67.津山城~Tsuyama Castle

The castle built up with impregnable defenses

立地と歴史~Location and History

森忠政が築城~Tadamada Mori built the castle

Tsuyama City is located in the northern part of Okayama Prefecture in the Chugoku Region. In the past, the area where the city was located was the center of Mimasaka Province. In 1603, the Tokugawa Shogunate sent Tadamasa Mori to this area as the lord of the province. His territory was called the Tsuyama Feudal Domain. He tried to build the strongest castle ever on a 50m high mountain called Kakuzan. That was Ttsuyama Castle.

城の位置と美作国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Mimasaka Province

Though the Shogunate was already established then, its relations with the Toyotomi clan in Osaka were very strained. It allowed its lords to build and improve their castle more against the Toyotomi. The construction of Tsuyama Castle lasted for 13 years, but it was stopped in 1616, because Toyotomi was defeated in 1615.

森忠政の銅像~The statue of Tadamasa Mori

3段積み、60の櫓、5層の天守~Three tiers, Sixty turrets and Five-layer Main Tower

Tadamasa covered the whole mountain with stone walls like three tiers nicknamed “Hifumi-dan”. The upper tier is called the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru”, the middle one is called the Second Enclosure or “Ninomaru”, and the lower one is called the Third Enclosure or “Sannnomaru”. He also built 60 turrets on these stone walls, which was one of the largest numbers of turrets Japan’s castles had. That made Tsuyama Castle so impregnable that enemies had to go a long way through a gate, and zigzag under the turrets to reach Honmaru

城周辺の起伏地図、3段がくっきり見えます~The relief map around the castle, you can see the three tiers clearly

In addition, the castle had the five-layer Main Tower in Honmaru or also called “Tenshu”. Tenshu usually has decorations such as gables or “Hafu” and bell-shaped windows or “Kato-mado”. It had simply square floors diminished towards the top with minimal roofing. It was because of the new method of building Tenshu called multi-storied type or “Soto-shiki”. The method made building Tenshu more efficient and also made the castle and Tenshu easy to protect.

天守を含む津山城の古写真、明治初期、松平国忠撮影~The old photo of Tsuyama Castle including Tenshu, in the early Meiji Period, taken by Kunitada (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The Mori clan was removed from the castle in 1697 due to a lord’s personal nature. After that the Matsudaira clan governed Tsuyama Domain and the castle until the end of the Edo Period.

美作国津山城絵図部分、江戸時代~Part of the illustration of Tsuyama Castle in Mimasaka Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

本丸への長い道のり~The long way to Honmaru

Now, the ruins of Tsuyama Castle is used as Kakuzan Park which is also known for cherry blossoms. Visitors usually enter the park from the entrance in the south going up stone stairs. Turning to the right, there are the ruins of Kabuki-mon Gate, the entrance of Sannnomaru, and the first tier. In fact, the gate had no buildings even in the past, as making them were not allowed after the construction stopped in 1616.

鶴山公園の入口~The entrance of Kakuzan Park
冠木門跡~The ruins of Kabuki-mon Gate

Next, you can go up to the ruins of Omotenaka-mon Gate, the entrance of Ninomaru, the second tier. There was a huge gate building. You have to turn 180 degrees to enter the enclosure, because the following gate ruins Shisoku-mon are set reversed. That way, enemies were not able to attack the castle easily.

表中門跡~The ruins of Omotenaka-mon Gate,
二の丸入口、もう90度左に曲がる必要があります~The entrance of Ninomaru, you have to turn left at 90 degrees to enter

To reach Honmaru, you have to go through a narrow area in Ninomaru. You can look up at the beautiful restored Bicchu Turret of Honmaru. Although it is beautiful, it should have been a threat to enemies in the past.

二の丸から見た備中櫓~Bicchu Turret from Ninomaru
狭い二の丸を振り返って見る~Looking back the narrow Ninomaru

Honmaru also had two gates and a zigzagged route like Ninomaru, but could be more defensive. You can also see the ruins of the gates, Kitte-mon and Omote-Kurogane-mon.

