ruins of the castle have a lot of mysteries. The study of their details is still very new. Some local people also try to explore the ruins. In response, officials have been developing the ruins little by little. I’m looking foward to having a new experience in the near future.

山上からの眺め~A view from the top(taken by あけび from photoAC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 30 minutes from the Yokaichi IC or the Ryuo IC on Meishin Expressway. Please make sure that Kannnonji-Sanrindo Tollway is only open between 8:30 and 16:30.
When using train, I recommend you to use a rental bicycle, because the ruins and about 3km from JR Azuchi Station. There are two rental bicycle shops in front of the station. You can also leave your baggage there.
From Tokyo to Azuchi st.:
Take the Tokaido Shinkansen superexpress to Maibara station, and transfer for JR Biwako line.
From Osaka to Azuchi st.:
Take the train on JR Kyoto line from Osaka or Shin-Osaka station.
This information is almost the same as Azuchi Castle. How about visiting the set of both castles.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

観音寺城跡(滋賀県観光情報)(Only Japanese?)
あづち周遊(Only Japanese)
観音寺城|散策の備忘録(Only Japanese)
・「六角定頼/村井祐樹著」ミネルヴァ書房(Japanese Book)
・「幻の観音寺城/南條範夫著」文春文庫(Japanese Book)
・「石垣の名城完全ガイド/千田嘉博著」講談社(Japanese Book)