切手門跡~The ruins of Kitte-mon gate
本丸の入口、表鉄門~The ruins of Omote-Kurogane-mon gate, the entrance of Honmaru

本丸の見どころ~The highlights of Honmaru

Honmaru, the third tier is spacey. It was packed with a lot of halls, and is an open space now. Only Bicchu Turret out of the 60 turrets has been restored to its original state and is now open to the public. The interior is unexpectedly livable because the lord himself or notable women might have used it. Such a turret was very different from other turrets. That’s why the turret was first restored.

備中櫓の入口~The entrance of Bicchu Turret
備中櫓の内部~The inside of Bicchu Turret

As for the Tenshu, the base stone walls for it still remain. Views from the top of the base are very good, and a heart shaped stone among the stone walls has become popular recently.

天守台~the stone wall base for Tenshu
天守台からの眺め~A view from the base
ハート型の石~The heart shaped stone

The back of Honmaru also has stone walls for turret ruins like Awazumi Turret. It looks like natural terrain remains in the back of the mountain.

山の背後部分~The back of the mountain

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Tsuyama Castle was abandoned and all of its buildings were demolished. Only the building of Shisoku-mon Gate was moved to a shrine and remains there to this day. After a while, the remaining stone walls started to collapse, so Tsuyama Town who owned the ruins in 1900 as Kakuzan Park, planted cherry blossoms there. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1963. In 2005, the building of Bicchu Turret was restored in its original form.

備中櫓と桜~(Bicchu Turret and cherry blossoms (taken by しばやん from PhotoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

I was so surprised to see that such tough stone walls remain so well. That’s because Tsuyama City has been putting great resources into maintaining the stone walls. Historians point out that the cherry trees also damage them, so some of the trees should be removed. It is too controversial to solve because of their blossoms being very popular for tourists. I hope these issues will be fixed and the ruins will be developed more.

本丸からの眺め~A view from Honmaru

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 15 minutes from the Tsuyama IC or the Innosho IC on Chogoku Expressway. The park offers a parking lot.
If you want to go there by train: It takes about 10 minutes on foot from JR Tsuyama Station.
From Tokyo, Nagoya, or Osaka to Tsuyama Station: Take the Shinkansen super express and transfer to Tsuyama local line at Okayama Station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

津山城について(津山市公式サイト)Sightseeing in Tsuyama(Tsuyama City Official Website)
・「石垣の名城完全ガイド/千田嘉博著」講談社(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城5」学研(Japanese Book)

151.吉田城~Yoshida Castle

Is it really uncompleted?

立地と歴史~Location and History

戦国大名が城を巡り争う~Warlords battled over the castle

Yoshida Castle is located beside the meeting point of Toyokawa and Asakura-gawa Rivers in what is now Toyohashi City, Aichi Pref. Its location was also strategic for transportation in ground and water, so Warlords such as the Imagawa and Tokugawa clans battled each other over this castle during the Sengoku or Warring States Period. It was finally conquered and owned by Tokugawa for many years. Though the structure of the castle in the Tokugawa’s Era was not clear, historians speculate the foundation of the caste was all made of earth.

城の位置~The location of the castle

城から見た豊川~A view of Toyokawa River from the castle

池田輝政が城を拡張~Terumasa Ikeda improved the castle

In 1590, the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered Tokugawa to move to the Kanto Region, and placed Terumasa Ikeda as the lord of the castle. Terumasa improved the castle, building turrets and stone walls over a period of ten years. After that, hereditary feudal lords under the Tokugawa Shogunate governed and maintained the castle in the Edo Period. At its peak, with the back of the rivers, it had the Honmaru, Ninomaru, Sannnomaru enclosures towards the outside, divided by deep moats. It also had earthen walls as the outline whose perimeter was about 4 km.

池田輝政肖像画、鳥取県立美術館蔵~The Portrait of Terumasa Ikeda, owned by Tottori prefectural art museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
吉田藩士屋敷図~The map of Yoshida feudal domain houses(現地説明板より)


未完成の城?~Incomplete castle?

Yoshida Castle is sometimes called an incomplete castle, and one reason is because it had no Main Tower or Tenshu, and was just partly covered with stone walls, compared to other major castles in Tokai Region like Nagoya, Okazaki, Hamamatsu, Kakegawa, and Sunpu. Another reason is due to Terumasa. He completed Himeji Castle, a World Heritage Site, after he moved from Yoshida. Some people guess he might have completed Yoshida Castle like Himeji if he had spent more time in Yoshida.

本丸の周辺、部分的に石垣が使われている~The around Honmaru , partly covered by stone walls
世界遺産、姫路城~Himeji Castle, a World Heritage Site

鉄櫓が天守か?~Was Kurogane Turret the Main Tower?

Some historians argue that the castle must have had a Tenshu despite no records remaining. Others say that a three-story turret in the castle, called “Kurogane” Turret, was the Tenshu, as the turret was larger than other Tenshu in some castles and the gate using iron (called Kurogane) was usually used for Tenshu. In the matter of stone walls, local historians explain that the castle had basically been made of earth. Because of it, Terumasa built his stone walls on where he needed them. There were many places which were not suitable for building stone walls. Actually, the lords of the castle following Terumasa all put great efforts to repair the stone walls after floods and earthquakes

吉田城の古写真~An old picture of Yoshida Castle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
多くの石垣が修復されています~A lot of stone wall were repaired

城跡は豊橋公園に~Ruins become Toyohashi Park

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

Now, the ruins of the castle, almost the inside of Sannnomaru, are used as Toyohashi Park. You can mainly enjoy the Honmaru area and the riverside as historical spots. There is the reconstructed Kurogane Turret built in 1954 on the original stone walls base by Terumasa. The original turret was said to be larger than the current one.

本丸の入口~The entrance of Honmaru area
再建された鉄櫓~The reconstructed Kurogane Turret

Other stone walls inside Honmaru were built when the main hall for Shogun was built after Terumasa. You can also see lots of stone walls along the riverside which were replaced much later. There are also the ruins of the water gate there. The rest of the park is used for cultural and athletic facilities. You may even find the ruin such as earthen walls, stone walls, and dry moats there.

本丸の内側~The inside of Honmaru
川沿いの遊歩道~The promenade along the riverside
水門跡~The ruins of the water gate

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Yoshida Castle was abolished and all of the buildings were demolished. The ruins were used by the Japanese Army until World War II.

歩兵第118連隊の記念碑~The monument of the The 118th infantry regiment

私の感想~My Impression

I think all the castles were never completed. They all had been used for battles, governance and authority, not for art. They had to be modified to deal with a different situations. Even now, castles and ruins are always changing, and that is what is attracting us. In addition, even if Terumasa stayed in Yoshida for more years, Yoshida Castle would have been different from Himeji. It would have depended on its location and situation.

本丸の空堀、右側は石垣、左側は土塁~The dry moat at Honmaru, the right side is stone walls, the left side is earthen walls

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 20 minutes from the Toyohashi IC on Tomei Expressway. There is a parking lot in the park.
When using train, take the tram for Akaiwaguchi, Undokoen-mae or Keirinjo-mae at the Eki-mae stop in front of Toyohashi Station, and take off the Shiyakusho-mae or Toyohashikoen-mae stop.
From Tokyo or Osaka to Toyohashi Station: Take the Shinkansen super express.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

吉田城(豊橋公園)、愛知県公式観光サイトYoshida Castle – Kurogane Yagura Tower – Toyohashi Park
・「三河吉田城/岩原剛編」戒光祥出版(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城3」学研(Japanese Book)


It is in a laid-back country town.

立地と歴史~Location and History

戦略的な立地~Strategic Location

Most of Chugoku Region consists of mountain areas. In the Middle Age, many castles were built in the mountains. Wakasa-Oniga-Jo (Jo means castle) was one of them. The castle was on the top of a 452 m high mountain called Tsuruo-yama in Inaba Province (part of now Tottori Pref.). It was considered important because of its strategic location being near the route connecting two provinces, Tajima and Harima (parts of now Hyogo Pref.).

城の位置と因幡国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Inaba Province

戦国時代の戦い~Battle in Sengoku Period

This castle was featured in 1575, “Sengoku” or Waring States Period. Shikanosuke Yamanaka who tried to revive his former master Amago clan, captured the castle after he fought at Gassan-Toda Castle and then withdrew from it. His enemy, Mori clan struke back right away and Shikanosuke unfortunately had to withdraw again.

山中鹿之助肖像画部分、安来市立歴史資料館蔵~Part of the portrait of Shikanosuke Yamanaka, owned by Yasugi City History Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

江戸時代初期に廃城~Destroyed in early Edo Period

After the battle of Tottori Castle in 1581, the Kinoshita clan under the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi became the lord of Wakasa-Oniga-Jo. In 1600, the Tokugawa Shogunate replaced Kinoshita with the Yamazaki clan. It is said that both clans reinforced the castle by building stone walls and adding the main tower or “Tenshu”. In 1617, the castle belonged to the Ikeda clan, the lord of Tottori Domain. However, the clan had to destroy the castle on the same year, due to the law of one castle per province.

本丸に残る石垣~The remaining stone walls in the Main enclosure


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

頂上へ約1時間の道のり~About 1 hour walk to the top

You can go to the castle ruins by car or on foot. If you go by walk, there are three trails you can use. Whichever trail you select, you have to climb a 200m elevation and this takes about one hour. After walking along the trail on slopes and ridges, you will first reach the ruins of stone walls called “Rokkaku-Ishigaki” or the Hexagon stone walls. The stone walls were built on the ridge which stretches from the top to guard the Honmaru enclosure.

山道の登り口~The entrance of a trail
The trail on the bottom of a valley~谷底を進む山道
尾根の上を進む山道~The trail of a ridge
六角石垣~Hexagon stone walls

Going further to the top, you will see fences with electric wires. They are installed for protecting Honmaru from animals at night. The castle has had different kinds of enemies over time and the means to repulse them have changed too. You have to remove the hooks of wires and hang them up to their original positions to enter the top. Don’t worry though, the electricity is not activated during daytime.

山頂手前にある電気柵~The electric wires in front of the top

山頂に残る遺跡~Ruins on the top

The top of the mountain has three enclosures – Honmaru or the Main enclosure, Ninomaru or the Second one, and Sannomaru or the Third one. There are also stone walls ruins, but they are partly destroyed or collapsed. Historians say that it shows the state of the castle just after it was destroyed. You can get great views from the top. One of them is the view of Wakasa town. Another is the view of the junction to the routes for former Tajima and Harima Provinces. That’s one of the reasons for the importance of the castle.

崩れた石垣~Collapsing stone walls
二の丸、三の丸周辺~Around the Second and Third enclosures
若桜町の眺め~A view of Wakasa town
本丸にある天守台跡~The ruins of the main tower at the Main enclosure
旧2箇国への分岐点~The junction to the routes for former two Provinces.

その後~Later History

The ruins of Wakasa-Oniga-Jo have been abandoned for a long time. The excavation between 1998 and 2003 by Tottori Prefecture found that the ruins are rare because they remained after destruction. They were designated as a National Historic Site in 2008.

山頂の入口周辺~Around the entrance of the top

私の感想~My Impression

I think the ruins of the castle are great. I also think Wakasa Town has a good laid-back atmosphere. If you walk along the road to or from the castle ruins, you can find many attractions. For example, there are beautiful and well maintained forests. You can also see some status of Buddha along the road. They look pretty and show local people’s religious faith.

森林に囲まれた城跡への道~One of the roads to the ruins of the castle among the forests
森林はよく整備されています~The forests are well maintained
道路脇の石仏~The status of Buddha along the road

In the town area, there is a street with many houses with “Kura-zukuri” or thick mortal walls. This traditional building method was used to protect buildings from fires. You can also see a lot of buildings with beautiful red roof tiles. Temples stand out in particular.

蔵造りの家が並ぶ通り~The street with a lot of “Kura-zukuri” houses
赤瓦~The red roof tiles
赤瓦に覆われたお寺~A temple covered with red roof tiles

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 30 minutes from the Kawahara IC on Tottori Expressway. There is a parking lot near the top.
When using the train, it takes around one hour on foot from Wakasa station on Wakasa Railway, but you can enjoy a lot of things along the way like I mentioned above.
In addition, Wakasa Railway has fantastic tourist trains. They have a retro design inspired by the Showa Era. You can take the train relaxingly and comfortably while enjoying the view of the town.

若桜駅にたたずむレトロデザインの列車~The retro designed train at Wakasa station
観光列車の内装~The interior of the tourist train

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

鬼ヶ城跡、若桜町公式ウェブサイト~Wakasa Town Official Website
・「よみがえる日本の城6」学研(Japanese Book)
・「尼子氏の城郭と合戦/寺村毅著」戒光祥出版(Japanese Book)